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Limelock Tegridy Test

Tegridy Farms

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22 hours ago, Tegridy Farms said:

@OldFord have you got some beans for next season??


Just had a drop of fresh stock from Sweets, Seed Stockers , Sagarmatha due tomoz.   Panik's & Amarilo Slims are a def.     Got a few other bits coming.  

Large light dep frame made,  will be GG and garden next year , just wasnt fit enough this year after covid kicked my arse.   

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@OldFord  I’ve got some seed stockers on the way for the pot noodle comp mark’s arranged. 

Yeah definitely +1 on slim and paniks beans.

I ran paniks purkle last grow, lovely plants. Some real nice flavours to be found.

Slims beans are next level, these plants have the loudest smell. Had to change my filter sooner than planned. I knocked a few buds changing my filter the other day...the mrs was not impressed, instant stink. Never grown anything as stinky as this since my first cheese grow.


Ive always been tempted to get into gg, might just go for it next year.

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Back with a sad update....


Found a small amount of budrot in the centre of one of the bigger colas today, so I cut away any thing contaminated. Double checked all my other large colas, nothing to be seen, thank goodness. I managed to catch it quick, so I actually managed to salvage most of what I cut away and now have a bit of early smoke drying out. Didn’t grab any pics of before/after but you can just see the first signs in this one.



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Week 7.




Been a busy week for me, haven’t had as much time with the plants as I’d have liked. Their starting to put on weight now. Started reducing Flores over the last few days.


This is my poor girl that went bad, well, what’s left of her. She has a limey smell but there’s something else in there….it’s something I’ve smoked before but not for years, can’t work out what it is. But when I was chopping and handling the bud, the smell was very familiar, almost skunky, but not, if that makes any sense. Probably not lol 


Largest cola, been inspected more than once over the last week. To be fair this cola is bigger, but not as dense as the one that I found rot in.


This one smells like apples.


And finally my gorilla are starting to finish off, gonna try keep them in with the limelock till the end, as I was hoping to use this tent for drying in.





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Looking good in here tegs, and glad you got an apple smelling pheno...  


I will be sure to test for mold resistance during selection of current parents. Something I hadn't seen with these before now.  



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so….Saturday morning I’ve sliced up my right hand on glass, done a pretty good job of it too. I cut through a tendon and an artery, had to have emergency surgery and not really in a place to care for the plants, so it’s looking like il have to chop a week earlier than I wanted too, also struggling to get any pics worth uploading atm.

Havent quite worked out how I’m actually gonna chop them yet. Should be fun. 

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I’ve started flushing them, will give them a week and chop then, possibly the weekend. Il try and get some semi decent pics before chop.

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8 hours ago, Tegridy Farms said:

so….Saturday morning I’ve sliced up my right hand on glass, done a pretty good job of it too. I cut through a tendon and an artery, had to have emergency surgery and not really in a place to care for the plants, so it’s looking like il have to chop a week earlier than I wanted too, also struggling to get any pics worth uploading atm.

Havent quite worked out how I’m actually gonna chop them yet. Should be fun. 

shit mate, hope your ok.


on a similar note. I fractured the bone in my right hand and it’s not healed. It’s been 4 months now so I’m seeing a surgeon in a week. It’s the one that connects me ring finger to me wrist (metacarpal of the third finger). The finger has shrunk due to missing/unaligned bone and it pulls all the other fingers out of line.

Anyway, I can’t do a lot now. I can’t lift pans and shit and cutting food up and all that bollocks. So I have a bit of understanding what it’s like. Frustrating as fuck but I get the daily living component now so I can get by. Just need to work out who best to take the carers allowance to help clean the house and shit. My brother would do it but he’d want free weed too. Tricky.

Somethings are really frustrating like trimming weed may be impossible now so I’m gonna just have to spend out on a trim bag and have done with it. I prefer weed with all it’s heads shiney and intact but needs must.

Also filling my res up once a week by carrying milk bottles in my left hand to the drobe is a twat as well but at least it’s a one day a week affair.


i just got a new development board and sensors for the automated watering system as well so should work better now.


hope all goes well anyway and the hand doesn’t last long.

Edited by Whatwentwrong
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@Whatwentwrong thanks bud.


yeah proper sucks, I can’t even play the ps4 atm lol And like you say trimming etc is not going to be fun.

I had specialist plastic surgeons rebuild one side of my hand, I’d post pics but it’s too much of a security risk as the pics have my prints in lol I gotta go back on Friday to have it cleaned and to check progress. Hopefully I’d should have more use of my hand by that point.


Refilling the res is not fun, glad I’m only adding tap water now and no longer mixing in nutes. I’m half filling a 6 litre watering can and doing it that way.


Rolling a joint takes a whilst though. Gotta use my teeth to hold one half of the grinder lol and tucking the rizzla is the hardest fucking part. Takes a good 20 mins at best.


Still gotta work out how I’m gonna untangle the scrog net from the plants, that can be tricky with both hands.

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7 minutes ago, Tegridy Farms said:

the pics have my prints in

lollollol my Xbox too man.


yeah, I agree with tucking the rizla. I roll roach in so I can do most of it with my left but it’s just getting that first roll. I still have my thumb and my index finger I can use so it’s not too bad.


I smoke too many spliffs a day so I worked it out if you smoke 20 spliffs a day for twenty years it’s almost 150,000 (146,000) spliffs so I’ve had tons of practice. 


Roll them left handed with my eyes closed now a days.

(Wiv it tied behind me back whilst doing keep ups balancing on a tight rope, defo)

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On 26/10/2021 at 11:28 AM, Tegridy Farms said:

so….Saturday morning I’ve sliced up my right hand on glass, done a pretty good job of it too. I cut through a tendon and an artery, had to have emergency surgery and not really in a place to care for the plants, so it’s looking like il have to chop a week earlier than I wanted too, also struggling to get any pics worth uploading atm.

Havent quite worked out how I’m actually gonna chop them yet. Should be fun. 


Shit, that sounds like a proper nasty injury.  Hope it heals up fully and quickly for you! 


As much as harvest sounds like might be a mission, I guess its nice to know you'll have lots of good flower to smoke during recovery... 

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End of week 8.



Not the best of shots this week due to my hand, or lack of.

Had a few more issues with mold affecting the limelock main colas. Lost another one a few days back, it looked fine but just had that gut instinct, opened her up and then gave her the chop. Strangely the largest one seems completely unaffected by it what so ever.

The buds are ridiculously sticky, which is likely where my problem is coming from.

The smell from the limelock is very limey/apple, a little gassy and very pungent.



Mostly everything seems to be near ready except this beast as she’s so close to the light, she just keeps putting out more pistils.


The gorilla are just finishing up. Packing on some serious weight every day now.




Im going to get my bandages taken off for the first time since surgery tomorrow, so looking forwards to that. 




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End of week 9 (flower) - Harvest.



With a lot of swearing, I managed to untangle and remove my scrog net and chop and hang everything in the tent within an hour. Not bad, considering I’ve only got the full use of one hand atm.

I didn’t get the best of pics as I’m was in a bit of a rush and knew I had a mountain in front of me. But I will make up for that with lots of bud shots, once dried and cured. Roll on the next few weeks. 

The limelock could of done with another week at least but the gorilla wanted out and I’ve pushed them enough as it is.

So as growing plants goes, limelock was fairly easy. Smells of lime/apple, hoping that comes through on the taste. Not very fussy nutrient wise. Definitely grew too close to the lights. In hindsight I’d have topped and trained them better and flipped sooner as they had taken over the tent by the time the stretch finished. They’ve definitely been exposed to too much light, so lesson learned there. I also suffered with botrytis in 2 main colas and one other large bud on the limelocks. Humidity sat around 50-60% throughout all of flower except the last week I managed to get it to drop to 50%. It happens. Just wish I could of given them the extra week they wanted.

Thanks again @Amarillo slim, these have been a pleasure to grow. I’m eagerly looking forwards to what you will eventually cook up with these genetics. 
Thanks to all that’s followed along on this grow. I will be back with loads of budshots and a smoke report soon. Until then il leave you with these…








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