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Jibbas pot of Ogkz

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Evening Uk420,


Day 13 Flower,


The stretch is on, She is throwing out pistols all over, here are some pics, first up one of the four leaders,




Here is another one, number two perhaps,




Another, with no name as yet.




A pic from the front, the pot you can see is the cut, the actual pot is just out of shot.large.E3B43E85-0D75-4BA3-B438-25BB552A4DD8.jpeg



A bit of bottom action,




As I said the stretch is on probably gained around 4-6 inches as of today.


And to finish off a quick bottom shot of the cut,



The King is Dead :execute:


All Hail The Future King :notworthy:          Whoever it be.

Take it easy. Jj :skin_up:

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Hi @Jibba jabba , really looking forward to seeing how your pot noodles do in flower. 

I have a feeling your patience and long veg time are going to pay off with some fine pot noodle colas indeed.


Bring on the buds mate, atb :)

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10 hours ago, shire said:

have a feeling your patience and long veg time are going to pay off with some fine pot noodle colas indeed.


Cheers mate :cheers: 


To be honest it has been a bit of a nightmare, far too much watering, and extremely inefficient, but what can you do hey.


Maybe today will be the day that I set up my new pump, maybe some more lights too, I think she will appreciate it.


Take it easy. Jj :yinyang:

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Hey jibba mate...

things look to be going good since the flip, an stretch not looking too outta control in the pic’s, though week 3 was the stretchiest for mine...

you will soon see the fruits of ur long veg now...

Good luck dude...

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Morning Uk420.


Day 18 Flower.


Ok well it’s been another busy week in the Jabber household, I have certainly had a few things to do to say the least, I have positioned the other pair of Qbs to hang vertically each end of the groom, so we now have a pair above horizontally then the vertically positioned ones hanging off of each end, they are very crudely positioned, I used some stainless steel steak type u pin things that I have Bent the ends over.


Thats the lights now the feeding.


I have been winging it the last week or so trying to hand feed her as well as the wick,  but alas I have had to concede that it is not going to be possible for me to feed this girl enough to keep her in reasonable shape, unless I want to move into my groom and feed her every hour or so. So I have resorted to setting up a little pump, a brand new pump, may I add all the way from China, to continue, I have a small popcorn bucket that I cut a hole in the center of the lid, I wrote cut but a better description would be hacked, so I hacked a hole in the center for the noodle to fit, here’s a picture so you can in-visage some thousand words of your own.large.B14A7EDE-CD16-4D74-BE73-3BE00238DBCA.jpeg


I am going to cover the lid today and I might even incorporate some bubble wrap or something like that around the sides.


Here comes the noodle pics, brace yourselves, large.373E993E-3AF1-41FB-A57A-24A837BAF86C.jpeglarge.B5D29D38-6135-4865-AB2E-B14B67C98050.jpeg


As you can see the boards are a fair distance away I would suggest a good eight inches on the sides, at least four inches above, once I have the feeding under control I am sure I can pull the side ones in a bit, or I could just turn them up.


The stretch can’t possibly have anywhere else to go, surely Shirley?  

So I’ll keep an eye on it over the next week.


Also the cut is going alright, well as good as I would expect really, I’ll be happy if there is a quarter on her at the chop, if she makes it that far, but o am going to stick my neck out and suggest that she is good for at least arf, we will see.large.6AA9B663-FD5D-4242-849B-3C623B83F60F.jpeg


My apologies for not getting any bottom shots this week, you’ll just have to take my word as an honest person that there are no roots escaping, I’ll try to remember to get some later if I don’t forget which i might,



All Hail The King :notworthy:



Who ever that is :skin_up: 


Take it easy. Jj :yinyang:

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its what the royal lumberjack has to prepare before the end of the competition ..toffee by royal decree .

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Hey @Jibba jabba dude

thats a nice big strong looking ole girl you’ve got now, the stretch can be a lot with these, you seen mine haha

that first full pic, I hadda look down too see what pot lol looks like a normal grown plant (bigger pot), big an chunky, just look at the steam on her...



ps; What is your thoughts on flushing mate ? 

@zabz was in here, just as we was talking abt flushing a while ago...

he can explain it better as it was just his post I was going off...


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34 minutes ago, Amo said:

ps; What is your thoughts on flushing mate ?


Well I was going to say 3-5 days plain olde water.

But I am tempted to taint it with something toffee flavoured to favour the King lol


Jj :skin_up:

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4 minutes ago, Jibba jabba said:


Well I was going to say 3-5 days plain olde water.

But I am tempted to taint it with something toffee flavoured to favour the King lol


Jj :skin_up:

Cool, I think I’ll go for 3-4 days as I was just talking to zabz an he said he was using organic nute’s an maybe that caused the fade more ? 
So 3-4 days is sorta in the middle, an I was gonna flush with a weak organic seaweed extract solution, prob 1ml per 1L, read this on here somewhere (king vince, in another diary I think) what you think ?


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13 minutes ago, Amo said:



On a serious note tho mate, I don’t think it will matter to much come the end, the medium will be pretty empty, I’ll just see how all the others have gotten on with whatever they have decided, then weigh my options from there, but a bit of seaweed ain’t gonna hurt nothing tho.


Take care. Jj :yinyang:

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53 minutes ago, Jibba jabba said:

I’ll just see how all the others have gotten on with whatever they have decided, then weigh my options from there, but a bit of seaweed ain’t gonna hurt nothing tho.

haha, that’s what I’ve been doing too, learning an getting tips watching others, see how an what they have done, hoping they know more than me, just funny you asked abt flushing, as zabz is the only one I seen say anything abt it, so that is all I had to go off

Another 10 days, well 9 now, an then I’ll start the seaweed flush, cool lil tip that one...

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@Jibba jabba Definitely one of the best looking plant's in this year's PNC  ;)


Your hitting that stage where the stretch will be slowing down, then we can really see what this well structured lady can do  :headbang:


Keep those updates coming mate :cheers:


Kind regards 



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On 26/11/2019 at 8:12 PM, HSO-Mark said:

Keep those updates coming mate :cheers:


Morning Folks, 


Day 24 Flower.


Well I don’t know where to start this morning, damm I have had a busy week.


But back to the Pnc, this girl is really starting to come into shape now, the stretch is done, so I dropped the lights down a bit more, got about 4 inch clearance now, top and sides that is.


Also gave here a slight tidy up, I decided to remove most of the manky looking leaves, they looked well past the source that they should have been, so into the compost bin they go.


Feed wise I would guess just over a litre a day now, I have gone from feeding 3 times a day for a minute, too five times a day for fifteen minutes, now I put the pump on the same timer as the lights so I have the waterfall effect, if anything slightly overwatered, but she ain’t gonna dry out at all no chance, 


There are plenty of bud sites from top to bottom on all four leaders, so fingers crossed they stack and swell into some donkeys, glad to report not a bollock in sight, which pleases me greatly, but is a credit to Hso’s breading team for producing such solid un fuckable genetics, well I say that but there has been a couple, but not mine, which has most definitely been stressed for at least four and a half of the last five months, waffle waffle waffle,


Pictures.... Canopy.



From the left,



From the right.



Another one of the top 



Clearance of the panel above.



Another view from the front.  



Nibbler bottom.( nothing to see here)



Nibbler full frontal.



Now I have the feeding sorted the only real problem I have to contend with is the heating, as the room is pretty much empty.


Slighty warmer than she really wants to be during lights on, and the air temperature is a bit low during lights off, but the roots and the Rez stay nice a warm.


I think that’s me lot, 


Take it easy Jj :skin_up:

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