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Sweet Amnesic Gorilla Girl in the Hazy Tropic of Canna.


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You've captured the colours on the TP beautifully, lovely pics all round.


And there's buds everywhere :)  Your mid-level look like my tops :crybaby:lol


Great work a and great diary, all the best.





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Ohhhh beautiful... :hippy:


A lot of trichomes... congratulations!


I'm sure the harvest will be delicious. :yep:


Sweet smokes,
- Apolo

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I have to say mate what a cracking diary/grow you've done, what  a joy it's been following from start to (near) finish    :notworthy:  cannot praise you enough in your growing /photography skills 


I often go to bed with the image  of the TP pics in my mind lol , yerr ok I'm a weird o lol but fuck um


Will be sowing some gg come july/August not under led though, so will see how they go,


All the best mate. :yep:


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This is a very sweet looking diary man with some great variety :yep: they all look great but that tropicana is truly gorgeous with the pics you got of her trichomes(that colour) :wub::notworthy: i look forward to seeing and reading the end results especially for the tropicana and the gorilla girl cause i would love to grow these 2. Best of luck with the finish man but very very impressive so far :yep: All the best in the comp.:smokin:

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@Clumsy Thanks mate :)  Yeah the mid section buds turned out good with the open structure of the plant. I'm quite surprised at how well all three have done as the LED only went up to 230w at it's peak and wasn't there for long before turning back down. I've noticed when it's turned off that there isn't much spread reaching these from the CMH at the back. So I'd guess that these are only receiving about a third of the CMH power.


@Sweet Seeds Apolo Cheers mate. Oh yeah, plenty of trichomes, especially on the Gorilla Girl. She's a beauty and she's taking her time, teasing me :) 


@sprog Thanks very much for following the grow, appreciated dude :) Haha, I'm a weirdo too, there's many a night I've gone bed stoned with TP images imprinted on my mind. That in itself helps me sleep. Early taster was a bit heady as expected from a lower bud but she's powerful and I'm expecting a good stone when cured. Best of luck when you sow your GG. Watch her though as she likes to carry on stretching after the initial 3 weeks in flower, at least mine did :eek: I wasn't too impressed with the bud structure to start with but the calyx are starting to swell now and looking more like the pheno on the SS web site, so I'm happy about that :D 


@Woodie2010 Thankyou kindly good sir, yeah the TP is defo the star of the show. She tends to look different every time with different lighting, flash power, distance, angle etc. Sometimes purple, sometimes more red. The final colour before chop was a rusty red colour. I'll be posting the pre chop pics soon with som trich shots. The harvest pics will be a separate update later and they they look more purple lol 


Apologies for the late response dudes, my head gets a little mashed when I'm really busy with allsorts of stuff. Busy time is spring for all us growers. All the best and Sweet Smokes :smokin: 

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April 20th day 63.

Hi folks, an overdue update as things have been a bit hectic lately but I've got all the photo's for the catch up so nothing will be missed ;) 

First up some close ups from day 58 that I didn't have time to sort until now, then I'll get on with the day 63 update. This won't be a group update as it was pre chop day for the Tropicanna Poison FV, so it's all about that plant. 

The close ups were taken on day 58, all edited separately and then made into focus stacks. Taken with both lights on, so there's a lot of red from the LED. 

Tropicanna Poison F1FV.
5 pics stacked together and not the best quality.



Sweet Amnesia Haze.
22 pics but still not too clever. It only takes one or two that are out of line to mess the end result up, and an even bigger ballache to try and find the culprits, remove them and do it again lol 



Gorilla Girl.
This one is a stack of 16 images and I'm quite pleased with it. If there's not much movement between shots and most are in line, then the results can be quite good. Like owt really, it will take a lot of practice to perfect. 


And the same one with further editing to remove a lot of the red from the LED.


Right, on with the main update.

Day 58.
CL air temps 24-30C, roots 23-24, RH 36-46%.
17L left in res, EC 0.71

More curling up leaves were removed from the TP and a bit of defoliation on the SAH to let more light in, with her being shorter and dwarfed by the other two.

The SAH pot was a bit light so I opened up her dripper by one notch, then closed the TP's dripper by one notch, as she'd slowed down drinking.

Turned the far red down by 10w to 195w total LED power.

Day 59.
CL air temps 24-30C, roots 23-24, RH 37-45%.
11L left, EC 0.73

Turned the far red the rest of the way down and this left the LED at 183w. Total wattage in the tent 498w.

Mixed 10L up, background EC 0.36
1/2 ml/L VK to 0.38
1/2 ml/L Mi to 0.44
1/2 ml/L Bl to 0.51
1/2 ml/L NC to 0.54

Added to res for 21L total with a combined EC of 0.64
As you can see I dropped the Astro Flower (PK) from the mix.

Day 60.
CL air temps 24-30C, roots 23-24, RH 36-42%.
14L left, EC 0.71

Turned the TP's dripper down by another 1/2 notch.

Day 61.
CL air temps 24-31C, roots 23-24, RH 36-44%.
6L left, just above the outlet, EC o.73

Mixed 10L. background EC 0.37
1/2 ml/L VK to 0.39
1/2 ml/L Mi to 0.45
1/2 ml/L Bl to 0.52
1/2 ml/L NC to 0.55

Added to res to total 16L, combined EC 0.64

I removed the dripper from the TP and gave her a hand watering, 1.3L plain water which gave 150ml run off at EC 2.9 Not too worried about that reading as it will probably just be a build up of whatever in the mix the plant wasn't using. Doubt it will be salts when the pot is constantly wet. Anyways, I smoked the early taster after 3 days drying on top of my cab, and it was pretty smooth. The smoke tasted creamy and the terps were sweet but not sure what of. A bit heady as expected from a lower bud but not racy. A strong high too :) 

Day 62.
CL air temps 24-31C, roots 23-25, RH 35-44%.
10L left in tank, EC 0.74

Gave the GG 1.25L plain water, 150ml run off, EC 2.2
SAH the same, 200ml run off, EC 1.8
TP 3L, 1.4L run off, EC 2.2

In was tempted to flush them through some more to bring run off EC down but the plants were happily eating their stored nutes so I left it at that and mixed up another 10L of the usual.

Background EC 0.36
1/2 ml/L VK to 0.38
1/2 ml/L Mi to 0.44
1/2 ml/L Bl to 0.52
1/2 ml/L NC to 0.55

Added to res to total 20L, combined EC 0.65

Day 63.
CL air temps 25-31C, roots 23-25, RH 38-44%.
14L left, EC 0.72

You'll notice the highest lights on temps have crept up to 31C but I didn't want to mess with the environment when the RH is right where I want it. That probably explains the high run off EC if the plants are drinking more heavily and leaving the nutes behind. 

Gave them all a plain watering of 1.2L.
GG run off 400ml, EC 2.1
SAH 200ml, EC 2.1
TP 1.2L, EC 2.3

Removed a couple of fan leaves from all 3 plants.

I was going to chop the TP on day 63 but I had a lot of photo's to take and it's a long job taking them all, trimming, then taking more afterwards so I decided to do it over 2 nights this time around. So the following pics of the TP are pre chop day.

Tropicanna Poison F1FV.
Full plant.
At last I could get her out of the tent :)  I find it hard to get good images with a pure white shiny background without washing them out with the flash. But the rebounding light brings out the colours well, it just takes a lot of work editing them to the right brightness without washing out the detail. 


Some tops.
In the first pic there's a nana just appearing on the bottom left bud. She's passed her prime at 63 days so that last ditch attempt to reproduce can be expected. It's the only one I've found in the whole grow, so hat's off to Sweet Seeds :yep: 












Some mid canopy buds.






A few lowers.






Here's a few of her tops a bit closer in and without the picture frames, plus one of the mids from earlier. The first pic is my fave from the whole diary :) 












And onto the important bits, the trichomes.
The first 2 look a little worse for wear with a few heads missing and a few degrading, but I'd already decided after trying the early bud that I wanted to leave her as long as possible for a more relaxing bedtime smoke. Still a few clears on her though. 












And a few focus stacks. There's only a few images in each stack so they're not brilliant, but it's good fun learning and testing my patience lol 






The cutting reveged ok and started busting some shapes out.


That's all folks, next update is the harvest update for the TPFV.
Happy growing, be :lucky: 


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As you are a welcome visitor in my diary, I thought I would take a trip to yours! 


Can I ask what camera you use?? Very nice budshots and all round bud porn..



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Tropicanna Poison F1FV day 64 Harvest.

Hi folks, it's me again. That was quick for me eh. Two posts in one day! lol Well you've seen the trichs and know she was ready to come down the day after the mammoth pre chop update :) 

So out came the scissors after removing any large fan leaves that were left. A fair few of the mid sized cola leaves went in the trim tray as they had plenty of resin on them. Any of the small buds that fell from the stalks while trimming went into a brown paper bag for a slower dry, than just sat in the open on my veg cab. Small buds are better in the bottom of the jar, than an empty jar when the good buds have ran out ;) So I always trim them and if they dry up to nothing then they go in with the trim. They deserve a chance though because sometimes I fancy the slightly different buzz I get from lower buds. 

I still wanted as much as possible for some bubble hash though so I spent 3 hours trying to get most of the small sugar leaves from between her stacks. Stacked buds look pretty but I hate trimming them so the trimming becomes less precise near the end lol 

The 10 main tops ready for the drying area.




All the lower stuff barring the few buds that fell off.


The rootball was proper solid, like nothing I've experienced from normal compost growing. I wouldn't like to kick it, put it that way, I don't like broken toes lol I cut it halfway through as far as the trunk on the drip tube side with a hacksaw blade and broke the blade. That left two shiny edges when I pulled it apart, like when you cut wood with a hacksaw blade. So I roughed the edges up with a fork to expose the roots for you to see. You can see how strong she was anchored as it split the main trunk when I pulled it apart. By the way, the little wooden plant marker didn't come out from the roots easily before I split the rootball, it was solidly embedded in there and took a good tug to get it out. 


Closer look at the main root mass in the middle.


The trim before going in the freezer.


Scissor/glove hash.
Got a ball of about 11mm with the glove hash included. I prefer the cleaner hash from the scissors on it's own but decided to mix it for more volume. I did try and remove most of the pistils and bits of leaf from my gloves though before collecting the resin.


Sweet and perfumy incense, quite potent and intense.

Smooth and creamy on inhaling and leaves a sweet n sour spicy hashy aftertaste. Nice. 

Was listening to some drum n bass when I tried it and was uplifted and buzzing within a few minutes. Happy smily tackle that numbs my head in a really nice way, and it's strong.   

It's relaxing in the body but the energetic and heady edge takes over with the music on. I'm hoping the cured buds will be a bit more relaxing for me. They should be 'cause I usually find fresh scissor hash a bit hectic. 

Well there you go, that's what I think so far and I'm looking forward to the buds being cured for a month or two. There will be a smoke report after as much of a cure as I can get before the comp deadline. And also some ice bubble if I get the time :yep: 

Happy growing, be  :lucky:

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April 24th day 67

Hi folks, I know I've not updated on the the GG for a while now but I've been concentrating on the other two as their harvest days approached. So I'll only update up until when I took the SAH pre chop pics on day 67. I have loads to sort out from after that, including the SAH harvest pics on day 68 and some of the GG on day 71 (she's still going). I'll sort them out soon. 

Day 64.
CL air temps 25-30C, roots 23-25, RH 39-49%.
12.5L in res, EC 0.68

I removed the SAH dripper and gave her 1L plain water. 100ml run off, EC 1.8

Harvested the TP as you know :) 
The drying area has been quite steady at 19-20C, RH 54-56%

Day 65.
CL air temps 25-31C, roots 23-24, RH 33-43%.
6.5L in res, EC 0.72

Gave the SAH a decent run through of 3L plain water. This gave 1.4L run off, EC 2.3 I also gave the GG 1L of plain water with no run off, just to dilute the feed in her pot from the dripper and watch for fading. 

Mixed 10L up, background EC 0.39
1/2 ml/L VK to 0.39
1/2 ml/L Mi to 0.45
1/2 ml/L Bl to 0.52
1/2 ml/L NC to 0.56

Added to res for a total of 16.5L, combined EC 0.62

Day 66.
CL air temps 25-31C, roots 22-24, RH 33-39%.
14L in res, EC 0.71

1L of plain water for the SAH.

Day 67.
CL air temps 25-32C, roots 23-24, RH 33-39%.
9L in res, EC 0.7 and the silt build up was getting out of hand again.

Mixed 20L, background EC 0.38
1/2 ml/L VK to 0.4
1/2 ml/L Mi to 0.46
1/2 ml/L Bl to 0.53
1/2 ml/L NC to 0.57

Gave the SAH 1L plain water and mixed another 4L of the above mix for the GG and other 3 plants at the back. This was so I could give them 1L each by hand so there wouldn't be any demand from the Blumats while I changed the res and cleaned the silt out. Same method as before with the filter tip blocking the outlet and valve closed off in the tent. 

Filled the res with the 20L, EC 0.57, removed the filter and opened the valve. No air, no silt. 

Sweet Amnesia Haze pre chop day.
Full plant.


Couple of cola shots.




Some tops.








Lower buds.






Some tops close in.








And the trichomes close up and personal. Mostly cloudy with a few amber and clear. And there's the odd red trichome. I think I just caught this one in time before there were too many fully degraded amber/brown trichomes. 
















Thanks for looking, next update is the SAH harvest :) 
Happy growing, be :lucky:

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Lovely colas! Big fuckin foot long furry sticks! Beautiful colour on the Tropicana Poison!



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April 28th day 71.

Hi folks.
I was going to post the SAH harvest update first but I've got the GG pics ready so I'll post the SAH harvest at the end as there's a smoke report on the scissor hash. 

Day 68.
CL air temps 25-31C, roots 22-25, RH 33-42%.
17L in res, EC 0.7

Chopped the SAH.

Day 69.
CL air temps 25-31C, roots 23-24, RH 33-40%.
13L in res, EC 0.71

Day 70.
CL air temps 25-30C, roots 23-24, RH 31-37%.
7L in res, EC 0.67

So the GG was drinking roughly a 1/4 of 6L in 24hrs at this stage, depending on whether the 3 plants at the back were drinking more or less than her.

Mixed 10L, background EC 0.38
1/2 ml/L VK to 0.4
1/2 ml/L Mi to 0.46
1/2 ml/L Bl to 0.53
1/2 ml/L NC to 0.57

Added to res for 17L, combined EC 0.61

Day 71.
CL air temps 25-30C, roots 23-24, RH 33-40%.
12L in res, EC 0.67

Gorilla Girl.
I checked to make sure the Blumat wasn't dripping, removed it and placed in a jug of water so I could get her out for a decent view without the plants at the back. I struggled to get her all in for a landscape view with the 50mm lens but all the buds are in. 


The main colas.
Fan leaves fading at a steady pace.










A couple of closer shots. 
Sorry about the focus on the first one. Still throwing out fresh clusters of bud with loads of white pistils and copious amounts of resin.




And some lower buds.
Still smelling of sweet ripe oranges. Wish she would ripen up herself though lol She's still going, now at day 77 as I type, but starting to get a few amber trichomes so shouldn't be much longer I hope. The dripper was put back in after the pics and I checked later to make sure it was in action and dripping.





April 25th day 68 Sweet Amnesia Haze harvest.

So she was harvested on day 68, the day after the pre harvest pics, as planned. The rest of the fan leaves were removed and I spent two hours trimming as many of the sugar leaves from between the buds as I could persevere, it's not my favorite pastime lol The aroma that stood out while trimming was sweet citrus mixed with something fresh. 

5 main colas ready for drying.


The other 3 and some lowers.


The rest of the lower stuff.
Again, some buds fell off while trimming and were bagged separately. Some small buds were left on for reserves when the jars are empty, and some tiny larf went in the trim tray. 


The trim.


The root ball.
Her root ball was nowhere near as advanced as the TP's and she didn't fill the pot as much to the edges or the bottom. I think with these Blumat drippers it would be better to root the final pot out for longer before installing, or start out with a dryer pot when installing so the plant doesn't get over watered and the roots do more exploring before the flowering stage. The pot always felt lighter than the others and I thought she needed more water, but in hindsight she was a smaller plant with a less dense root ball so would be lighter anyway. Compost and feed wasted at the end of the day and a lesson learnt. 


Closer look. 
You can still see how the drippers create a more dense root mass at the top under the drip tube. Still a nice root system but I think she would have grown bigger and better if I'd rooted the pot out for longer. 


Scissor/glove hash.


Wood, spice, hint of citrus (orange and lemon).

woody, pine, sweet citrus, not zesty.
Earthy aftertaste.

Mind is instantly energised but the buzz soon kicks in to the body as well. It's a bit of a head - body tug of war and leaves my cheeks numb with a warm tingling headband. If it wasn't for the body buzz being so strong I think my head would take off lol Proper relaxes my shoulders where I get most of my pain so a big thumbs up from me. Dry mouthed, narrow eyed stone with a wide awake head to start with. It doesn't take long for a full heavy legged body relaxation to kick in and my head to get a bit tangled, like a tug of war between focused and confused. Had to get on my feet, get some munchies and snap out of it lol I've only knowingly smoked Ammo from other people a couple of times but I don't remember it being this potent and strong. This being concentrated, I expect the buds to be a bit more mellow. But I reckon they'll still be as wicked. The trim will be mixed with the GG trim when it's down, then made into oil when the GG trim is dried. 

Happy gardening dudes, be  :lucky:

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