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McHazy's Quest For A Sweet Seeds Grinder


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Well so this week the entire country has gone mad loo roll has become a defacto currency and we find that the uk is full o selfish pricks led by fuckin morons :bangin:

But fuck aw that cause I was choppin at the weekend :yep:


But first we shall have a look at everything else 

Now as with my other diary the plants have been well neglected this week between running errands for parents that cant really leave the house at the moment and other stuff

So the plants are pretty starved again which is a wee bit annoying as they were kinda coming back to again but never mind on we go


Dark Devil




This one is on flush now with the intention of chopping this weekend coming :yep:

The buds are airy as fuck but they calyxes keep on stacking I dinna expect much weight but should get a decent wee amount from her


Cream Mandarine



These two are starving but they are also almost cooked

Will see if I can keep them goin another few days before I start flushing them the nugs on these two are solid as fuck :yep:


Sweet Cheese Auto


Again hungry as fuck but she looks like she needs another week or two anyway so will try an keep her goin she is gettin real frosty and she stinks like a a a cheesy thing wi sweet overtones a a a sorta sweet cheese if ye like lol


Sweet Cheese Auto #2


This one goin mad in her new pot still healthy too so happy days :yep:


Ice Cool


Compared to the sweet cheese above this one is tiny but she was a wee bit sickly when I potted up she is growing again now tho just a bit slower than her more forward sister


End of part one musical interlude :yep:



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Now that am suitably resupplied :skin_up:lol

Let the show continue

These two were chopped at the weekend and I used the trim to make a wee bit o iso hash wi the last o my iso


Black Cream


A bonny as fuck wee plant this who took everything I threw at her and stayed remarkably green right to the very end

A wee stunner this one :yep: 


Bloody Skunk


Another one that took all my abuse and begged for more :naughty:

I love the colours of these plants and this one has a very skunky smell to her indeed :yep:


Neither plant being huge by dint o bein in tiny pots but I am impressed wi the buddage on them all the more for that look out next pot noodle grow lads a new contender for the throne may arise :wassnnme:lol




After I got these hung up I looked at my wee tub o trim an thought fuck it I got a wee bit iso left lets do a wash an make a wee bit iso hash


I got a surprising result



This shit came out purple :eek:

Reckon I must have washed it a wee bit longer than I should have an it leached some o the colour out the leaves lol


This is it now that the iso is all evaporated


I didn't get a lot as you can see but this is definitely the first time I have ever had red hash lol

Red seal anyone :wassnnme:


Thats it for now folks 



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Loving the auto antics McHazy! Nice colours on those buds and yeah I think purple hash is a thing, if you have purple trichs

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yeah, it must be red leb ha ha . it looks tasty as fuk, and a good return for just a couple of plants fan leaves aye?

Enjoy it, while the world around us goes mad....

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Nice one on the harvest - some good looking plants with great colours. Looking forward to seeing this weekend's result soon.


Great to see some younger ones in the tent too. I've just had my first samples from my Ice Cool Auto and I am really really pleased with the results, tasty and powerful. I hope it brings you somethings as good too - good luck :yep:

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@Lazy Dayz @Exhale @badbillybob @delagdo @jadenugs Cheers for lookin in lads and the hash was indeed awesome :yep: 


A wee update all chopped now apart from the two younglings who are starting to take off very nicely now the sweet cheese was almost dead but fortunately almost ready so she was chopped last week

The dark devil and the two cream mandarines were chopped today the mandarines are solid one noticeably more so than the other but happy wi the results from both the devil was a headache to trim bein less proper buds and more like masses of stacked calyxs but still a decent wee amount from her too  :yep:


Pics tomorrow :yep:


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Ok so tomorrow took a minute to get here lol but here are pics as promised


Sweet Cheese


Apparently my chop pics for this one have disappeared so here is one of her out of the drying box and near ready for jarring

Things are drying too bloody quick atm even wi the heating all off trying to manage temps in the tent and regulate the drying box so they dinna dry too quick is a headache but it is whit it is 


Dark Devil


As ye can see masses o stacks to try an trim round my fingers were aching a wee bit after this one even wi it just bein a rough trim



Cream Mandarines


The nugs on these two are like golf balls they solid as fuck an sticky as to boot they smell amazing I look forward to these :yep:



Ok I think thats me up to date wi harvest pics will be back later wi the 2 young eens :yep:


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CM look solid mate and the DD looks tasty :yep: I know hat you're saying with the the stacks, does my head in trimming them lol 

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1 hour ago, jadenugs said:

CM look solid mate and the DD looks tasty :yep: I know hat you're saying with the the stacks, does my head in trimming them lol 

Cheers man aye she looks an smells tasty like but she is gonnae dry fast as fuck there no denseness at all might try a bowl wi a damp cloth in the bottom o the box to raise the humidity a bit see if that helps but that can bring its own issues too ach well worse problems to have then tryin tae slow down my weed dryin process lol:yep:


And as promised heres the two younglings 


Sweet Cheese


Showing a touch of hunger time to up the nutes starting to bud too curious to see how she does cause she in a 5 1/2 L pot which is well bigger than her deceased sisters 6" potlet lol


Ice Cool


Well glad this one came good as she was my last ice cool auto she is also startin to throw out a few pistils too so happy days the tent isnae long without sweet buds


Black Cream/Bloody Skunk crystals from grinder catcher


Seems they do throw out red trichs :yep:


Aw the best fowks


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1 minute ago, Ccs141 said:

Living the purple trichs make a nice looking hash brick that 

Aye lol it woauld almost be worth runnin a whole crop o them just to run the whole lot as hash 

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