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OGKZ FV & Green Crack FV

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Aye mate, I was bit concerned with it being so warm here but these are tough and can handle it, fair play to 'em :yep: 




Always welcome Salty and yeah it's good to be feeling it after a shit start to the year, mentally speaking (I don't handle winter very well and was extra stressed with uni stuff) ;) 


@Jibba jabba


I'm sure I've read your diary on them bud, but I'll have to recheck just in case I haven't 'cos I lose track of diaries sometimes lol Too much toking like :rolleyes: 



Thanks for looking in guys, the more the merrier and spurs me on to do a tidy job of it too :yinyang: 

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Great to see you up and running again with these exciting strains mucker ;) 


Off to a great start and may they grow vigorously :yep: 


I too suffer from S.A.D. in winter. If it wasn't for my growing I'd shut down totally I think. Then when spring comes the hayfever hits me like a truck as I already have allergies. Need to move to Jamaica for an all year round 30 degrees lol 


All the best dude, I'm subbed :yep: 

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Yeah the growing helps for sure Nugs and these strains seem pretty good too, Green Crack FV especially so ;)  


Thanks mate and good to have you in here :yinyang: 

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Update - Day 15


Afternoon folks, time for this week's update then on these here OGKZ FV's & Green Crack FV's. :yep:


Things are looking good tbh and after the pot up into the bombay bad boys last week, they took it all into their strides and just carried on doing their thing with no bother or slowdown.  The Green Crack FV's are particularly good plants and got some praying with them too which is nice as I like to see them like that.  The OGKZ FV's are also doing sweet but one is a little slower than the other.  No praying on those though as they like to sag a bit it seems and a bit more fickle regarding my system ;) 


They're all almost due for the next pot up too, but I've left them in the bad boys for this update and will give then a couple more days before moving them on, which will be my six inch pots (I want a little more rooting first).  They're also on a full wet and dry cycle and getting hydrated every other day, with the addition of some VeloKelp (1ml/L).  


I'm also seeing them hitting the fifth node now too and so it looks like I'll commence with a top out when they go into the new pots as I'm aiming to put these under a screen in order to manage the height (got my current bloom under a screen and not true scrog but just to manage them a little better and it seems to be more beneficial because I'm able to put 400 W onto them.  Even though temps are slightly high, they're handling it fine for now).


Talking of temps, well, these OGKZ FV and Green Crack FV are having to veg up with higher temps than optimum of course, with a peak of 30 C at times but short of air con or a swamp cooler, there's not much I can do about it as my ambient temps are usually around 25 C in the summer time anyhow.  They seem fine enough and coping, but this I think could well be one of the reasons why the OGKZ FV's do not seem as happy as the Green Crack FV's and I might put a tray of water in there to aid with some humidity ;) 


Pics for today then and I took some top views, front views and one of them all in my veg space for this week :yep: 




As can be seen these are a bit on the 'droopy' side and I thought at first it was because they needed water but no, this is how they are even when the hydration is on point.  Got good colouring though and so happy enough with how they're doing.  Just seems like a bit more Indica expression to me.




Tight internodes however and some side shoots picking up too.




The Green Crack FV's and already I'm starting to favour these two as I reckon they're cracking little plants, sturdy too and just cope with a less than optimal environment very well indeed.  Got high hopes for these tbh and hoping for a good show ;) 




Again with these, the side shoots are moving on and the colour looks a little drained in this photo but is due to a filter I applied to sharpen them up a bit as I haven't got the best of cameras lol 




And all of them together back in my vegging box (I love seeing those praying leaves aye :in_love: )  All in all though, extremely happy with all four of these plants and how they're moving on in good time.  Solid work has gone into them by the looks of it :yep: 


And that's it for today really as there's nowt else to tell, apart from sending vibes and hope all's gardens are sweet and doing what you want them to do.  Next update and they'll be topped out and into their mid pots, so we''ll see how these bush up eh :naughty: 


Until next time though, thanks for watching :rockon: 

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:cheers:  @Fragg   Aye, we're past the point whereby I usually go in a bit heavy handed with the watering :wassnnme:  lol  Hopefully all will be good and they seem happy enough with the mix for now even without any additions (last season's was hotter than this I found hence me adding vermiculite to it but I've run out now and what with the lock down, I don't really like going to out shops because all of these bloody rules.)

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Looking great dude, nice short internodes to suit your space. I see you're using the trusty old Velo Kelp, great stuff ;) 


I've just done a coco grow in my veg cab with the Remo nutes with good results considering 3 plants in a tight space. That's me just about out of Velo Kelp though lol 

Good luck with the pot up and topping. They look to be quite vigorous hitting the 5th node on day 15, good work mucker :) 

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@botanics Progessing really well mate :yep:


Those Pot Noodle containers have just reminded me that I need to sort out the 3rd PNC on UK420  ;)


Thanks for that lol


Keep the updates coming buddy  :cheers:


Kind regards :bong:



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2 hours ago, HSO-Mark said:

Those Pot Noodle containers have just reminded me that I need to sort out the 3rd PNC on UK420 


lol  No worries bud :yinyang: 


These plants are tidy mate and already the aromas are developing lovely :naughty: 

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Update - Day 22


Afternoon folks, 'thank Crunchie it's Friday'!!! :yahoo: 


Anyways, update time for these strains we've going on in here and the fun is beginning now too.  If you recall, you'll remember that for the last update I had left them in the bad boys and wanted to give them a couple more days rooting before a pot up.  Well in that couple of days they managed to root them out so well that they were starting to get a bit displeased with me and wanted some more room.  Hence, I was on it and got them into their next pots, I use.  Aye they wanted more food the greedy buggers and so some of the lower leaves have yellowed a bit (Green Crack FV's in the main) but all is now well into the new mix. (new mix is a 50/50 pre used (riddled)/new compost with a little rockdust added for the miccos.  The old compost is the same Westlands MP with JI that I ran the Purple Moby Dicks in - It saves me using up all my new gear as getting the stuff in is a bit awkward without a motor and I'm not paying for deliveries lol)  Will just feed them some Chempak No 2 when I see them wanting it ;) 


I took some pics at the time of the pot up and bit of root porn :naughty: 




One of the OGKZ FV's (they're both quite equal in root mass) and the photo's a bit shit but you get the gist and can see that these are doing their thing well and miccos helping out too.




One of the Green Crack FV's and a better photo this one.  Again, it can be seen as to how these miccos I'm using are decent enough with some good quality noodles being produced in these bad boys.




I put them back under the lamps afterwards but left any topping out for a couple of days to settle them into their new homes :yep: 



So that was then and we're now up to day 22 with these plants.  I did top them out on day 19 and went for a FIM (sixth node) but didn't hit any unfortunately.  However the side branching is plenty full anyhow and they are going to be trained to open the canopies up as I want to put them under a screen for a semi scrog kind of affair and similar to what I've done with my current bloom (Indigo Berry Kush).  


Temps have been a cnut this week though tbh and it's been that really muggy/humid/jungly shite that makes you sticky and has meant these are running at 30 C when the lamps on, with off temps at 25 C, which is ok enough but not ideal.  They're also on some VeloKelp with each hydration and have been eased into these new pots tidy.  There's plenty of roots at the drain holes already and I reckon it's likely that I'll be potting them on a again before next week, (although this is worrying me a bit as they're moving so quickly, I might run out of space and have to cut back shoots to hold them until my current bloom is done as they've still got four weeks left in them at the least really and a bit slow to put out the main show they are) :unsure: 


I took some photos earlier to highlight the differences within a few days and they turned out a bit grainy but it is what it is and good enough for this stage of things.




The OGKZ FV's and less yellowing on the lower leaves with these.  Side shoots are developing now too and all seems good enough for this point.




Green Crack FV's and as can be seen, they like their food these girls!.  Cracking little plants tbh and bloody good genes in these I reckon ;) 


So I put them back under the lamps for this last photo and structures can be seen with them all moving into this phase of their cycles of life and happy days for lots of leaders.  (OGKZ FV's on the right side with Green Crack FV's to the left)




Other than that, i don't think there's anything else to fill you all in on.  They're happy, drinking well, getting some VeloKelp in with it and I leave them alone really to get on with it and without too much faffing about.


I'll update in a week then folks and so until next time, thanks for watching :rockon: 

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They are looking great despite the heat stress, it’s been a bitch recently with temps, making me scale things back in my thinking for the next 6 weeks or so despite having a new 8” extraction fan, it usually cools off mid August up here. Roots look solid that Velokelp seems to do the business, seaweed is a great addition in my experience but not tried Velokelp as yet.


ATB mate :oldtoker:



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:cheers:  @Fragg


Yeah mate these temps lately are showing my cheap arse system up now tbh ;)  I've got one of those new fans coming from DIYLED soon and that'll be going into my new area when I get around to it.  It'll certainly provide the airflow and will also go active using my current 4", but when the air going in is at 25/26 C like it has been, short of air cooling, not much that can be done about it.  This is where the LED's are very useful and I've been giving serious consideration to moving over to them recently, but money's short and have to play a waiting game for now.


The VeloKelp is the one product out of the Remo Nutrient line that I can fully endorse mate.  It's good stuff but the miccos are also tidy too and have always had good results using Vitax's 'Rootmore'.  :yep: 


Nearly out of the VeloKelp now though so will use up the Maxicrop I have here then. :v: 

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@botanics I hear you on extraction mate especially looking at the forecast for next few days :eek:. Recently got an 8” silenced EC Revolution with controller and it has helped a lot tbh but in high temps I’m still struggling even with LEDs. I really should take the time/money and extend the wiring for all the drivers to externalise them from the tent but I’m taking the easier option to scale back how many lights I run for the next 6 weeks or so. I’ve heard others mention these diyleduk fans but not looked into them having just upgraded, what you getting mate?


ATB :oldtoker:

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Hi mate, it's Ananda here with a slight name change, lol. Good luck, looking good so far. :)  

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