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Purple Moby Dick


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Hey man snap!  lol  Interesting that you say about the 400 MH.  Now see, I've vegged under my 250 Halide and noticed that these little LED and CFL (the LED's are plain household lamps I picked up from home bargains and 15 W each) do fine (with coco though, I couldn't get a decent veg under them and was all Cal/Mg connected issues ;) ) .  Yeah, distance from light is important with them and not too close, I'm finding is the better (about six inch from tops).  I love the way they are vegging these PMD's because there's not a lot of watts on them yet they are doing fine.  Thanks for stopping mate, are you running a diary on yours?




I'm up for a Pot Noodle challenge Mark :yahoo: ...I don' t see any issue with incorporating a 'breeder off' with it either mate to be honest, it's all fun and games whilst learning at the same time and proper Zen like :D  Yeah why not indeed!


I'll have a looksie on the HSO board in a bit mate because I'm way behind catching up on the boards after taking the time out and things move fast in this game eh :v: 



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I won't be doing a diary, the space they are growing in is new, I haven't got everything dialled in yet so there are all sorts of variables which might affect results.

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On 14/05/2019 at 3:12 PM, botanics said:

I'm up for a Pot Noodle challenge Mark :yahoo: ...I don' t see any issue with incorporating a 'breeder off' with it either mate to be honest, it's all fun and games whilst learning at the same time and proper Zen like :D  Yeah why not indeed!


I never thought about doing a Dinafem v,s HSO pot noodle challenge grow battle. Now that could be both fun and crazy ;)


I am leaning on keeping the PNC dedicated to HSO and doing something different for Dinafem :yep:


Stay tuned :bong:


All the best 



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Update - 28 Days Later...


I'm a bit late with the update this week folks but I've been a bit busy, however I took the photos the other day and so even though we're a little past 28 days, that was when the photos were taken ;) 


Anyways, the plants are doing ok and improved in look with the newer growth, although they are light feeders and still finding it a tad hot (one is particularly sensitive it seems and another is more positive with the medium, whilst the other two are pretty much equal).  They're growing as per though and rooting without issues so I'm going to top them out or try a fim before I put them into their finals (should be going into those next week and have to time it right with my blooming plants or they'll outgrow this space I have for them :fear:) lol 


I'm hoping for some decent shoots and I'll have to get some new bloom lamps for these 'cos the ones I'm running have well had it lol  especially this sodium and have noticed that the drop off is really sharp on the Sylvania lamps with serious consequences on the bloom (I'm thinking of going back to SON T tbh now that I use halide for the first three weeks and at the end.  Always found them to be good for yield years ago) :yep: 


So some data then for the other day :-


Medium - Westlands MP with JI plus vermiculite addition

Lamps - CFL/LED combo 4500 K @ 96W 20/4

Temps - 28 C Max / 24 C Min

Food - None

Hydration - Full wet/dry cycle established 


Photos :-






Next update will probably be after I've topped them out guys, but until then, thanks for watching :v: 


Edited by botanics
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On 29/04/2019 at 4:19 PM, botanics said:



Update - 7 Days


Afternoon all, a quick update on these PMD's and photo :yep: 






On 29/04/2019 at 4:19 PM, botanics said:



Looking nice there with these purple ones, I got a similar strain on the go, dinafem Moby Dick, it smells so hazy, top smell profile 

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On 23/05/2019 at 5:28 PM, botanics said:

Update - 28 Days Later...


I'm a bit late with the update this week folks but I've been a bit busy, however I took the photos the other day and so even though we're a little past 28 days, that was when the photos were taken ;) 


Anyways, the plants are doing ok and improved in look with the newer growth, although they are light feeders and still finding it a tad hot (one is particularly sensitive it seems and another is more positive with the medium, whilst the other two are pretty much equal).  They're growing as per though and rooting without issues so I'm going to top them out or try a fim before I put them into their finals (should be going into those next week and have to time it right with my blooming plants or they'll outgrow this space I have for them :fear:) lol 


I'm hoping for some decent shoots and I'll have to get some new bloom lamps for these 'cos the ones I'm running have well had it lol  especially this sodium and have noticed that the drop off is really sharp on the Sylvania lamps with serious consequences on the bloom (I'm thinking of going back to SON T tbh now that I use halide for the first three weeks and at the end.  Always found them to be good for yield years ago) :yep: 


So some data then for the other day :-


Medium - Westlands MP with JI plus vermiculite addition

Lamps - CFL/LED combo 4500 K @ 96W 20/4

Temps - 28 C Max / 24 C Min

Food - None

Hydration - Full wet/dry cycle established 


Photos :-






Next update will probably be after I've topped them out guys, but until then, thanks for watching :v: 



Looking in decent shape mate :yep:


Possible bit of nute burn on those lower leaves but the new growth looks on track  ;)


Thanks for the weekly update buddy. I'll drop back in on the next  :yep:


All the best  :bong:



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Update - 38 Days


So, update time on these 'purple dicks' again folks and I took today's at 38 days :naughty:lol  (It's the kid in me man, what can I say :bag: )  


I've topped them all out (a couple on five and the other two at six nodes) and they are underway with the development of the side shoots and looking much better in the new growth, now that they are adapting to the medium.  I haven't potted these up yet though (gonna do it this weekend) and decided that I would let them get over their topping first before moving them into the finals ;) 


Temps are running high though and hitting 30 C at times during lamps on (sign of the warming up now that summer is almost here).  They seem ok with it but I'm planning on a new fan soon and a bigger one too because I'm not getting the airflow, I'm happy with anymore.  Regardless of the temps however it seems that the PMD's don't mind it a little warm but it does mean, I'm not going to increase light output until they go under halide in the bloom cab and may give them a week's veg under the halide before flipping them, will see.


Some data for the week then :-


Medium - Westlands MP with JI + vermiculite addition

Lamps - CFL/LED combo @4500K total 96W

Temps - 30 C on / 26 C off

Food - None

Hydration - Full wet and dry cycle established (half a litre to saturation)


Photos :-






Now that there's more going on with them, I'll start putting up some more pics in due course.  I'm undecided on the training quite yet, but there'll be some tying work no doubts and want to push these plants under new lamps so until next time, thanks for watching :v: 

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Well, anyone taking 4 purple dicks is pretty impressive mate, I hope you are sitting comfortably after all that?


Seriously though, they look banging mate, top growing and you get 25 ratpoints for your efforts so far.

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lol With four purple dicks mate, there is no sitting afterwards! 


Thanks man, it started to get a bit ropey a while back and could see they weren't the happiest but things have improved a lot.  I don't know what I'll do with the mix on the finals yet though, could put a bit of coco in it but I've got to rinse a block and do all that arsing about first :headpain: so may just do the same again with vermiculite to cool the mix a bit. :v: 

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On 01/06/2019 at 4:53 PM, botanics said:

lol With four purple dicks mate, there is no sitting afterwards! 


Seriously my coffee has just gone all over the monitor lol


Bet your walking round like John Wayne lol


On 01/06/2019 at 4:53 PM, botanics said:

Thanks man, it started to get a bit ropey a while back and could see they weren't the happiest but things have improved a lot


A slight rough start but back on track now :yep:


All girls have been topped and look really healthy brother  :yep:


How long do you plan of vegging for mate before you flip that switch to bloom? 


All the best  :bong:



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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lol Cor blimey, I can but imagine it  @Dinafem-Mark  :ouch: 


I'm a little late getting them into their finals but I reckon a week maybe a little longer mate but they'll be going under the halide, as I'm going to chop my bloom early (I've run it on well worn out lamps so down on total harvest etc and besides, I'm out of smoke and it's costly buying it in ;) )


Going into these new buckets I picked up tomorrow (7 L) and after the stretch is done under the halide, these will be run on SON-T because I've gone back to them for sodium, as was always a fine lamp for yield and doesn't drop off like I'm getting with these Sylvania lamps I've been using since growing again :v: 

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28 minutes ago, botanics said:

these will be run on SON-T because I've gone back to them


Is that "Philips" Son-T mate?


All the best  :bong:



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On 03/06/2019 at 10:59 PM, botanics said:



Osram mate, not quite Phillips but always decent :yep: 


Never has a bad experience with either mate :yep:


All the best  :bong:



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Update 49 Days


Well, things are ramping up from the last time folks and these are moving on now :yep: 


Six days ago I potted these PMDs into their finals and decided to use these new 7 L buckets with handles I picked up from the cheap shop.  Just drilled holes in the bottoms, same diameter as my 5L pots. The plants seem to like the pot up because they are growing well into their boots and I also upped the power too because they need it tbh and so I'm up to 144 W total.  I did the same with the mix as previous and included a decent percentage of vermiculite to cool it down a bit and it seems to have taken the edge off but they are still burning here and there, however growth is lush and I'm happy with their appearance in general with some good side shoots going on.  One is a little behind and not coping as well as the others but still trying her best :yep:  


Within a few days, I'll be putting them under a brand new halide (cool deluxe) and in the main box.  Planning to flip them to 11/13 next week at some point so will also get bending once they go in the bloom cab to set them for a good show hopefully ;) 


Data as of earlier:-


Mix - Westlands MP with JI + extra vermiculite addition

Lamps - CFL/LED combo, 144W total, 4,500 K

Temps - 29 C high / 24 C low

Food - None

Hydration - Establishing full wet/dry cycle








I'm hoping I can can keep them down with the bending because they're hitting 16" on the tallest shoots, so it may get hairy yet folks lol 


Anyhow, til next time, thanks for watching :v: 

Edited by botanics
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