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Sweet Amnesic Gorilla Girl in the Hazy Tropic of Canna.


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Tropicanna Poison F1 fast Version vape/smoke report.

I planned on quitting the baccy and when I got my Vapexhale Cloud Evo out of storage it packed up after one hit. Fortunately I won GOTM so my winnings are already spent on a Dynavap Omni 2021 which I have used for my strain reports and I'm off the baccy :D 

Yield and bud structure.
I'm very pleased with the yield this plant produced from a 7.6L pot using a Blumat system for the first time and minimal initial training, just a few toppings for 10 main colas and a bit of bending with plant bendz. The plant was large and stretchy with buds well spaced out and they were nice and firm from top to bottom, top and mid buds being solid with large dense calyx. The extra bit of bending to open her out and keep her down as she stretched contributed to the mid canopy buds being pukka, as well as the genetics. She grew well with no real problems on a one feed fits all, but I tried my best to base the feed around this one with it being the biggest. She didn't really go hungry through flowering but got a nice fade on near the end as I reduced the nutes. The idea was to make all the plants in the tent happy and that wasn't an easy task with a 6 bottle feed being added to rich compost with slow release guano, so the SAH suffered a bit of over feeding. I wasn't sure if I'd put the TPFV on plain water too soon or if it was the low humidity that caused a lot of the older leaves to curl up in the last week or so, but they came off steadily and allowed more light to the lower buds. I reckon it was the low humidity causing over transpiration. The LED above her was turned up steadily throughout the flowering stage to avoid stress and I only got as high as 230w by day 44 before noticing stress and tell tale signs of Calcium problems appearing on some of the plants (I had lowered humidity for fear of rot). This wattage was only maintained for 3 days before I dialled it down to 220w on day 47. I started dialling the far red down on day 56. It was fully down by day 59, leaving the blue wattage at 183w for the rest of the grow. This totalled 498w along with the CMH at the back. At a guess I'd say this plant and the other 2 Sweet Seeds plants at the front were only getting about 100w from the end of the CMH reflector, so about 320w total from day 47 to day 59. Then 283w from then until chop. So I was quite impressed that this plant yielded 139g, just shy of 5oz :D I'd recommend training this plant low and wide for a monster yield. Just make sure you have the lateral space because she will go wild, even if her final pot is well rooted out before flowering and day/night temps are close :yep: I could have maybe tamed the stretch a bit more by turning the power up earlier but I was aiming for a stress free grow and also higher lamp power might have negated the close day/night temps I was trying to keep. 


I thought I'd add a chilled out Jamaican theme to show the dried buds off at the end. Jah bless. 


Mango and sweet digestive biscuit, like a cheesecake base. There's a hint of citrus orange/mandarine coming through as the buds are curing.




Very smooth, creamy caramel and mango. I've not grown Cream Caramel yet but this is how I would expect that to taste, without the Mango bit.






Hits my body first and feels like it's gonna be a full on body relaxation. Then the head buzz kicks in and I wanna be on my feet looking for something to do. Another vape and then it's sit back down again. It's a happy smiley one, really nice euphoric dreamy carefree head high. Found myself having daft thoughts and laughing at myself haha. Seems about 50/50 to me and it's a nice combination. Feel good weed. I think I'll nickname this zebedee cos one minute I'm proper relaxed and cowchlocky. I get up for a drink or munchies and I'm pacing about again. Nice smoke  :yep: For the report I vaped it from late on until the early hours, then finished off with a couple of pure single skinners. The missus came down at 7am and couldn't get a conversation out of me, I was talking gibberish lol The joints had wiped me out so I went to bed and was out like a light for most of the day haha. Can't fault it. Big up Sweet Seeds :thumsup:






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Sweet Amnesia Haze vape report.

Yield and bud structure.
This plant was a little fussy from early on, showing Calcium problems from about day 13 due to environmental conditions. Being a lot shorter than the TPFV she was topped less times for 8 colas and grew into a bush with nice symmetry. She carried on being fussy for a while and I ended up over feeding her while trying to meet the Tropicanna Poison's needs but she fared well. My aim was to do all pruning before switching to 12/12 for minimum stress as the flowers developed. But I never took enough from her lowers at that time and ended up having to prune small lower shoots off as she developed into flowering mode. This was done very steadily in a stress free way over a couple of weeks, but will surely have cost me in yield from wasted energy that could have been directed to the tops earlier. However, she still yielded 79g of very sweet smelling buds with large stacking calyx and the top buds being quite firm, the lowers being more squishy. Steady defoliation was carried out through flowering to allow more light to the lowers, but with the plant being quite short and the LED on low power it didn't quite cut it. Still, I'm pleased with the yield for the size of the plant :) In hindsight I think she'd have done better with the CMH overhead instead of the LED on low power. 




In the jars it smells of really deep over ripe mixed fruit with citrus orange and lemon. This is defo the jar I enjoy opening most for a sniff. The TPFV comes a close 2nd but that dried a little bit quick for my liking. This Amnesia was transferred to a bag after 5 days hanging, still on the stalks, then after a few more days de stalked and into a plastic tub for a few more days before jarring. I think in future (at this time of year) I'll go 3 days with each, then watch the humidity in the plastic tub until it hits 62-63%, then jar. When I grind a bud up the citrus really comes out, quite tangy. 




Sweet and sour lemon, wood and spice.








Head high comes on quickly, clear (ish) to start with and sense awakening.
Then the body stone kicks in and it seems like it's trying to tug the buzz out of my head, creating a bit of confusion and stoning me to feck  :D Good for music and a bit of a party smoke I reckon. There'll be some laughs had lol so that's what it will be used for. It's defo a tangled stone for me when on my own and reminds me of a Blues cut I kept for a while that was leaning to the head side of things. Great stuff and fun stuff but I couldn't smoke it for long periods or my head would start mashing up lol  This is very similar so will be kept by for a treat when friends are round ;) When the buzz wears off though, I'm left in a nicely stoned relaxed state. In summary it's quality top shelf if you wanna be off your head and not just relaxed.






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Gorilla Girl vape report.

Yield and bud structure.
This plant was a real pleasure to grow, showing only a little bit of fuss in the early days before she found her feet. This was down to me starting her in coco and not quite getting the watering right due to inexperience with coco. Once she got some roots out she was solid and only showed problems after my work getting in the way and a couple of late waterings, thus her tips getting burnt. After that though she handled the one feed fits all nicely and thrived when the Blumat drippers were installed. Seemed like a short indica leaning hybrid during the veg period, before the sativa side of her showed it's face when going into flower. After the initial 3 weeks stretch she seemed to carry on stretching as the colas started building and she just kept on building fresh calyx until the end, like she was never going to finish. I had planned on 8 colas, like the Amnesia, but I broke a branch while removing a plant bend and ended up with 6 great looking colas, the main being nearly 2 feet long. The buds are airy and squishy with small but many calyx and the harvest of the colas produced 104g of power tackle. If the 2nd harvest of the lower buds only dries to 8g that will be a 4oz plant so once again I'm pleased with the outcome. 


See the smiles on the Rastas, that's a reflection of me at the minute smiling with my stash :D 


In the jars I'm getting a hint of something like gravy with some spice, very faint, and cookies. Take a bud out to sniff closely and it's fruity with a touch of sherbert lemon. Can't smell the fuel I could smell in the hash. More of an orange and lemon mix with a hint of melon. Grind it up and sweet orange comes out. 





Orange and lemon, a bit of earth but there are hints of other stuff I can't quite pin point. Complex.








Straight up with an instant head buzz. Relaxes my neck and shoulders nicely within 5 or 10 minutes, then creeps in heavier to the body. Very strong in both head and body. Thoughts are clear enough to be functional in the head but I'm wasted as the uplift from the head high wears off. It seems to be heavier on the body than the scissor hash but hash usually affects me more in the head. As mentioned earlier I think it would be good for getting wasted with my mates at a BBQ in the sun with music through the daytime, but not if I wanted to get on with something. Power tackle with lots of trichomes. I won't be vaping it again within an hour of bed time as I won't get to sleep for a couple of hours, thoughts start racing a bit. But once the head high wears off it's GOODNIGHT lol 






I missed the merchandise comp due to being too busy so I've added some merch to highlight my full jars of Sweet Seeds goodness :D
Gorilla Girl is in the 2 jars on the left on top of each other. You know the rest ;) 


So for the 3rd year running I'd like to thank all at Sweet Seeds for providing these excellent genetics and a brilliant competition that's been fun. It's been well worth it as well, nearly 12oz of strong tasty gear from 3  plants and another great experience and learning curve. Big up to Joolz and crew for allowing this to happen :yep: 

I'd also like to thank everyone that has followed my diary and especially for the kind comments throughout. I hope there's some info in there that might help some peeps, especially with the Blumat drippers. They are the way forward for me I think. Very best of luck to all in the comp, I've thoroughly enjoyed following all your hard work, growing skills and the tips I've picked up from you along the way. :cheers::bong: 

As usual, a tune to finish off with.

Happy growing, be :lucky: 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just tidying up the loose ends.


The dried weight of the Gorilla Girl 2nd harvest was 29g, so her total weight was 133g, just 6g short of the Tropicanna Poison. The Sweet Amnesia haze was the babby of the bunch at 79g but overall I'm very pleased with the results. 351g from just these Sweet Seeds at the front under the LED at low power (220w), with about 100w overlap from the CMH at the back :D




The TPFV clone had been cut back twice I think and was stretching a bit as I try and dial my veg cab in to the warmer weather. Mainly 3 fingered leaves, but some 5 fingers starting to appear, so getting back to normality.



I cut her back again after the above photo and she'll be going guerrilla mid June if all goes to plan. I've not checked on my plot for a few months so I just need to have one last check before I plan properly.



A little oil run. 

As usual this is NOT a tutorial. I don't advise doing this indoors with ISO but I've done it many times and am confident in my methods and feel comfortable with it. Please don't copy if you're new to it.


The original plan was to make hash out of the TPFV wet frozen trim, and oil from the dried GG/SAH trim. I didn't expect much yield from either and changed my plan to drying the TPFV trim and mixing it with the other for more oil. Well I never got around to taking the TPFV trim out of the freezer and ended up spontaneously making the oil when I found the time. So back to plan A lol 


33g of dried GG and SAH trim with a few larf buds, frozen for a couple of days along with a litre of ISO.



The trim, washed for 2.5 mins and ready to strain.



Strained and wrung out as tight as I could. Looking very green from a long wash but I find with the trim dried first it keeps the plant fats out.



Double filtering into 2 jars to speed things up.



Poured into one jar ready for transferring to the rice cooker.



After an hour under the LED in my veg cab to get rid of chlorophyll. Could have done with another hour as it still had a green tint, but I wanted to get it boiled off in a reasonable time in the early hours and not be up all night.



On the boil with the lid off for the fumes to be taken straight away through the fan. 6" RVK L1 set to 50% on a Variac. You can just see the fumes being taken away and I can't even smell them. The tape on the lower half of the fan has no significance to this. My filter wasn't attached to the back of the fan over the winter so I had taped the fan hole up just to stop cold air coming into the attic room from the eaves. Only the top half needed removing to allow the fumes to escape.



The pan was getting light as the liquid boiled off so the lid was put on to weigh the pan down onto the heating element. Lid pushed back away from the fan to leave a gap and allow the fumes to leave. If the lid is put properly in place, the vent hole in the lid isn't large enough and pressure will build up, allowing fumes to leak out over the sides and condensate. That is very dangerous, in case they run down onto the on/off switch or if they run back under the lip of the pan onto the heating element. Not long after this the front legs of the cooker were rested up on some wood so all the oil runs to one edge for ease of removing and less oil stuck to the arse of the pan.



Lid removed, just for the pic, to show the alcohol is nearly gone. It's dark in there against the black pan but you can see the colour of the oil in the bubbles.



Lid back on and more alcohol bubbles appearing as the pan is weighed back down on the element.



Bubbles getting smaller as the alcohol is nearly depleted and decarb starting. Lid off just for the pic. 



Lid back on ready for a 6 hour decarb with the cooker switch on warm. This is when I leave it unattended so I use a simple jig made out of copper wire to make sure the pan is down securely on the heating element for the duration. I did actually switch it off at that point and went to bed at 4am, but it was ready to decarb the next day. You can see the pot raised on the wood here to keep the oil down on one edge and stop it burning in the middle of the pan where the element is.



The next day, looking still as a mill pond, with no carbon bubbles after about 6 hours on warm. Nice dark amber colour.



The finished product in a syringe. Sorry about the bits stuck to the outside, I'd wiped the excess oil from the nib with some kitchen roll. 

Just short of 3g but there was about half a g left in the pan as i couldn't be bothered removing it. The intention was to leave it there to mix in when I do another run, but since trying the oil I'll probably recover what's left in the pan when this has run out. It's bloody lovely.




Very sweet orange and lemon, can hardly detect an oily smell.



Taken through a Borosilicate oil pipe and I can't taste the orange and lemon. It tastes really smooth and creamy though, no oily harshness at all. If I can get my Cloud Evo fixed soon, I have some quartz nails to fit it so that would maybe bring out the taste more, dunno. Only had a couple of dabs anyway and I'd been drinking, so....



This is the good bit :) I love the instant hit oil gives me most of the time and this one is nice. Straight up high with a nice clear head, coupled by an almost as instant body relaxation to the upper body where I need it in my neck and shoulders. It's strong but it's smooth and mellow and I'm glad that there were more of the Gorilla Girl trichs in there than the Amnesia haze. A good combination/ratio though and the high lasts a couple of hours so I'm a happy chappy :D 


I've got 2 videos ready for the video comp but I've got another one to make before I decide which one of the 3 I'm entering, so will be busy in the next few days doing that. The TPFV hash will have to be made at a later date and added to the diary just to finish it off in my own mind lol 


Happy growing, be :lucky: 




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Sorry folks, I can't embed this video from Vimeo so I'll have to post it from Youtube and it's been set to age restriction by them, I can't change it.


Tropicanna Poison F1 Fast Version.



Edited by jadenugs
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Bloody hell, all those jars from just 3 plants. 


The reports on  the herbs are spot on. 

Won the comp well. 

Can't wait to run tropi poison one day. 

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