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Weed it and reap: My first Dinafem garden grow


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5 hours ago, PermanentWaves said:

Evening, everyone - hope you are all ok.


Not too much to report this week - lots of vegging and enjoying the better weather. 


The Sweet Deep Grapefruit is now 10 weeks old and still stretching nicely. She’s grown another 7 inches this week and is now 49 inches high. She’s also showing lots of those fine pistils. I suppose it’s the cannabis equivalent of lifting up your skirt lol. Here she is - almost as tall as the apple tree!




The Ocean Grown Cookie is also 10 weeks old and has grown 4 inches this week. She’s now 38 inches high. She’s showing a lot more of the pre-flowers.




 Both plants are still mainly being fed water - I’ve hardly given them any fish mix. I think the Grapefruit would break the greenhouse roof if I fed her anything. This might change when they start to flower, though, and need a bit of a boost.


So I decided to get all my girls together for a snap. The Grapefruit is on the left; the Cookie is front left. I have a subbie seed (Cream Caramel Auto x Cheese) on the right. I still don’t know whether this one is a girl or boy yet so keeping a sharp eye on her/him. I’m sure it is female. I had another one until a few weeks ago but this turned out to be a boy so he’s undertaking a close inspection of the bottom of the compost heap! And then at the back is a Summer Berry Kush Auto which is 5 weeks into flower.  Not long to go with her hopefully! Needless to say, the greenhouse is starting to get crowded with this lot.




So, 10 weeks gone. All going well so far. Let’s hope this warmer weather keeps up. Looking forward to reading the rest of the Dinafem grow diaries to see how you all are getting on. See you next week with another update x



Big, beautiful plants lapping up the sun  ;)


When these flower your going to have some huge plants which are going to get top heavy which might be worth taking into consideration mate :yep:


Imo supper structure will be needed and beneficial  ;)


Nice outdoor update buddy  :yep:


All the best  :bong:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, everyone - hope you’re all doing ok. Looks like an absolute scorcher coming up this week - not a great fan of intense heat, but at least the plants will love it.


My two girls are now at 12 weeks. I missed an update last week, but not a lot has been happening apart from them vegging away in the garden.


The Sweet Deep Grapefruit has grown about 10 inches in the last two weeks. From the bottom of the pot to the top, she’s almost as tall as me, and I’m 5ft 10in! Those early pistils that both plants were showing have been dying off. Hopefully I’ll see the proper ones in the next four weeks. She’s a much airier plant compared to the Ocean Grown Cookie. Her leaves are a bit lighter and thinner.




The Ocean Grown Cookie has also grown about 10 inches over the past two weeks. She’s a lot bushier and her leaves are much fatter - a proper Indica. Her early pistils have also died off. It’ll be interesting to see if both plants flower at the same time. Hopefully it’ll be staggered.




Hopefully we won’t all frazzle in the mini heatwave next week. Stay  :realcool: everyone!

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fucking stunning! To keep soil temp down during this heat wave get a piece of cardboard twice the size of your pot and cut a length to slot the stalk in. You can paint it white to if you wish but i promise it lowers soil temp massively last time it was 32 degrees ait temp my soil temps almost hit 50 degrees which is over double what perfect soil temp should be.

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Good tip, @Moobman - that’s useful to know. Thankfully we’ve got a lot of fruit trees as well so the girls will be sitting under these during the heat of the day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Evening, everyone - hope you’re all ok. You can’t say we haven’t had some interesting weather over the last couple of weeks. The only thing we haven’t had is snow. The humidity has been the worse, though. I feel sorry for all you guerilla growers with the rain and damp. The Summer Berry Kush auto that I was growing hasn’t been exposed to any rain; been kept in a well-ventilated greenhouse and out in the sun on nice days, and I still found mould on it and had to chop it a week early. God knows what it would have been like living outdoors without protection.


Anyway, I had a mini disaster with my Sweet Deep Grapefruit. It’s more than 6ft now and got caught by some strong wind. I’d put it in a sheltered spot and packed the base, but it still blew over and one of the main side branches snapped. Not clean off, however, and I tightened it with tape to try to salvage it.




Sadly, the branch didn’t make it and eventually fell off completely. The rest of the plant is ok, though, thankfully, but potentially a whole jar of bud lost :wallbash:


Still, looking on the positive, I now have a plant that looks like one of those half-Christmas trees you can stand against a wall! She’s vegging nicely at about 14 weeks old, despite her amputation, and is still throwing out pistils. Here she is looking a bit lopsided. 




The Ocean Grown Cookie (also 14 weeks old) is a bit smaller and is a really nice compact-looking plants. Big, fat, deep-green leaves. She can still fit in the greenhouse!




She’s also throwing out a lot of pistils, which is nice to see. Both plants are still being fed water only. I haven’t used any fish mix for weeks now. I’ll continue with the water only and see how they fare - they might need some when flowering starts, but the auto I grew flowered perfectly without any nutrients at all.




So that’s about it for the latest update. Hopefully we won’t get any more heat like we did the other week - that was unbearable. Good luck to all of you harvesting your autos now - I hope the mould buggers off and your jars get filled. I managed to fill three big jars out of my first 2019 harvest. Just these two to go! Take care xx

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@PermanentWaves I think it's time to get that scaffolding in play mate ;)


Jeez you've got some monster ladies on your hands and I really can't wait to see these in full bloom  :yep:


Get that support up my friend as when that weight goes on it will be very beneficial ;)


All the best  :bong:



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Hi, everyone - hope you’re all well. Not a huge amount to report this week. The weather here has been mixed - very windy most days, heavy rain, sun. Hopefully it looks as though it might be a bit calmer this week.


My Sweet Deep Grapefruit is now too big to get in the greenhouse, which is a shame. She’s showing lots of pistils now but I will have to leave her in the garden to battle the elements. I’ve got her base wedged in to try to stop her from being blown over. She seems to have recovered from the snapped branch and I’ve given her some fish mix this week as her big, lower fan leaves were going a bit pale/yellow. The rest of her is doing ok, apart from taking a battering from the weather. I just hope we get a nice, dry, warm autumn - the thought of the mould battle fills me with dread. 


So here’s the Grapefruit - battling on and showing the start of what will hopefully be lots of juicy buds. I think it’s a Harvestman Spider in the last pic who has taken up residence. I love how her branches are turning a deep shade of pink. They look like rhubarb stalks!




My Ocean Grown Cookie still fits (just about) in the greenhouse, so I’ll keep her in there as much as possible. I’ll bring her out on nice, warm days. She’s so bushy compared to the Grapefruit, with much bigger, darker leaves. She’s also throwing out lots of pistils now so hopefully this is the start of flowering. I gave her some fish mix as well this week, just so she wouldn’t feel left out. To be honest, her leaves haven’t shown any hunger at all - she’s had pretty much plain old water all the way through, so I’ve been impressed with her growth. I think she might be slightly ahead in terms of the amount of pistils - but then again she didn’t lose a whole branch like the Grapefruit did. I hope she doesn’t grow any more so she can stay under cover when the weather turns cooler.




So another week gone. If flowering has officially started with these two, let’s hope we get an end-of-October finish before the weather gets too bad!


Have a good week everyone xx



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Afternoon, all - hope you’re all ok. Another shortish update today as the girls are just enjoying the sun and calmer weather.


Both girls are now into the flowering period. The Sweet Deep Grapefruit is about 7ft tall, and the Ocean Grown Cookie is about 6ft. The Cookie was in the greenhouse as she still fit, but it’s been too hot this week so I put her outside. This meant she’s had another growth spurt outside and I fear she’ll be too big to go in there as well. She looks a little bit ahead of the Grapefruit in terms of number of pistils.


So here they are together outside. The Grapefruit is on the left. I’ve been giving them both a little bit of fish mix over the past couple of weeks, but mainly they are on plain water. My husband wanted to get into that shed the other day. I told him to come back at the end of October!!




And here’s a couple of shots of some pistils from each of them. The Cookie has definitely got the better pistils at this stage so hopefully she’ll finish first.




So that’s about it for this week. Back to work tomorrow after two weeks off :crybaby:but at least the weather looks ok again for East Anglia and I can keep the girls outside.


Hope you all have a good week xx

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On 26/08/2019 at 5:39 PM, PermanentWaves said:

Afternoon, all - hope you’re all ok. Another shortish update today as the girls are just enjoying the sun and calmer weather.


Both girls are now into the flowering period. The Sweet Deep Grapefruit is about 7ft tall, and the Ocean Grown Cookie is about 6ft. The Cookie was in the greenhouse as she still fit, but it’s been too hot this week so I put her outside. This meant she’s had another growth spurt outside and I fear she’ll be too big to go in there as well. She looks a little bit ahead of the Grapefruit in terms of number of pistils.


So here they are together outside. The Grapefruit is on the left. I’ve been giving them both a little bit of fish mix over the past couple of weeks, but mainly they are on plain water. My husband wanted to get into that shed the other day. I told him to come back at the end of October!!




And here’s a couple of shots of some pistils from each of them. The Cookie has definitely got the better pistils at this stage so hopefully she’ll finish first.




So that’s about it for this week. Back to work tomorrow after two weeks off :crybaby:but at least the weather looks ok again for East Anglia and I can keep the girls outside.


Hope you all have a good week xx



2 big, beautiful girls well into bloom now  ;)


You've got 2 monster plants on your hands mate which look to have the potential to pack on some serious weight  ;)


You may want to think about getting some more support in play mate as those branches will need it when that weight starts piling on :yep:


Looking great in here :yep:


All the best  :bong:



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Morning, all - hope everyone is ok. Just another quick update today.


I’ve managed to get the Ocean Grown Cookie back in the greenhouse. She just about fits - hoping that she doesn’t stretch any more. Her flowers are developing nicely. She was slightly ahead of the Sweet Deep Grapefruit, but I think she’s been overtaken by her cousin in terms of bud development. But she’s doing nicely - lovely big green leaves and lots of flowers.




The Sweet Deep Grapefruit is outside permanently as she’s too big to fit anywhere. I can’t even see the top of her main branches any more! Her flowers are developing nicely and there are plenty of them. She’s got some lovely dark-pink stems as well. 






The only issue I have with the Grapefruit is yellowing leaves - mainly the big fan leaves, but quite a few lower down as well. The main branches don’t seem to be affected - just lots of the lower fan leaves. I’m giving her about 2ml of fish mix but thinking I might have to up this as it’s probably nitrogen deficiency? What do you all think?




I’ve not had yellowing leaves this early in flowering so hoping it is just lack of nitrogen. She is a big plant so 2ml is probably not enough? With her being outside, not sure whether the colder temps at night might contribute as well, but I’m not sure. I looked at a few diaries from other growers and they experienced the same thing with the yellow leaves for this strain. Anyway, I’ll start upping the fish mix to see if that makes a difference.


@Dinafem-Mark - do you know what the flowering length is like like for the Grapefruit outdoors? I’ve heard it can be quite quick in the right conditions? 


Anyway, another week gone - thank god we’re into flowering. Hope you all have a good week xx

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18 minutes ago, PermanentWaves said:

Morning, all - hope everyone is ok. Just another quick update today.


I’ve managed to get the Ocean Grown Cookie back in the greenhouse. She just about fits - hoping that she doesn’t stretch any more. Her flowers are developing nicely. She was slightly ahead of the Sweet Deep Grapefruit, but I think she’s been overtaken by her cousin in terms of bud development. But she’s doing nicely - lovely big green leaves and lots of flowers.




The Sweet Deep Grapefruit is outside permanently as she’s too big to fit anywhere. I can’t even see the top of her main branches any more! Her flowers are developing nicely and there are plenty of them. She’s got some lovely dark-pink stems as well. 






The only issue I have with the Grapefruit is yellowing leaves - mainly the big fan leaves, but quite a few lower down as well. The main branches don’t seem to be affected - just lots of the lower fan leaves. I’m giving her about 2ml of fish mix but thinking I might have to up this as it’s probably nitrogen deficiency? What do you all think?




I’ve not had yellowing leaves this early in flowering so hoping it is just lack of nitrogen. She is a big plant so 2ml is probably not enough? With her being outside, not sure whether the colder temps at night might contribute as well, but I’m not sure. I looked at a few diaries from other growers and they experienced the same thing with the yellow leaves for this strain. Anyway, I’ll start upping the fish mix to see if that makes a difference.


@Dinafem-Mark - do you know what the flowering length is like like for the Grapefruit outdoors? I’ve heard it can be quite quick in the right conditions? 


Anyway, another week gone - thank god we’re into flowering. Hope you all have a good week xx


Very impressive I have to say. Don't worry about the bottom yellow leaves. Snip them off as they won't recover. Maybe a bit of fish but I suggest 1ml grow and 2ml of bloom now flowering has started. Watch for them ladies stretching and of course now the weather is starting to get a bit Autumnal, be careful of rot especially in the greenhouse. Some very good looking Conference Pears there too.

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On 27/08/2019 at 11:00 PM, PermanentWaves said:

Thanks, @Dinafem-Mark - hope you enjoyed your break and glad to have you back


I had a great break mate thanks for asking and it's great to be back :headbang:


All the best :bong:



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