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Anyone using blumats in coco?


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Hello, ive taken the plunge and joined the blumat revolution.

i ordered up a 12 pot set last night. 


So i will be using these in coco, and just wondered if anyone is currently using them in coco, could maybe help out with a few pointers on set up, results, tips  tricks etc?


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Just used some google fu to dig this thread up there's links to some diaries as well as general advice on blumats as well.



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@badbillybob you will struggle to go wrong buddy with your experience. If I can do it youve easy got it covered. Put them in the pot turn the little cap and your sorted. My only advice would be to cut all your pipe and layout ect before the plants are in sitchu, save any plant damage ect. 

Edited by growinggold
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Had been looking at doing the same thing for the plants on 1 shelf in my flower cab, to help cut down on the manual work a little. Seems easy enough to setup.


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6 minutes ago, growinggold said:

@badbillybob you will struggle to go wrong buddy with your experience. If I can do it youve easy got it covered. Put them in the pot turn the little cap and your sorted. My only advice would be to cut all your pipe and layout ect before the plants are in sitchu, save any plant damage ect. 

with my experience? 

you obviously havnt seen my last few shit shows then hahaha.


cheers for the pointers, i will give them a run when they arrive, they sound ideal, low maintenance (compared to RDWC), its gonna be fun learning something new, and the low maintenance appeals..

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@badbillybobwhen you do solve it, can you detail it pls? Theres a couple of sizes isnt there? or is that just the kits?


I was looking for a while, a time ago, and couldnt get that much info. I remember being concerned about the pot size i wanted to use and it not really working, or being tricky to fathom, whatever...but since there wasnt much info about i dropped it. I could really do with them now to be fair. On reflection the one thing i do, kind of, remember... was that i thought I would have to use 3-4 of the blumats per pot in 15L pots to get the coverage, or was it 2-3? It was at least 2, lets just say that...stoner memory from 6/7 yrs ago.... The idea looked sound all the way, but I was also a soil grower about to hiatus for 5 years at the time and I know they don't work so good in soil. 


I always ask the same question, until I get the answer I want :) - I assume with a resevoir, and salt based nutes, some agitation will need to occur? otherwise the PH adjust will time out...if you use a passive resevoir, how long do you plan it to work. days wise (In hydro we changed it weekly - but its moving). I got stuck with autopots as well, as thats a passive res too...


@growinggoldare you running them?



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@zeroG yes mate I've ran them in both my diaries in my signature. The little cupboard and sweet seeds comp. I've used one carrot in 6.5l and 12l pots both work good and only need 1 tropf carrot each. Resi wise I used 30l black wham box wa alike £5 and £8 small pond pump off the zon to turn it over water. Works great.




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Rather than have multiple sensors in a pot @zeroG you'd want to look at the distribution setup. A single dripper will be sufficient for pots up to 25cm in diameter. Larger pots you still run a single sensor but you buy the accessories to run a drip ring to get a wider distribution. People water entire raised beds off a single sensor hooked up to a soaker hose. It's all about where you position everything sensor placement is key. Running multiple sensors is generally not recommended because they end up fighting with each other and tuning the setup becomes almost impossible. 

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i will definitely post up my set up and findings, when they arrive. 

my plan is to use 10 litre or 12 litre pots and 2 blumats per pot, just to get coverage, and just because there is 12 in a set, be a shame not to use them. 

for the res i will be using a 44 litre really useful box, with a maxijet pump  on timer to stir it up every couple of hours, i will ad some form of filter before the tank outlet to keep any stray crap from the lines.  will not be filling this to the brim as i dont want a flooded tent should there be a runaway dripper. 

ive got some dexion shelving next to my tent anyway so will have this up on that. 

The kits use the small ones from what ive seen, but as long as the pot isnt too deep im sure they will be fine, they are about 5 inches from what ive read. there are longer ones available, but these are for large containers. 


im going to give them a run and see how they do in coco, who knows i might even become a convert. 

Edited by badbillybob
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Here's an example of a single carrot sensor with wide area / multiple drip point distribution setup. The key is to ensure all the drip points are spaced evenly and the carrot sensor is placed where it can get an average reading.




Just an idea I saw FCP had one of the guys from blumat on recently and he said what they're seeing now is better results from a single sensor with a proper irrigation setup for the size of pot rather than multiple sensors in the same pot. These systems have been around for years and there's quite a bit of old info out there.


Here's a couple of helpful vids.





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Im looking about 20 of them to use in 3 litre pots of coco/perlite for a sog grow, not sure if these would be the best way to go or just go simple drip feed and a timer. Any ideas folks?.


Edited by tokenroll
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somedays you hit the jackpot, others not. Today is that day, the jackpot day. Looking through the gardens and commercial ops running them brings back all the research I did back in the day. Its Still sound, and i'm looking to automate in some way. Happening across you bunch of autowatering experts, seals todays deal :D  - I just subbed this. Thanks. @growinggold - didnt you pop up in one of my other threads? Ill be reading your daries in detail. Cheers.


When I looked into auto watering years ago, i was a stalwart soil grower, not much autowatering works with soil, in doors and in pots - easily anyway. Now Im a coco grower, 6-7 grows strong, understanding the medium better, and knowing what it does opens up a great many autowatering doors lol Coco is just too effecient! I'd completely forgotten one of the main reason I switched - to get more weeks on holiday in the snow/sea/hills/dales - keep turing the light off for weeks and fiuring up again is no good, it works, but your not getting the expert weed from the compromise...Now I got the bottle to switch over, the journey continues...Nice!


@badbillybobnice one :)

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