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Real Gorilla Seeds 2020 - Lock down in the swamp

Tommy tucker

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow my last post was August 20 th . What's up people? Sorry for the lack of diary effort recently but it been a little bit of a struggle balancing family life , work and chopping down a boat load of sticky bud. 
As i mentioned a few weeks back i decided to start chopping down all lemon OG + freezeland.


This girl was least affected of them all but become covered in rott in a day or two


These girls could do with a few weeks of dry weather to finish them off but that would be to much to ask. I would take my time and attempt to do bring down a plant a day.


Separating the rott from the smokable bits and go home each night spinning the popcorn bud in my camping washing machine. The purpose of this is to get rid of the large amounts of useless bud so i can make some tasty hash ready for Christmas. Here's a few shots of the bubble hash i made from the two rotten lemon OG + freezeland 



Once i got stuck into the first and second plant i realised how bad the rott situation is . To be honest its been terrible . The worst I've ever dealt with. I accepted that firefighting wasn't working. Now its a case of bringing down the worst effected plants as quick as possible. I managed at the time of writing this to chop down 10 plants by myself. So gutted to see everything just falling apart in front of my eyes.


The weather has been amazing for the last two weeks but the rott is still spreading and i can't stop it. I've taken a break in trimming to let the last 12 plants mature and finish up. 


A few weeks away the weather ruined me. Solid rain for a while , then intermittent showers and sun which made shit even worse. The two storms we had were brutal and left uncomfortable feeling inside my thinking what state the plants would be in.


My idea to get the supports in early worked a treat and no plants got blown over . Not even the massive lemon drizzles. I was pleased with that . At least i got that bit right.On some days these are types of conditions i had to harvest in .



And this is where i spent most of my time




I checked online last night and the area i live in the top 20 wettest parts of the UK. Add growing in a swamp to the situation and you got all the ingredients for a mold fest! And that's what i got 

This is what happens when you don't think the whole scenario through and rush to pick a unsuitable site. Live and learn hay!

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Great update,

made me smile, some nice big monsters.

made me laugh, under the parasol in the pissin' rain.

made me cry, the cracked stems from the storm.


some nice bubble from it though :skin_up:


look forward to hearing how you get on drying,

how it smokes etc



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2 hours ago, Shumroom said:

Great update,

made me smile, some nice big monsters.

made me laugh, under the parasol in the pissin' rain.

made me cry, the cracked stems from the storm.


some nice bubble from it though :skin_up:


look forward to hearing how you get on drying,

how it smokes etc



You should of seen the place that afternoon. WTF was I thinking lol

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Righteo. I'm still on catch up so forgive me if the photos look a little out of sync from the recent weather. These were taken over 2 weeks ago at the start of harvest 


This evening the swamp had drained nicely . Its a really fucker lugging through this bog when you want in and out within an hour or two



Loving the pink flowers of the lemon OG + freezlend


The nugs on the lemon OG and Freezland are a decent sized but soaked and loaded with rott





So the chop begins - branch by branch


Job done on this one !



So . As you can see the mold has ruined me . Its a case of get down and get it down fast

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This is the first day of the warm spell . Perfect chopping weather . Best crack on 




Lemon OG + Freezeland  seems to contain a few seeds - Has anyone else found any seeds in this strain . I'll collect these S2 for next year  :)


Big ass lemon drizzle 


Lemon OG + Freezeland





These Lemon Drizzle are as high as basket ball ring. Plant and leave !!! Look at the size of her







Lemon Drizzle


Lemon Drizzle 


Lemon Drizzle 


Lemon Drizzle tucked away in the corner is gradually rotting away. But she maturing quicker the others so I'll chop her soon.  No trim photos from this session for some reason.

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29 minutes ago, panik said:

Looking good mate dispute the mould , is a shame , but also a proper test for it sitting in a foot of water I suppose..

All 3 strains have done well considering the weather.  The Lemon Drizzle  especially. 

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Here's a few Lemon OG + Freezeland shots. Way off maturity but what can i do.


The Lemon OG + Freezeland has some monster cricket bat nugs on it.


Shame about the rott


IBL S1 has tangerine sherburt smelling buds 


Lemon Drizzle is a few weeks behind the rest


Lemon Drizzle



Most of the plants are showing signs middle aged maturity 




Another beautiful and almost warm September evening. No clouds . Crystal clear.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On Monday evening i managed to harvest my sole RGS G.S.C. This is one of the newer RGS new tester strains that @paniksend out .When i arrived ,I was expecting to harvest 2 plants but to my surprise one of the two autos turned out to be a male.




This one got snipped strait away. 






I think this auto is a few days under 90 days old. She was ready to be harvested anyway. Nice and dense,  sticky strawberry candy flavoured nugs.  





Couple of bud shots from after a kitchen trim


Big stem for a auto .




The strain did really well against the rott to be fair . Just a little bit which was great. As soon as these are cured i'll add some dried bud shots with a smoke report. 

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2 hours ago, B-real said:

fair play mate how many you got left out now ?

I finished up yesterday.  Loads of updates to come.

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Those purple flowers look banging, sat here drooling at some of those pics. Looking forward to seeing some more shots of those! :D 

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