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Cream Caramel + Black Cream Autos


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Just had the 5 year electricity check tried to tell the man my missus was in bed sick and he told me that I could go plug it in for him in there and just tell him the readings, sweet I thought I've managed to get him to stay out.


Turns out he needs to go in to check the light socket I just covered the tent with bundles of clothes and a mattress and unplugged everything so no wires were hanging about before he came in just in case he would end up going in. 


Man seemed like a proper nice guy to be honest but obviously I don't wanna be showing him my plants lol and I couldn't put the tent down as they are gonna be stinking the place out.


Well anyway I decided to super crop the main stem on cream caramel 2 as where I LST'd it, it wasn't doing much as it was still the highest branch by quite a bit.


Both cream caramel have been given a dose of maxicrop seaweed plus iron as they have been yellowing still, I have actually raised the LED as I think it could be a little too close for the cream caramels and causing the yellowing?


Fed them yesterday with biobizz and PM magnecal +.


2.5L room temp tap water each plant


2ml grow 2ml bloom .5ml cal mag and 1.5ml top max. 


Not sure when to decrease the grow nutes to be honest?


I'll post some pictures now. 





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I have just given them all a stem rub to see what there smelling like and they are all amazing especially the black creams so far, the purple pheno smells exactly like fruit pastels! 

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10 minutes ago, Openairbud said:

Nice work so far, they are some big autos, fair play :yinyang:


Cheers mate! The cream caramels are lovely size shame about the yellowing though think the LED could of been causing it as the black creams are fine under the CFL, I've raised the LED up even more incase that could of been causing it hopefully its just that and not other deficiencies. Wish I could show everyone the smell off the Black Cream 1 though I've never smelt weed like this only way to describe it is fruit pastels literally mouth watering over harvesting this little beauty even if its a low yielder.

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Lights off pic of the black cream 1, can't seem to rotate it on this image resizer app :wallbash: Sorry for that but now I have changed to a different resizer app hopefully the quality will be almost as good as the original photos are. 



Edited by UKsFinest
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The cream caramel 2 supercrop didn't really achieve nothing it's just turned straight back up to the biggest top so I'm just gonna let it do its thing, cream caramel 1 is doing well and had a nice even top with plenty of bud sites forming. 

Black creams are doing fantastic really nice bud formation with plenty of massive pistils forming each day. Smells are amazing two totally different phenos but both smell amazing. 

Done a little bit of defoliating earlier just removed some lower branches of each of the plants I know it's not really the best thing to do with autos?? All I cut off was the 2 lowest branches on each plant. Just ordered a clip fan as this ones a bit too small to reach the top of the canopy now lucky it's not too hot for them I raised the LED due to the yellowing and it's seemed to of helped alot.


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looking good in here ..about the nutes ..you say you dont know when to ease off ..


think of it like this ..

say a plant is said to have an 8 week flowering period ..think of your nutes like a drag racers acceleration pedal ..


dont slam yer foot down on the start line cos youll wheelspin ..ease them in ..building up weekly til halfway mark on the drag strip ..then ease off down to the final week of just water ..

slow ..faster ..fastest .slowing .slow ..stop..


easy rule of thumb ..its more technical than that with the nitrogen rule ..where the plant has 80% of its nitrogen up til week two of flower then none til the last week when it uses its 20% left over ..

but as a basic way to remember how to feed ..think of it as a drag race .

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4 hours ago, vince noir rock n roll star said:

looking good in here ..about the nutes ..you say you dont know when to ease off ..


think of it like this ..

say a plant is said to have an 8 week flowering period ..think of your nutes like a drag racers acceleration pedal ..


dont slam yer foot down on the start line cos youll wheelspin ..ease them in ..building up weekly til halfway mark on the drag strip ..then ease off down to the final week of just water ..

slow ..faster ..fastest .slowing .slow ..stop..


easy rule of thumb ..its more technical than that with the nitrogen rule ..where the plant has 80% of its nitrogen up til week two of flower then none til the last week when it uses its 20% left over ..

but as a basic way to remember how to feed ..think of it as a drag race .

Thanks man thats really put it into a easy way to understand, I gave them a top dress with a bit of fish blood and bone meal I also gave 1ML grow 2ML bloom and 1ML top max, the cream caramels both under the LED seem to be looking like they need more? PH water to 6.5 too. I noticed the black creams are dark green and glossy so cutting back on the nitrogen should I cut down further on it next time or just keep at 1ML sorry I'm just a bit worried about if I cut it down too quickly 

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everything looks fine ..stop worrying ,these plants have a symbiotic relationship with us ..dont go fretting around them cos thatll come out in the smoke ..chill be nice and they be fine .

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@UKsFinest looking good, I have no idea about nutes when it comes to soil. I know vince will help you out in that regard. Any how hope it all goes well for you and you get a nice harvest. There is certainly going to be some nice aroma's and colours to come along shortly.


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Cream caramel 2 near the fan and cream caramel 1 in the front, love how the #1 is plenty of bud sites forming I would definitely clone this if it wasn't an auto, I could fill my 100x100 with just 4 of these if they all grew this way she is a beast.




Black cream 2 (green) this is one of the lower buds looking nice and juicy already the smell is beautiful and then I smell her sister Black cream 1 (purple) every time I brush up on her when I am attending the plants it amazes me I have never smelt a plant like this before. Fruit pastels with a sour twang it's gonna be a strange one as I've never had weed this different to be honest I think I'm in love with it. :in_love:




Black Cream 2 and Cream Caramel 2


large.PicsArt_12-27-09_57_38.jpgCream Caramel 2

Edited by UKsFinest
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38 minutes ago, vince noir rock n roll star said:

everything looks fine ..stop worrying ,these plants have a symbiotic relationship with us ..dont go fretting around them cos thatll come out in the smoke ..chill be nice and they be fine .

Cheers I just overthinking  few things I've only just learnt to be honest I started researching alot of stuff and its all fresh in my mind so I'm picking up on minor things I think. 

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i will say ..these are some of the best examples of black cream ive seen ..its notoriously finicky to grow and not the best yeilder for me personally but its such a nice novelty smoke that its worth doing ..

well done on getting them this far without trouble ..expect lots of yellowing and purpling of the leaves as they progress into flower ..

top work fella .

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