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OGKZ FV & Green Crack FV

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Welcome Folks!


Afternoon all and welcome to this test run with the OGKZ FV & Green Crack FV :yahoo: 


Well, I'm late with this diary and so first of all, apologies to @HSO-Mark for it taking a while as these magic beans were sent out a good while ago (before crimbo if I recall correctly) and my head was in the shed at that time what with stress and it being being winter with the dark nights and cold etc.   However, 'better late than never' was the mantra learned in my school days and so here it is, finally and looking forward to seeing what these can do :yep:  


I'd like to thank Mark and HSO for the opportunity, plus the patience too, these seeds don't come cheap and having the opportunity to run them and record the journey is an honour so lets hope I get a decent run and we smash it!!  


Okay, so the plan, as per usual, is fluid and plans change in my system anyhow because I always end up fighting with them lol besides it could be that these go into a new area come the bloom time (all depends on how things pan out financially at the moment though due to these strange times that's going on in the world).  If it doesn't happen, it's no bother as a screen is getting used, whether in my current system or in the new one and I intend to put 400W down onto them for a fuller and tighter nugged bloom than I get with 250.  The screen will allow me to manage that and keep them out of the lamp ( :unsure: aye, we'll see  lol ).


They'll be run with the usual setup regarding medium/nutes etc and details below: - 


Medium - Westlands MP with John Innes (with additions of either vermiculite or perlite, if I find it a little too hot which it can be)


Nutrients - Chempak 2 & 8 (Shouldn't need the 2 unless they're really hungry feeders and 8 is for the bloom) + Seaweed Extract (VeloKelp) + Epsom Salts (Vitax) + Miccos (Vitax Q4) + Rockdust (B&Q)


Lighting - LED (Standard B22 fit x 8 = 120W) for the veg stage.  250W Halide (early bloom until 3 weeks) following with 400W Sodium (SON-T Plus) (until last ten days then back to the halide)


Pots - Starters, then six inch rounds, followed by 5L finals


And so it begins...


Earlier today I put a drop of VeloKelp and some water into a couple of glasses and put in two of each strain.  They've now gone into the airing cupboard where it's a consistent temp and they'll remain in there until I see some root (a couple to five mm).




And that's basically it for now folks.  I'll update when I put them into the starters and from there it'll be a weekly progress report on how they're moving on with the usual pics and what not ;) 


Until next time though, thanks for watching! :rockon: 


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Welcome back brother, 


Cracking start and top genetics. A new space you say? Gonna be a fun run for sure. Glad to see you doing a diary again mate, solar powered now that spring hath sprung. 


I'll be pulling up a pugh and following along. 


Hope you're keeping well my friend 




Edited by Oldbear
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Good to have you onboard for the journey my friend ;)   Aye, 'solar powered' indeed.  I hates winter man, God put me in the wrong fucking country see :headpain:lol 


Yeah the new space I've been planning for a long time but you know how it goes, money has to be spent on other things and always something burning up the cash flow, but aye, I'm hoping to get it done as i really need more height in order to blast them with some energy. (I might even go up to 600W then :naughty: as it's 900 x 800 mm, thereabouts)


Other than that, doing okay in general bud, it's just this crazy arse situation we're all finding ourselves in and the incompetent fools that run the show, but this is diary and sanctuary away from such nonsense so fuck em :yep: 



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Nice one mate, good to see you back up an diary’n again. 
Will pop in now an again to see the progress off strain’s an groom it seem’s. 
Good luck dude. 

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Taking a pew to watch this one if I may mate :oldtoker: Interesting these new strains Mark has offered on behalf of HSO...


Hope you manage a larger space, less empty jar nightmares that way :)


Best of luck with the grow dude! :yep:

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Liking the simple line up (but how do you expect to get good results without some B52bigbudbukkakebombblaster pk 78-96 :rolleyes:?).

FWIW I'm of the opinion and reading that upgrading to higher output lights mid flower is not that effective (they produce a bit more than without, but significantly less than if you just run the bigger light the whole way, especially including the last part of veg). I think this is to do with the leaves and vascular system acclimatising to the greater amount of light on a cellular level, versus higher intensity later on which just gives a bit better spread and penetration.. see https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0044328X80800067 if you're interested.. Again just a 'fwiw'.

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1 hour ago, Amo said:

Nice one mate, good to see you back up an diary’n again. 
Will pop in now an again to see the progress off strain’s an groom it seem’s. 
Good luck dude. 


 Cheers Amo, yeah I tend to get a better outcome when writing a diary mate, I get a bit 'can't be arsed' when not doing so tbh ;) 


1 hour ago, Fragg said:

Taking a pew to watch this one if I may mate :oldtoker: Interesting these new strains Mark has offered on behalf of HSO...


Hope you manage a larger space, less empty jar nightmares that way :)


Best of luck with the grow dude! :yep:


Thanks Fragg, good to see you in here for the journey bud, the OGKZ I ran in the pot noodle was tidy ;)  (still to do the final photos and weight up shots for that lol )


1 hour ago, uBercaMeL said:

Liking the simple line up (but how do you expect to get good results without some B52bigbudbukkakebombblaster pk 78-96 :rolleyes:?).

FWIW I'm of the opinion and reading that upgrading to higher output lights mid flower is not that effective (they produce a bit more than without, but significantly less than if you just run the bigger light the whole way, especially including the last part of veg). I think this is to do with the leaves and vascular system acclimatising to the greater amount of light on a cellular level, versus higher intensity later on which just gives a bit better spread and penetration.. see https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0044328X80800067 if you're interested.. Again just a 'fwiw'.


Interesting mate, very and I'll be reading up too so thanks for the link :yinyang:  


The reason for the 250 Halide in my box is because I originally built it for 250 Sodium and at the time, bought in 400 W lamps as it was only going to be a 'temporary' box  (variable ballast up to 660 with boost).  Well it ended up I had to keep going in that box and when I ran the Industrial Plant CBD Autos (Dinafem), I found 250 really lacking and pushed them with the full 400 and it made a difference. 


I struggle with the height though (built it too short really and only 1500 mm without hanging the filter/lamp so effective is 1200 mm and too tight for 400 Watts unless I really strap them down hard).  Following reading up on the light spectrum and Kelvin values, I reasoned it would be sensible to try and keep the stretch down as much as possible due to the height issue so then started running 250 Halide during the first three weeks and then switching over to Sodium and if possible giving them the full bore.  It's got to the point now though that the fan is ageing and clearing the heat is a struggle so I can't do this in summer and then run the Sodium at 250 too which isn't ideal really.


Regarding the 'B52bigbudbukkakebombblaster pk 78-96' lol  Well lets say I'm both a tight arse and skint so snake oils are out of the question...They'll have what they're given and be grateful for it too lol 

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Oh yeh, fair play, I often struggle with a 600w in 90x90x180.. Height being the biggest issue, and I almost always underestimate stretch.. Often I end up removing the leaves from the parabolic reflector (making it naked vert, sort of), this run that wasn't enough so switched to a barn reflector, then squeezed the barn in the corner upside down and at a funny angle all just to try and avoid heat stress, and I still got some.. :russian: With only 1.5m I suppose you have to pick your strains carefully, and/or be a scrogmaster extraordinaire..

e2a- Forgot to say I've just started some regular ogkz so it will be good to see how the fast version compares.

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30 minutes ago, uBercaMeL said:

With only 1.5m I suppose you have to pick your strains carefully, and/or be a scrogmaster extraordinaire..

e2a- Forgot to say I've just started some regular ogkz so it will be good to see how the fast version compares.


Fo sho man!  lol It get's a crazy in there sometime and I've scorched quite a few tips, anything too Sat and it's troubles :headpain:  I used to squeeze six of them in there and was a bit cramped 




I calmed that shit down though as it was hard work and now the fan is old, it aint moving as much air so need a bit more room as you can imagine and don't want rot like.


That lot above were cracking genetics though (Bangi Haze x Psychosister via Madgiz) and did behave themselves more or less.   Lately though I've noticed I'm getting more stretch and the last tidy run I did was the Purple Moby Dick and they were hard work in the end with me trying to keep them out of the lamp (They had 400 on them but in the end it was just too much for them and singed some of it, which can be seen in the pic below at the centre rear)




The OGKZ is good mate and a nice smoke, ran it for the PNC but my head went and didn't put up the final update with the chop shots and final weigh in on the last one to come down (was an ounce and I'll be putting pics up in there when I get five)  I found it a relatively easy strain that wasn't too fussy at all mate ;) 



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They look nice, can see the psychosis in the first X. I'll check out your grow/smoke report after this.

Is that the secret jardin monkey fan btw? If so is it still going? I've had 2 die on me but they seem better built than most, at least for the price.. I wish someone would release a narrow profile, large diameter, dimmable ec fan though.. The only similar thing I could find when I looked a few years ago was greenhouse fans, but they didn't have dimmers.. 

I'm kinda hoping for something nice from the ogkz, most of the recent hso plants I've seen have been good, if all very OG looking/leaning.. If not I've got 5 of their sour blueberry to try next.. One thing I can say is they are strong, i accidentally beheaded one of the ogkz but somehow it survived (looked like a stem with nothing on top for a few days lol).


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GL man. I killed my OGKZ in some stupid stunt involving clones and an unexpected vist from the gas man. (not the bogus one though)

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12 hours ago, uBercaMeL said:

They look nice, can see the psychosis in the first X. I'll check out your grow/smoke report after this.

Is that the secret jardin monkey fan btw? If so is it still going? I've had 2 die on me but they seem better built than most, at least for the price.. I wish someone would release a narrow profile, large diameter, dimmable ec fan though.. The only similar thing I could find when I looked a few years ago was greenhouse fans, but they didn't have dimmers.. 


Thanks mate, it was the Bangi Haze x Psychosister than won me the COTC badge and amongst some of the best plants I've ever grown.  Massive respect for Madgiz' cooking to be honest as I've run the Smile F2 sent in for subbies too.  That was spiritual herb that just lifted the consciousness into a different dimension and a special strain indeed, 'magic hands' ;) 


The fan in the above photo was just an argos jobby and didn't cost much (think it was ten quid).  It lasted a few years and the trick, I found for longevity, was to take the front cover off as it prolonged the motor. (plus after every run, I stripped it down and cleaned up the blades to keep them balanced etc.).  It's dead now though and I couldn't get the same type from argos so bought a chrome one (same maintenance schedule but I leave the cover on as they're aluminium blades and a more powerful motor). 


Computer fans might be an idea (I was looking into it a while back) because as you indicate, in a tight environment the blow fans take up valuable room.  What I was thinking was to run a few of them on a bit of board and have them blowing across the canopy (my inlet comes in under a false floor see that the plants sit on with a gap at the right hand side end and then is blown across the canopy via the fan)  Because of the narrow profile, it'd give me more room.  I don't know how well they'd function but they can move a fair amount of air for what they are.



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Afternoon folks,  I'm pleased to announce that all four beans put into the solution the other day, split their shells and have begun putting out their tap roots.  Today therefore, I put them into some compost starters (no additions though as I've run out of vermiculite and thus used some wilkos compost I use for herbs as it's cooler than the Westlands MP and ok for germinating and young seedlings).


I guess we'll see after a few days as to how the craic is but I don't expect them to be long before they come through the medium as temps are really good at 25 C :yep: 


They went into the holes 10mm deep with a pinch of rooting hormone powder each (Vitax) and have now gone into the propagator to keep a steady micro climate.  Once they're up, they'll go into my little vegging space.  Other than that though, not much to harp on about and pic below :- 





I'll update next when they've all popped the surface so until next time folks, thanks for watching :rockon: 

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Yeah I do the same (removing the front grille and cleaning in between grows), definitely helps..

Think I remember one of the mods here, possibly owd or madg having something like you describe (a diy slim tower/panel fan made of pc fans).. A mate used to use a regular tower fan fixed horizontally across 2 tent poles, which gave pretty good airflow for not much noise, but the problem with them is they clog up even easier than normal fans, and are usually more expensive..

Any idea what HSO cross with their strains to make them FV's?


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26 minutes ago, uBercaMeL said:

Any idea what HSO cross with their strains to make them FV's?


I'm not sure mate and not as well read on these strains as I should be really but they keep coming out so fast now, I can't keep up with it all lol , @HSO-Mark will know more, no doubt and hopefully provide input when he pops in :yep:  





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