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Sweet Amnesic Gorilla Girl in the Hazy Tropic of Canna.


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Feb 11th day 23.

Hi folks, hope all's well with you and your gardens :)
The stretch is done and it's time for an update, a few days behind as usual. Takes me ages to sort my photo's out and even longer trying to make my notes make sense lol Anyway the girls had a bit of a reset flush and are doing great. 

Day 20.
CL air temps 22-28C, roots 23-25, RH 42-60%
EC in res 0.89

On opening the tent air temps were 27C, leaf 22 and RH 46% which gave a VPD reading of 1kPa and is bang in the middle of the healthy transpiration band for late veg/early flower. I'm not that bothered about VPD as I can't really control all 3 factors that well with my basic DIY set up. But this reminds me that I should try and get the leaf and air temps up a bit while lowering humidity a touch as they go into mid flower, and move the VPD into the high transpiration band for mid/late flower. Like I said though, I'm not that cut out for it and I'm not sure the IR thermometer is accurate. As long as my girls are growing healthily and humidity isn't too high I won't make any big changes. 

Day 21.
CL air temps 22-28C, roots 24-25, RH 44-57%
EC in res 0.89

Week 3 stretch.
Gorilla Girl: Flip = 16". Day 7 = 19". Day 14 = 25". Day 21 = 29". Total stretch = 13".
Sweet Amnesia Haze: Flip = 15". Day 7 = 18". Day 14 = 22.5". Day 21 = 26". Total stretch = 11".
Tropicanna Poison F1FV: Flip = 22". Day 7 = 27". Day 14 = 28". Day 21 = 33.5". Total stretch = 11.5" minus the plant bend training. 

Looks like rooting the final pots out for 3 weeks before flip and keeping night/day temps as close as I could worked ok for me again. The GG stretched x 80%, SAH x 70% and TP x 60% with the added training. Happy with that :) the TP would have been too close to the LED by now if I hadn't used the plant bendz. I've only just got away with it really, as the stems were too rigid to bend them again. She's solid.

The LED was still set at 115w on the blue and I turned the red up to total 125w.

Day 22 AM.
The res was getting low in the morning just before lights off so I mixed a quick 5L up. 

Background EC 0.38
1/2 ml/L MC to 0.45
1/2 ml/L VK to 0.49
1/2 ml/L Mi to 0.55
1/2 ml/L Bl to 0.64
1/2 ml/L NC to 0.68
1/2 ml/L AF to 0.73

Added to res totalled 10L with combined EC of 0.81

CL air temps 22-28c, roots 22-24, RH 48-56%
Res EC had risen to 0.87

I decided to flush all 6 plants in the tent to give them a reset but with feed instead of plain water, so not to make too dramatic a change in the root zone. An 18L mix to give 3L to each plant. The feed levels were raised as a precaution to make sure the plants wouldn't suffer any hunger from the flush if they didn't need the flush. 

Background EC 0.39
3/4 ml/L MC to 0.48
3/4 ml/L VK to 0.51
3/4 ml/L Mi to 0.6
3/4 ml/L Bl to 0.72
3/4 ml/L NC to 0.81
1/2 ml/L AF to 0.86

The AF was kept at 1/2 ml/L as I suspected the EC in the compost would be high, hence the reason for the reset.

The 3L was given to each plant very slowly through a 300ml syringe and gave a run off of roughly 1.8L each. This also expanded the root balls back to the pot edges.

GG run off 1.6 EC
SAH run off 1.29 EC
TP run off 1.49 EC

So looking at the run off EC I'm glad I gave them a flush when I did before running into lockout problems. SAH had been using the nutes up slightly better than the others. I will probably do this every 7-10 days now, or sooner if I think they need it. Getting the run off rack under the plants was easy enough. I just used the one rack and pushed each pot in turn far enough back to sit the rack in front, lifted the plant forward onto it, then slid the whole lot back so I could slide the saucer underneath and back out when full. Reverse order to remove the rack and move on to the next plant. This was a chore for 6 plants attached to drippers and I was tempted to get lazy and put all the racks back in, leaving them in place for next time. But the girls have been happy with their pots sat directly on the floor on the leccy blanket so that's where they'll stay for now and it will save me turning the Inkbird up more for the blanket.  

I turned the red up further on the LED to total 135w. 

Day 23 AM.
EC in res 0.87

There was no need to top up the res at this time as the pots were still soaked from the flush, but I decided to add another 10L in advance in case work gets in the way. It's been a bit of a juggle between trying not to add too much in case I need to change it, and making sure there's enough in there in case I get called out for work at short notice. All in all though these Blumats have been a saviour :yep: 

Background EC 0.39
3/4 ml/L MC to 0.47
3/4 ml/L VK to 0.5
3/4 ml/L Mi to 0.6
3/4 ml/L Bl to 0.72
3/4 ml/L NC to 0.8
1/2 ml/L AF to 0.84

Added to res for a total of 18L and combined EC of 0.86

CL air temps 20-27C, roots 15-23, RH 47-63%
EC in res had risen to 0.93

Notice the lights off root temps of 15? lol I made a major feck up the night before when adjusting the LED wattage. There's no room to plug my watt meter in the 4 gang extention so I have to unplug the tube heater thermostatic plug every time I need to use the watt meter. Forgot to plug it back in didn't I :wallbash: I've been checking for bollocks for the past few days and not noticed any. It would be a shame if they did throw some out because I've done everything I can possibly think of to keep them de stressed throughout the grow. Fingers crossed :lucky: 

While it was still unplugged I plugged the meter in and adjusted the far red some more while keeping the blue the same, taking the total LED wattage up to 145w. So a total wattage of 460w at this stage including the CMH. 

Onto the piccies then.
No complete group shot this update but the main SAH pic shows most of the other 2 at the side of her. I was in a bit of a rush to get them done while trying to keep the tent warm with the lights off. Didn't wanna stress them too much after the previous day's mess up. 


Gorilla Girl.
A bit slower than the SAH and less pistils at this stage but still looking ok for 3 weeks. I'm hoping she'll produce some nice colas. You can see the first brace I put on her. This was just a plant stick with wire taped to the end before I thought of the hollow canes. Still does the job nicely but not as quick to put together as the canes. 


Couple of her tops.




And a close up.
The picture frame templates I'm using were made before I posted my diary in January but I chose to alter them slightly as they were very much like Toke's when I saw his. He didn't mind when I mentioned it to him and said to go ahead and use them, but I had the time to alter them before I had anything worthy of framing in them so I did :) The trichs you see on the background are taken from the strain trich pics on the Sweet Seeds web site. Same for the other 2 strains. I'll try not to flood the diary with framed pics like I did last year. But then again they took hours and hours for me to make so I may as well put them to good use lol 



Sweet Amnesia Haze.
Still a lovely solid structure and I'm glad she didn't stretch a great deal. Hopefully she'll yield well but it's the quality that counts and I'm really looking forward to trying the flowers.  


Couple of tops.




Lot's of thick white pistils and not shy with the resin at this early stage :yahoo: Don't know if you will see what I see in this pic but it's a crazy one lol 



Tropicanna Poison F1FV.
Gonna be some nice tops on this one if I can meet her demands and the mid section budlets aint looking too bad either at this stage. I've not checked aromas lately but I can't avoid disturbing this one when tending and the aroma coming from her fills the air with sweetness. 


Couple of tops.




Close up with plenty of resin.


Thanks for looking. 
Happy gardening, be :lucky:   

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Excellent work @jadenugs I have just caught up with six weeks of progress. Great work shaping your plants, very nice control over the environment has done well to limit stretch. I am really glad to see you have the blumats working well, thank you for sharing the details of how you did this. The LED is really interesting too, especially running alongside CMH which I think is a great setup. Definitely agree with your comment about rather burning energy through CMH heat than having to turn up the radiator - I've really appreciated the warmth from my CMH this season.


The plants are looking just fantastic. All three strains look brilliant but I think the Tropicanna Poison F1FV is top for me, starting to look very pretty. Really nice pictures of all the plants, I am looking forward to seeing these ladies get fat :yep:

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@sprog Cheers buddy, the TP will make some nice colourful hash me thinks. Got different shades of pink and purple in the trichs now  :) 


@delagdo Thanks very much for taking the time to catch up mate. Yeah, most things seem to have ran smoothly with the grow so far and I'm really enjoying trying the Blumats. A bit awkward for different feed demands like but I'd love to do a one strain clone grow with them. I will at some point in the future if I don't move on to a fully automated coco system beforehand with pump on timer and auto run off removal. Every grow is a learning grow for me, always changing things around, even if it's just medium or lights. There's always something different with the grow.


If I could change one thing I'd have taken more off the lowers before flowering but I say that every time lol 


:cheers: dudes :smokin: 

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March 16th day 28

Hi dudes, 
Hope all's well and your gardens are green :)
Seems like I've been stuck in Feb for most of March. Day 15 post should have been March 3rd, not Feb 3rd. Day 19 post was right, then for day 23 post I labelled it Feb 11th instead of March 11th for some unknown reason lol Anyway, enough of the trivia, we're back on track now ;) 

Day 24.
CL air temps 22-28C, roots 22-23, RH 50-62%
Res EC 0.92

Mixed up a 20L feed.
Background EC 0.4 (sat overnight).
1ml/L MC to 0.51
1ml/L VK to 0.56
1ml/L Mi to 0.7
1ml/L Bl to 0.89
1ml/L NC to 0.96
1/2 ml/L AF to 1

Added to res for a total of 22L, combined EC 0.97
Since the root balls had expanded back to the pot sides after their flush I decided they hadn't been getting enough water prior to that and opened up the Blumat adjusters by one notch on each plant. 

I turned the far red on the LED the rest of the way up and this read 148w on the watt meter combined with the blue. Total wattage in the tent 463w. 

Day 25.
CL air temps 22-28C, roots 22-24, RH 45-59%
Res EC 1

Day 26.
CL air temps 22-27C, roots 23-24, RH 48-62%
Res EC 1

There were 7.5L remaining in the res so all 6 plants had drank 14.5L between them in 2 days. Each plant averaging 1.2L each per day. This is what they'd be getting in 11.4L fabrics hand watered. These are only 7.6L filled to less than 7. I had already moved over to the idea of keeping the pots more moist between waterings but these Blumats have really hit it home to me. I think most of the previous problems with my growing have been letting them dry out too much in between and then them showing signs of over watering from the shock of being too dry, then too wet. They weren't too wet at all, they were too dry in between. 

20L mix, background EC 0.38 (sat a few hours).
1ml/L MC to 0.49
1ml/L VK to 0.53
1ml/L Mi to 0.66
1ml/L Bl to 0.83
1ml/L NC to 0.91
3/4 ml/L AF to 0.98

Added to res for a total of 27.5L, combined EC of 1

I turned the blue up to 160w, total 475w in the tent.

Day 27.
CL air temps 23-29C, roots 23-25, RH 49-63%
Res EC had risen to 1.1

I started taking leaves for a slow steady defol, one from the middle of each plant to allow more light in. This will be done every day, or 2nd day if the girls are suffering any stress from other factors. 

Day 28.

CL air temps 23-29C, roots 24-25, RH 50-65%
Res EC settled and still at 1.1

The LED blue was notched up some more to 171w, totalling 486 tent wattage. 

The nearest tops to the LED on the TPFV were 20" and 21" so I super cropped them both (after taking the pics) and that left another close top 22" away. I didn't wanna super crop this one just yet and cause her too much stress. The stems were rock solid and took a fair bit of pressure to flatten them. I flattened them for a good inch and a half so the bend would be smooth and not split them. They stayed put nicely, no growing back upwards. 

The girls.
Ambient temps in the attic weren't too bad so I spent more time with the tent open and put a backdrop in for the photo's. Hard work getting the exposure right against a white background and the plants being so close to it. The light bounces back and the tops get washed out so I used the flash off camera and turned down to get less light bouncing back and less plant shadow on the background. A diffuser was used too. 

Looks like the GG decided to carry on stretching a little bit before she starts putting some weight on.


Gorilla Girl.
Showing some overfed signs but still happy nonetheless so I is still happy. She just needs to get a move on now with the bud production :) I'm basing my feeds around the big TP so can't really do much apart from let the big one get a bit hungry while trying not to over feed this one or the SAH. 


Starting to put on some frosty goodness.




And a couple of close ups.
Still getting a deep fruit sweetness from the aroma.




Sweet Amnesia Haze.
I knew she was gonna be a bit fussy after the Ca probs in the early days. Not liking the raise in feed strength, showing her twisty leaf personality again and more burnt tips than I care for, so I've since lowered the feed. Not doing too bad though on a one feed fits all. 


More evident on the closer pics of her tops.




And a close up showing her frost building properties.
Smelling of lemon cleaner, or polish or something. Not too prominent yet but nice, and definitely lemon something or other. 



Tropicanna Poison F1FV.
Looking and smelling sweet. 4 clones of this var would do well in here trained low and wide I think.


Her tops are building nicely and also the buds in her mid section. Well chuffed with her :D I'll get some close ups of the lower buds next time.






A couple of tops close up. Different shades of pink and purple trichomes appearing. Smells quite potent of mixed tropical fruit as her name would suggest. Nice! 




That's all for now.
Happy farming, be :lucky: 

Edited by jadenugs
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Wow @jadenugs mate, cracking update, an great to see them all looking so well. 
Those very last 3 pics off the TPfv are sweet as :yep:


3 hours ago, jadenugs said:

dry out too much in between and then them showing signs of over watering from the shock of being too dry, then too wet. They weren't too wet at all, they were too dry in between.

This I have been fine tuning myself (hand watering) an have found giving an extra litre on the day in between to keep compost moisture up, has made a big difference, an has helped my cal/mag issue’s. 
An also making sure I averaged about 10% run off on the main watering day. 

Always something to learn in here when you follow an read, nice one. 

Good luck an stay :realcool: Nug’s 


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Alright @Amo mate, cheers for the good words :) 


Yeah works a treat dude. I don't bother with run off with organic feeds though unless I'm adding CalMag. Got two young mums on the go now, one in a bigger pot than the other. The smallest is watered daily anyway but I'm giving the one in the bigger pot a bit in between and she's happy ;) 


@Ned Flanders Cheers dude. She smells like heaven too :thumsup: 



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March 22nd day 34.

Hi folks, time for another update on these Sweet girls. The feed being raised to 1ml/L each of the first 5 bottles and 3/4 ml/L Astro Flower proved to be a bit much and the tips of the older leaves carried on burning. Also tips of new leaves were showing yellow so the feed was lowered and they had another flush to lower any feed build up on day 33. This time with a lower strength feed. Apart from that the girls are doing fine. 

Day 29.
CL air temps 22-30C, roots 24-25, RH 48-67%.
About 8L left in the res, EC 1.1

Made a 20L mix, background EC 0.35 straight from the tap.
3/4 ml/L MC to 0.43
1 ml/L VK to 0.47
3/4 ml/L Mi to 0.56
3/4 ml/L Bl to 0.67
1 ml/L NC to 0.74
3/4 ml/L AF to 0.81

I did a complete res change and even though there is a shut off valve in the system I didn't want any air in the pipes whatsoever (my outlet is about 3" from the bottom to protect the circ pump and aquarium heater). So to do this I first got some kitchen roll to hand and a 2L jug full of the above mix. I tipped the res on it's side, almost horizontal with the base still resting on the platform and the outlet pipe facing the floor. Holding the res steady with my left hand I jugged out the remaining mix in the res until the level was just proud of the outlet, so very little solution was left in there. I used the kitchen roll to wipe the silt out from the bottom and poured the 2L jug in. I had a bucket of fresh mix by my side so I could jug another 2L in before sitting the res back upright and the 4L added was just above the outlet.   

Added the rest of the mix for a total of 20L and EC of 0.83 The slight dregs in the res had raised the EC very slightly.  

The Blumat adjusters were opened up by one notch as a precaution in case any silt had gone down the outlet while the res was on it's side. I'm really glad I thought about that one as I got a blockage of silt in the feed tube of one of my other plants a few days later and I'd not opened up the adjuster on that one. No problem with these girls yet but I won't be doing a res change this way in future. I'll turn off the valve and also plug the outlet to be sure of no air or silt entering the feed lines. 

The blue dimmer on the LED was raised to 180w and I removed 1 leaf from the middle of each plant.

I super cropped the closest top of the TPFV that I never bothered with on the last super cropping sesh. The closest top now to the lamp was 26", same for the SAH and 24" for the GG. 

Day 30.
CL air temps 24-28C, roots 24-25, RH 49-66%.
EC had risen to 1

Mixed 20L, background EC 0.35 striaght from the tap.
3/4 ml/L MC to 0.43
1 ml/L VK to 0.47
3/4 ml/L Mi to 0.56
3/4 ml/L Bl to 0.67
1 ml/L NC to 0.74
3/4 ml/L AF to 0.81

Added to res for a total of 31.5L, combined EC 0.9

All 6 plants had drank 8.5L in 24hrs so an average of 1.4L each.

For my own reference I opened up the drippers on the rear plants by one notch.

Day 31.
CL air temps 24-28C, roots 24-25, RH 52-69%.
EC had risen to 1 again. 24L left in res, so they'd drank 7.5L in the last 24hrs, a litre less than the day before. Interesting when I'd opened up the drippers on the other plants. maybe I misread the levels the day before. 

Performed the daily defol of 1 leaf per plant lol
Not liking the lights off RH I notched the extractor Variac up from 50% to 60% and turned the inlet fan coming from the rad box up a touch to just maintain neg pressure in the tent. 

Turned the blue up a further 10w to 190w.

Day 32.
CL air temps 24-28, roots 24-24, RH 48-59%.
EC still at 1.

Usual defol, then I took a cut from the bottom of the TPFV and put it in my veg cab on 24hrs light.
Not sure what I'll do with it if it roots. I might keep it but I've still got more TP seeds so I might veg it a bit, then throw it into flower and dust with some pollen I've got if it is still viable. I never froze it, it's just been in the fridge for 4 months or so. I don't have the space for hacking but with a small plant I can take it out of the attic, dust it, leave a few hours, spray down and return to tent. That's how I've done it in the past with no problems, but usually I do just the one branch and cover it with a white paper bag sealed around the stem and leave that on for a couple of days. Then remove it and spray down.  

How I take cuts.
Plastic tub ready and half filled with water.
Plant marker dipped in Clonex with just enough on it for amount of cuts I'm taking.
I sit this on some kitchen roll out of the way to save mess.
Small pot 2/3 to 3/4 full of compost.
Root riot cube sat in top of compost, around 1/3rd buried. The idea being the cube wickes up moisture from compost preventing it becoming dry, and if any roots decide to poke out the side of the top 2/3rds I can see when it's rooted sooner. Can usually tell though when the cut starts growing in size.
I take my cut longer than needed and put straight in the tub of water so no air gets pulled into the wound. 
Keeping the wound submerged I cut the larger leaves down a bit, clean up the node I want to cut, then cut it against the bottom of the tub under water somewhere between 30 and 45 degrees to get as large an area as possible on the wound, with a clean sharp stanley blade.
I then very lightly scrape down the sides of the stalk with the blade, still under water.
Take it out and give the stem a quick rub down the sides with kitchen roll to get rid of excess water, before rolling the side of the stem in the Clonex to cover about an inch along and making sure the end has a good blob on it.
Then straight into the cube as far as it will go into the pre formed hole.
Any remaining Clonex is wiped from the plant marker onto the surface of the cube around the stalk, minimal waste.
The cube and compost are then watered in with a 2ml/L rootstim solution until it just starts seeping from the drainage holes.
Into the prop or bag and sealed. If I'm using a bag I close the zip seal most of the way with a straw poking into the remaining gap. Holding the straw in my teeth I blow into it to inflate the bag, then pull it out with my teeth while still blowing and simultaneously sealing the bag. This is to prevent the bag sagging and touching the leaves. 
Into the veg cab in a corner and covered with white paper to reduce light intensity. I aim for 27C and humidity is usually between 80 and 100%. Not always possible though with my extraction feeding the inlet of the flowering tent and having to dial it to suit the tent. 

Here she is 2 days later, I couldn't get a pic until the condensation in the bag had settled a bit, and also the bag has sagged a bit with expansion and contraction but still not touching the leaves. I don't like to mess about taking pics when taking cuts, they go straight in the prop/bag asap. Stats at the time of the pic were 28C, RH 82%. Temps have been as high as 31C since, so a bit warm. I've upped extraction a bit and lowered the fan speed that goes straight from the rad box to the tent to balance neg pressure in the tent. Fingers crossed for the strike. 


Day 33.
CL air temps 24-28C, roots 24-25, RH 47-57%.
Res EC 1

Usual defol, then I mixed up 18L to give all 6 plants a feed reset. Background EC 0.37

3/4 ml/L MC to 0.44
1 ml/L VK to 0.48
3/4 ml/L Mi to 0.57
3/4 ml/L Bl to 0.69
1 ml/L NC to 0.77
3/4 ml/L AF to 0.84

With the intention of hand watering this mix I had to warm it up first and it was taking ages in the attic with the buckets sat on an infra red heat mat for warming your feet up lol I saw it in the middle of Lidl once and thought it would be good for the veg cab but then decided against it in case the infra red made the plants stretch. Anyway, it's not up to heating 2 buckets of water up quickly so I added the mix to the res to warm up quicker. Total of 26L with combined EC 0.93 After a couple of hours it was up to 20C. EC had risen to 1. While waiting I decided I would reset the girls with a weaker EC. It was a last minute decision, I removed 9L from the res and mixed with 9L of fresh cold water from the tap at EC 0.37 The final EC was 0.65 and 17C so good to go. 

Gave all six plants 3L each through the 300ml syringe and run off was about 1.6L each. 

GG run off EC 1.3
SAH 1.3
TP 1.7

It's getting increasingly difficult to move the plants around in the tent, without squashing them against each other, to get the run off trays under the pots and it took me a good couple of hours. I want to keep the pots on the floor with no saucers, for the heat and to maintain lamp distance. So the next reset will probably be a very slow plain watering until it just starts to run off. That should dilute any feed build up without leaving them hungry, but hopefully won't be needed if I keep the feeds low from now. As usual I'll watch the plants closely but it's not easy doing multi strains on a one feed, as you all know, so there's bound to be more build up of unused nutes. 

Day 34.
CL air temps 24-28C, roots 23-24, RH 48-66%
14L left in the res, EC still at 1

On opening the tent air temps were 28C, leaf temps 27C and RH 53%. This gave a VPD reading of 1.56 kPa, at the high end of the Mid/Late flower high transpiration band and very close to the danger zone of over transpiration. 

I turned the blue dimmer down 5w to 185w, totalling 500w with the CMH. As I carry on upping extraction and defoliating I might raise the wattage again and then some more but things are ok at the moment so I don't wanna rock the boat too much without getting the feed right first. If the weather warms up enough before they're finished I might remove the CMH and turn the LED up full whack, we'll see. 

On top of the steady 1 leaf per day defol I've been giving any old lower leaves a little tug when they've faded. If they don't come off easy I leave them but most are gone now apart from a few fading lowers from the flush.  

I still wasn't happy with the fresh growth tips so I mixed 10L of weaker feed, background EC 0.35 straight from tap.

3/4 ml/L MC to 0.43
3/4 ml/L VK to 0.47
3/4 ml/L Mi to 0.53
3/4 ml/L Bl to 0.65
3/4 ml/L NC to 0.71
3/4 ml/L AF to 0.78

Before adding the mix to the res I got some plain water EC 0.49 that had been sat for a few hours and added enough to the res to take the EC down to 0.83, close to equalling the fresh mix EC. Added the mix for a total of 34L, combined EC 0.81 

The venturi stopped working, no air bubbles, and I thought it was because the res was quite full but on checking the pump strainer it was partially blocked with silt. Took it out, cleaned it up and the venturi started working again :) I thought I must have washed the silt towards the pump when pouring the mix in because it was working fine before topping up. Thinking back though, I'd just done a full res change 5 days before and cleaned the silt from the res so the pump strainer must have already been partially blocked and went un noticed. I didn't think I'd need an inline filter with the outlet being 3" from the base of the res but next time I'll fit one to be safe and prevent silt getting into the feed outlet. Either that or do some research on nutes that don't cause silt, if they exist. Thinking of powdered nutes anyway, I'm sure I've read of some that don't cause residue. 

The plants.



Gorilla Girl.
Less signs of tip burn and frosting up nicely. Finally getting there with the head wreck of feed bottles lol I'll admit I referenced back to one of my old diaries about 4 years ago when I first used these nutes but the difference was I used Clover back then. This Bat Special is very rich and the slow release feed lasts a lot longer. Lesson learnt.








Sweet Amnesia Haze.
Showing some hunger on the older fans after the flush. Newest bud leaves looking much better with no tip burn but still a bit twisty. 









Tropicanna Poison F1FV.
Getting excited about this girl. She's starting to pack on the weight and smells wonderful. Her aroma stands out when I open the tent. The side facing in the full plant pic is the side that faces the lamp. Bit of a stadium effect going on after the super cropping. When she's the other way on in the usual position she infiltrates the space of the plant behind. It's a bit packed in here lol 










That's all for now.
Happy cultivating, be  :lucky:

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This grow cultivation and diary is preposterously good man... Cat 1. 


And I had a similar problem with the Venturi... I blew down it and some beads of polystyrene blew out... :unsure:


Nice one J



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@Punta Roja Cheers P.  Haha those pesky polystyrene beads get everywhere, full of static. I'm on top of my silt problem now, I can do a regular res change and clean out without risk of getting air in my system ;) 


@Sweet Seeds Apolo Thanks for looking in mate. I'm really looking forward to the harvest, the TPFV smells amazing :) 

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March 29th day 41.

Hello growers, hope all is well and your gardens are green :)
Time for an update on these Sweeties and things are running smoothly enough. They're probably due another reset of the feed building up, as the SAH is still looking a bit gnarly and over fed. I've not had much time to think about what I'm doing with them lately but I'll get back on it this coming week. I'll have to think about how I'll deal with the TPFV as she finishes up quicker than the others. There's two options I've thought about so far for when she's nearly ready and needs to go on plain water. One is to hand water daily and turn the dripper flow right down, or pull it out and sit it in a jug of water so it doesn't demand any feed. Of course I could just clamp the feed tube or bung the end. The other option is to set up a separate plain water reservoir and another Blumat for her so she's on a separate system, but that will depend on if any of the other plants decide to finish close behind her. I'll just have to wing it.  

I was doing a main update for day 37 and I messed the pics up apart from some close up trich shots. I never got around to taking the main pics again until day 41, hence the longer gap than usual with my updates. The trich shots turned out ok but I haven't got them ready yet as I've been concentrating on this main update. So I'll post them later when I've sorted them out for posting. I've been very busy lately with all sorts of shit lol 

Day 35.
CL air temps 23-28C, roots 23-25, RH 46-59%.
Res EC 0.85

On opening the tent the air temp was 27C, leaf 26C and RH 50% which gave a VPD reading of 1.58kPa, very close to over transpiration.

Removed one fan leaf from the middle of each plant.

Day 36.
CL air temps 24-29C, roots 23-25, RH 46-56%.
20L left in res, EC 0.83

14L used in 2 days between the 6 plants so each plant drinking an average of 1.16L per day.

I turned the rad down from 2/3rds to 1/2 on the dial. 
Removed 2 leaves from the middle of each plant.

Day 37.
CL air temps 24-28C, roots 23-24, RH 46-56%.
Res EC 0.81

Removed 2 lower larfy shoots from the GG and SAH as they weren't getting any light.

Day 38.
CL air temps 24-29C, roots 23-24, RH 43-52%.
Res EC 0.8

I took another two lower shoots from the GG and from the SAH and turned the LED blue dimmer back up to 190w.

Mixed up 20L, background EC 0.37 straight from the tap.
3/4 ml/L MC to 0.45
3/4 ml/L VK to 0.48
3/4 ml/L Mi to 0.57
3/4 ml/L Bl to 0.68
3/4 ml/L NC to 0.74
3/4 ml/L AF to 0.81

Added to the res for a total of 26L, combined EC 0.83

Day 39.
CL air temps 24-27C, roots 23-24, RH 42-51%.
Res EC 0.95

Removed 2 more lower shoots from the GG and SAH, took 2 middle leaves from the TP.

Raised the LED wattage another 10w to 200w.

The TPFV cut was showing a root on day 7 so I took it out of the prop bag and topped up with compost to cover the root, then added a splash of water, just enough to wet the cube and fresh compost around it. I then put a pop bottle cloche over the pot to get her used to the drop in humidity steadily.
Here she is before topping up with compost and covering the root. Apologies for the pic quality, I framed it from too far away and had to crop it quite a bit.


Day 40.
CL air temps 24-28C, roots 22-24, RH 41-49%.
Res EC still settled at 0.83
Plants drinking a touch less at around 1L each.

Same pruning and defol as on day 39.

Turned the LED up a further 10w to 210w, totalling 525w with the CMH.

Day 41.
CL air temps 24-29C, roots 24-24, RH 44-55%.
Only 5L left in the Res, just above the outlet, with an EC of 0.97

I'm not sure why the EC had risen from 0.83 to 0.97 in 24hrs. All I can think of is, with the res being low the silt in the bottom must be affecting the EC. So I might have to do another full res change soon and hopefully not get any silt down the main feed pipe this time. 

In the meantime I mixed up 20L, background EC 0.37
3/4 ml/L MC to 0.45
1 ml/L VK to 0.49
3/4 ml/L Mi to 0.58
3/4 ml/L Bl to 0.69
3/4 ml/L NC to 0.79
3/4 ml/L AF to 0.83

Added to res for a total of 25L, combined EC 0.89

Raised the LED wattage another 10w to 220w, totalling 535w.

Took 2 lower shoots from the SAH and 2 leaves from low down in the middle of the TPFV. 

The plants.
Please excuse the big sat,  back left and looking slightly worse for wear. Her feed tube blocked with silt a few days after the last res change, she burnt and showed deficiencies as the root ball dried. It happened really quickly too, which worries me slightly in case anything similar happens to these girls, as they're drinking fast and would dry out quickly. It seems like their Blumats are dripping almost constantly though every time I check on them, so I doubt they'll block. I'll see if I can get a backdrop in between the plants again for the next update. 



Gorilla Girl.
She's starting to fill out now but I think she'll go 10 weeks. Hardly a browning pistil to be seen as we near the 6 week mark. I was hoping she'd be a bit quicker as I'll be pushed for time getting her dried with a short cure for the smoke report. 


The cola in the first shot here must be near on 18" long.




Couple of tops.





Sweet Amnesia Haze.
Starting to bulk out a bit now and her pistils are starting to brown. 


The burnt tips on the older leaves are starting to curl up now but there's obviously nothing I can do to change that. You can see she is still overfed though from her leaves clawing down. 




I think I'll defo do a res change when I make the next mix and clear the silt again. also a plain watering by hand. I'm not even sure why I raised the velo kelp to 1ml/L on the last mix lol I think it must've been because I was thinking about dropping the MagNifiCal but didn't do it yet :doh: 




Edit--The res change and plain watering were done today, details in the next main update :yep: 


Tropicanna Poison F1FV.
She's holding her weight for now but I'm sure she's getting wider as her outside branches start to sag a bit from the weight. A Ca problem is starting to show and IMHO it's probably toxicity. MC is getting dropped on the next mix and I'll see how she and the others fare. 


Bulking up and her calyx are starting to stack but I'm not sure she's gonna be that quick finishing. Still loads of white pistils, not many more brown ones than the SAH. Hopefully she'll be one of those plants that look like there's a way to go but ripens quickly over a few days.




Some lower main cola buds, like little pyramids, nice.




Well that's another update closer to the finish, thanks for looking.
Not had much spare time recently but I'll find some time to catch up with your diaries :yep: 

Happy farming, be  :lucky:

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