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Spray terpenes post harvest


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Leave it. Burp when/if it gets too high but otherwise don't touch or open them. It will stabilise. Bovedas are unecessary and reduce smell and flavour. If you wanted to increase humidity you could put a small jar of wet tissue in with holes in the lid for a couple of hours. But if it's high 50s as you say I'd just leave it.


I used to use them in all my jars, did several trials after being told they reduce flavour (which at the time I doubted), and now I don't.


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So should I remove them?

EDIT: Removed them now - let's see what happens.

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If it's flavour you want. Yes in my opinion.


There are other ways to rehumidify bud but getting the moisture back won't magic back the smell. It'll change it, but not create something that isn't there.


Initially most nugs don't smell loads after drying. All the volatile compounds that create the smells (not just terps by a long way) evaporated off the bud surface. There's still some inside. How hot and dry it was/how small the nugs are will determine how many. They will migrate back out to the outside. Then it might smell better.


Think about a Sharpie. Take of the lid, sniff it. Leave it an hour with the lid off sniff it. Then put the lid on for an hour, sniff it again. Magic.

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6 hours ago, FarmerPalmersNT said:

If it's flavour you want. Yes in my opinion.


There are other ways to rehumidify bud but getting the moisture back won't magic back the smell. It'll change it, but not create something that isn't there.


Initially most nugs don't smell loads after drying. All the volatile compounds that create the smells (not just terps by a long way) evaporated off the bud surface. There's still some inside. How hot and dry it was/how small the nugs are will determine how many. They will migrate back out to the outside. Then it might smell better.


Think about a Sharpie. Take of the lid, sniff it. Leave it an hour with the lid off sniff it. Then put the lid on for an hour, sniff it again. Magic.


Cheers mate. I've smoked a bit of the lower quality buds and it defo gives a nice calming high (I might have harvested slightly early - though I'm not actually sure) but it just doesn't taste or smell of cannabis. My wife says she can tell it's cannabis but the smell doesn't linger as proper dank does. I guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed. Would spray terps not be useful just for the smell (if for nothing else)?

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Don't spray shit on your weed. I'm assuming you're not doing fractional distillation to extract your own terps, and fuck knows what's in a spray that you'd get from elsewhere.


Follow the advice. Get the "spray it" mentality out of your head there's nothing good at the end of that road.


The whole point of growing your own is to avoid all that sprayed, contaminated, shit weed. You're not going to get everything right every time chalk it up to experience and correct it on the next run.

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6 hours ago, JPE1234 said:


Cheers mate. I've smoked a bit of the lower quality buds and it defo gives a nice calming high (I might have harvested slightly early - though I'm not actually sure) but it just doesn't taste or smell of cannabis. My wife says she can tell it's cannabis but the smell doesn't linger as proper dank does. I guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed. Would spray terps not be useful just for the smell (if for nothing else)?

Greetings !! You've just invented stealth weed ! :bag::thumsup:


Seriously, I won't spray anything on something I'm planning to inhale.

Edited by purepotstill
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So just to drive the point home here is a FCP livestream where this exact topic is covered. Check the 36 min mark for the question and answer.




You can achieve perfectly satisfactory weed (better than satisfactory to be honest) if you grow, harvest, dry and cure correctly.


Don't spray shit on your weed. It's dangerous.



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2 hours ago, NezA said:

Don't spray shit on your weed. It's dangerous.





How to make shit weed:


Spend months growing it and looking after it. Then spray some fucking nasty synthetic shite all over it :nea::sadwalk:




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I have no idea what's in those cans. If it is indeed proper terps I'd wonder what the propellant is. Don't want solvent blasted at your trichs unless you want them dissolved.


Also terpenes are only half the story in terms of bud smell.


In theory you are adding something cannabis creates anyway so possibly no real health risk as such. But can't see that it's going to be the same, impact flavour, get into the bud or last any length of time.


But as everyone says it's not going to be the same. Taste what you grew, not a spray on flavour. That's the whole point. It'll motivate you to get your drying on point.


Could just be the strain/pheno, temperatures, RH, or growing medium/nutrients. Dunno what you grew. But probably the drying.


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23 minutes ago, FarmerPalmersNT said:

In theory you are adding something cannabis creates anyway so possibly no real health risk as such.


See this was my initial reaction and I thought the risk was not really knowing what was in the spray. But have a watch of that video I posted. I wasn't even looking for it I was watching another one of their streams and this one ended up on auto play and I was only half paying attention whilst perusing the boards at silly o'clock, when suddenly my ears pricked up when I heard that part.


The guy talking is Dr Ethan Russo he's pioneered a lot of the medical research into terpenes and their effects. He says adding terpenes would need to be done in an extremely controlled way and "don't try this at home" although terpenes are present naturally it's the tiny tiny quantities needed that are not achievable outside of a lab. 


Then when Kevin chipped in with his own experiences and saying that even with dosages measured with a micropipette the effect isn't really desirable. That sealed the deal for me it's just a bad idea all round. For lots and lots of reasons.


If you have time watch the entire video it is fascinating. Especially when they start talking about all the other aspects such as flavonoids and how they're mostly present in the leaves rather than buds... Great viewing.

Edited by NezA
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On 6.3.2021 at 1:59 PM, badbillybob said:

spray on terps are the work of the devil. 

dry them slower next time, and they will humm.

Are these actually a real thing? I heard the term ,Hazespray’ a lot in Amsterdam a few years back. I actually researched that and could not find any valid information back then. Only the first badly rated e-juices with (not so) haze, skunk or kush taste.


I know that you can buy terpenes to mix with bland extracts or to use them in cartiges. But I can’t see the people who would use them buy these relatively expensive vials to spray onto tons of albanian outdoor. 

Now I read all this talk about nasty chemical cans.


I’m as lost as that time I heard about people getting seizures from synthetic cannabinoids.


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Guest anarchycamp

@Renard Mainly seen the ones you use for cartridges, but first website online cali terpenes or something say can be used on buds and in edibles. Blergh

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If i got stale or inert buds and want to add terpines i put a couple of drops on the end of a rizla and have the risla caught in the jar lid so it hangs above the buds. 

Leave for 48 hours with occasional gentle shake. 


Buds have to be pretty shit to justify adding anything to them tbh. 


Spraying terpenes directly onto buds is crazy talk. 

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unfortunately it does happen. 

blame the ignorance of youth who believe that if thier 15 quid gram bag doesnt smell like my week old socks then they have been done. its market forces, or unscrupulous assholes trying to offload some pissy schwag with a bit of terp juice.....sad really

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@badbillybob nail on head there mate...tbh that was my first thought of OP's intentions...why else woud you spray shit up unless you had no intention of personal consumption.

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