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Cal & Mag


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Hello chums 


Had what looked like a cal/mag issue on a few of my last plants, something that hasn't happened on previous grows. I initially thought it was just overfeeding that had caused a lock out or maybe something caused by them spending (unintentionally) a few days in the dark with no extraction but I've just checked my water read out and it says 


calcium 175 mg/l

magnesium 11 mg/l


Which obviously isn't perfect (cal:mag 3:1 iirc) 


I Use Ecothrive Life Cycle which has gypsum and basalt in it, something I thought would have plenty of both in, but double checking that it seems more cal than mag.  


Other feeds used are worm castings and occasionally home made comfrey/mares tale/nettle tea.


Do you think I should be adding some magnesium? And if so how? I don't mind mixing something into my water/feed if I have to. But I'd prefer something slow release I can just add to my soil mix if possible. 


Pictures of the ladies. 





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This is an issue I have had myself in the past. It think you're right it's lack of cal mag. What watts you at? Could you be driving your plants a little hard?   



I've tried Canna mag (I addeedlike .3 ml or summit's per 1l ) think I was abit late to party though. 

I've got some Intense cal mag to try this round but I've not used any yet. It's hard to know when they needs it? @ratdog when did you add cal mag?


Forever learning. 


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6 minutes ago, daggamon said:

Have u tried epsom salts?


I thought epsom was both cal and mag, where I'm pretty sure I need just mag ??

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Just now, MindSoup said:


I thought epsom was both cal and mag, where I'm pretty sure I need just mag ??

Epsom salt is MgSO4 aka magnesium sulphate, there is no calcium in it.

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6 minutes ago, growinggold said:

What watts you at? Could you be driving your plants a little hard?   


I run 180 watts in my 60x60 so pretty high, but at the same time the 8 down lights may not actually be 10 watts each and are definitely jot super efficient. I get par of about 533 30cm down from the centre, but the plants do get closer than that. 



E2A only a few plants in the tent seemed to get the issue. 

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Just now, latigid aikon said:

Epsom salt is MgSO4 aka magnesium sulphate, there is no calcium in it.


Ahaaaaaaa, that's very good to know, so much to learn/remember. Got any good informative links on the subject? 

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@MindSoup I know you probably want a quick fix, but I read this a while back and it might be one to try in the future :yep:

"Coffee has some nitrogen that slowly releases into the soil. It is also very rich in magnesium, copper, potassium, and phosphorus. You can even add it directly into the soil instead of composting. It will break down quickly when mixed in."

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They're all chopped and gone now so a preventative is actually much more what I'm looking for so nice one. Are we talking spent coffee grounds or actual coffee? Unfortunately I'm super sensitive to caffeine and it prangs me out but I'm sure I could get a friend to give me theirs. Where was the quite from I'd be keen to read a bit more. 

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@latigid aikon

Haha it's all on here, just a matter of finding it, there's just so much useful content on here. Good problem to have. 

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I use canna mono Mg,  7% = 70ppm per ml, so easy enough to work out dosages.  
Have a read through this thread....


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Cal 175mg/L 

Mag 11mg/L 


Means I need to add 47.3mg/l of magnesium to get 3:1. Would that equate to 47.3mg of Epsom salts or does the sulphate part change things? I'm tempted just to buy a bottle of to make it easier, but I'm assuming it will just be an epsom salt solution and cost more and I'm a tight cunt lol.



Please correct me if my maths/assumption is wrong. The ppm/ml/mg thing is making my head spin 


E2A For my future reference Canna Mono MG is 7mg per 0.1ml so I need to add 0.67ml per Litre to get my ratio correct. 

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I'm getting tired of seeing these threads lol


A whole thread and there has been zero mention of environmental conditions. Whats the temps, leaf surface temps, and RH? and min/max? How often are you watering, what size pots, and how much?


Chances are your probem is probably environmental or user error rather than there isn't enough calcium in your mix. There is.

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