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vincey toots and his speedy boots

vince noir rock n roll star

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Interesting to see that you use capillary irrigation. This type of technique is rarely seen. 


This year I hope you win the metal spoon :P


Sweet smokes!
- Apolo



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hello blurple my old friend

ive come to use you once again ....


big explanation coming up ..


i noticed even using the scope at half speed ,the leaves of a couple of the plants were showing those tell tale fry signs ..and as i want this to be smooth ..ive relegated the scope for a couple of week until the flowering phase ..and returned to a proper relic ..the blurple ufo ..a trusty tried and tested veg machine . within an hour of it being on the leaves have responded ..i dunno what it is about the 3000k flower spectrum of the scope but it seems to not be that good for young seedlings ..which is understandable as its a bud maker ..

so for a short while ive returned to the purple blurple ..mock all ya like this little baby is tried and tested ..it works for me .


as for the plants ..

the speedy boots almost seemed to stop ..now we got some movement coming on ..also the scope was getting them a bit leggy ..i like short things ..short fast things ..

theyve also started drinking faster since the blurple was put in ..which is what im after .the goal being top up the bottle reservoirs daily .

the black creams are coming along nice as are the gelatos ..the tart has finally ditched her bonnet and is flexing to get in on the action .


ive also realised what a ball ache this is going to be keeping two disco biscuits a sweet zkittles and a dreamberry in a tiny veg tent ..gonna need string and scissors captain .



big plants in small tents and small plants in big tents ..its madness im telling ya .


the blurple hung low ..the enviroment is steady as cheese .



and the tart .


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On 16/11/2020 at 2:39 PM, vince noir rock n roll star said:

the only true way to know if it works for you is to jump right in with both webbed feet and give it your best ..personally i do the opposite ..saunter in .make a brew ..have a poo ..you know ..dont rush it ..the plants are going to be fast enough as is .

This site is anonymous, how do you know i have webbed feet? It be from my swimming because I still fucking sink!!

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statistically one in 7 will have webbed feet or fingers ...

this is a prime example of vincing ..to place a fact that youd have to check and make you doubt yourself .are you a one in seven?

.. ..like 83.3 % of statistics are made up ..check it out .


gullible isnt in the websters dictionary but in the collins and oxford ..hows that work ?

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Hi Vince, Great stuff with the 100% germ rate.  Your diary entertaining as always. 


All the best with the rest of the grow and here is a wee song in tribute to your wellie boot plants.



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tried dialling it down to its bare minimum ..once the burn is in it will grab em ..using the blurple will bring em back round ..the two worse burnt ones are one of the speedy boots and one of the black creams so as a remedial for them ive moved them into the veg tent for a day or two ..get that 4k spectrum booster ..

then they will go back under blurple for a while longer until theyve grown a bit more ..

seedlings just cant take the intensity no matter what ive tried .raising the light ,.toning it right down ..seedlings just dont appreciate it .


it is what it is ..

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the wooden spoon gonna be mine again ..i can feel it ..


right,had to juggle about a bit ..one of the black creams ive decided to flower under the 4k spectrum quantum board in the small tent ,mainly cos all the revegged plants were being strangled in such a small space ..,so they are now in the flower tent taking up the corners ..

one of the speedyboots has been seriously burnt on the first set of leaves ..i think it might be able to carry on but its 50/50 ..i may cull it and do another ..the other one has the starts of some deficiency even though its had a good feed regime and the wick works well .

the gelatos are acting weird too .one is perfectly on track the other is stunted ..,oh well what can ya do eh ..tarts some plants are ..speaking of tarts ..the black creams ..as ive said one is now in the veg tent which will give a nice comparison if i can keep it in shape ,height being an issue there ,one is twisting its leaves as if its too hot a soil ....so all in all ..a veritable sows ear ..if all else fails theres a zkittles bush in the bottom left ..ill flower that out lol ,

i aint giving up on any of them just yet though ,...just gotta remember how to grow





speedy boots ^


gelatos runty and normal



black cream twisty and tart


black cream privilidged ..

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executive decision time ..not too happy with the speedy boots so im going to start another two ..solely in compost ..no coco this time ..

i think i can squeeze two more in lol .

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what he`s trying to say is ..the two new speed+ seeds have germinated ..under 24 hours again ..this time ..they aint getting shit ..no ammendments no foundation ..naaahhthing but wattter ....


it was all going so well lol ..


new life vs ..the poorly




some of them might just pull through that initial burn ..a combo of light intensity and too hot a soil ..

some might not ..horse for courses ..we never leave a man behind ..

the gelato is pulling through so there is hope ..if not ill just plant more seeds ..


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dammit man ..i think i found what happened to speedy boots ..i lifted out the worst affected ..and found ..compacted coco and soil ..saturated ..so i sliced another hole in the sole and voila ..a stream of water ..the previous holes i made had almost healed up ..ooph ..heeled up ..honestly im wasted talent ..


anyway one of the speedys i dont think will survive .hence starting two more and another black cream ..this time ..they looks likes theys should ..proper healthy and up and running ..happy again ..



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leaky boots update



speedy boots one and two ..twos looking very unhappy ..but i changed the medium and warm soaked the roots so if its got the will to survive it will do so within a couple of days ..either that or its another noodle for a stir fry ..

in comparison the new speedy boots 3 and 4 ..look very promising .



black cream no 4 also has made an appearance ..




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