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2 hours ago, Smokebelch said:

@AKPOGLooking awesome in here Pogs, they should put a nice vigorous growth spurt now you have potted them up. Keep up the good work dude.

Thanks brother belch, much appreciated :skin_up:


My only concern right now, and it's mainly because I've never used the 600W on such young plants before, is that after about 14hrs, when I check on them before work in the morning, they all look stressed & droopy, the larger Dinachem in particular? Then at lights on & my last check before bed they look happy and perky? 


My lights off ambient temps are about 18C min, at root level 20C on a heat mat which kicks in if temps get below 19C. Lights on temps are at about 25C max if I have the 600W about 1.5m, or 23C max if i pull it up to about 1.8m.


My humidity doesn't seem to want to get above 40% though, day or night. But surely if humidity was an issue it wouldn't matter what wattage I threw at them would it? And I would imagine they would look unwell all the time if so? :unsure:


I am going to buy one of those Wifi Temperature monitors, which you upload the bank of data to your phone when you get near it & it stores many plots per hour, to track the temps throughout. Maybe that will tell me something?


Peace :yinyang:

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 @AKPOGMy plants look sad and droopy if I look at them just before the lights go off, they definitely know the light is going off soon and it’s almost like they are getting ready for bed. Half an hour after lights come on and they are up and praying again. 


Your plants look big enough for a 600w and they look nice and healthy to me, I wouldn’t worry too much dude especially if they look ok at lights on.


My humidity is always low like that when the plants are small, as they get bigger the humidity will rise naturally.

Edited by Smokebelch
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Thanks @Smokebelch , that does put my mind at ease & also makes a lot of sense :yep: 


In fact, I should have known it brother, but I'm so keen to make a good impression on here to help all of us to help others grow good quality weed properly & using quality genetics :badass:


Considering the first plant I grew under lights was over 26 years ago, you would think I'd know what I'm doing by now, but every grow with a different strain is learning all over again IMO :hippy:


Anyway,  onto my update at 24 days since wetting the seeds :naughty:


Here is Dinachem 1 & 2:



Dinachem 1 has always been ahead compared to the rest, so she was topped a few days ago. Dinachem 2 was topped yesterday & potted up to 3.4ltr pots 2 days ago.


Amnesia 1 and 2:



And finally Blue Hash:



I bet it's nice to see their lush green colour, I do apologise for my previous shots.


I'm chuffed with the progress so far, I hope you like.


Until next time......:punk:


ETA: I almost forgot, I topped the Amnesia's and the Blue Hash last night with Dinachem 2. :skin_up:Oh, and with my fat fingers I took a bit much off Dinachem 2 :wallbash:

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@AKPOG nothing wrong with them plants complete picture of health. See this can't be arsed to pull the plants out from under the hps crap it's just not on. What sort of impression are you trying to make lol.


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2 hours ago, tokenroll said:

See this can't be arsed to pull the plants out from under the hps crap it's just not on.

:rofl:  Yes indeed mate, a shitty thing to do and I'm not at all proud of it, it won't happen again I promise :fish:

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Looking good. Can't wait to see how these turn out. I'd like a nice chemdawg keeper and dinachem is high on the list of options. 

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On 3/28/2019 at 2:10 PM, AKPOG said:

24 days since wetting the seeds


they look fabulous pog, nice selection of strains, but i must say those blue hash are looking lush brother.



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@AKPOGThose plants look well healthy dude, they are going love it under that 600w lamp. It’s always worth getting them out for photos, keep up the good work dude.

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Thanks guys, comments are appreciated & inspiring :bong:


Here is a small update.


Dinachem 1 is rocketing onwards & upwards & has already rooted out her 3.4ltr pot! 



She is now looking rather sexy in her 11ltr pot 



I would like your opinions though as to whether you think I should snip off those top two big fan leaves to allow the growth from below? Or are they much needed shade for the younger growth?


Thanks :bong:

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The other girls will be potted up in a couple or three days time, making the duration to fill out the 3.4litre pots with lush roots in 7 days. Dinafem roots do love the Tropic Batmix :magic:


I'm then going to leave them to root out the 11litre pots until I see some decent roots at the base of the pot, which I'd guess will be around 10 days for them all, except for Dinachem 1, who will have by then have been in the 11litre pots for a couple of weeks.


That's the plan anyway, but I will play it by ear of course & if they will need an extra week to fill out then so be it. These girls will be getting everything they need, no more, no less...............but I do have to consider my ever depleting jars :headpain:

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Looking good fella.

if it was me I would give a few days in the 11’s then I’d take those two top fan leaves off. That’s me though and I normally have loads of veg time at hand. Not sure how much it slows them down, if any. I think it helps in getting it to shoot out it’s tops. 

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First off, your plants look great!


I will keep a quiet eye on this grow as I have been looking at the Tropic Mix/Batmix, it looks very well blended and I'm looking for something "noob" friendly to transition to straight coco.


I've also looked at the Shogun range as they are available in the same shop and finding I can't use the Biobizz organic based feeds quick enough, the only bottle that has kept well is the fish mix.


I know that you shouldn't worry about pH adjustment in soil mixes and the Tropic stuff is buffered to 6.5pH but I was wondering do you adjust pH at all? As I understand the Shogun nutes are mineral based and therefore more readily available than organic based feeds which are broken down over a period of time.



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Hi @Exhale


Thanks for the compliment my friend. :bong:


I'm not sure why your Biobizz nutes aren't keeping? I used some 9 year old Grow, Bloom and Algamic on an outdoor grow last year with spectacular results! :pitchfork:


Regarding PH, all I ever do is check my tap water occasionally, just so I know what it is and can monitor it. But as for adding chemical acid to my water for soil is a big NO from me, as there is added Lime in Tropic Batmix which buffers perfectly.


I don't know what your tap water is like, but where I am it is very hard water & used to be high PH, although lately I have noticed it coming in at around 6.6, so not too much hard work for my Batmix. :cowboy:


Once you've transitioned to coco hydro then you will need to adjust PH. However, once you notice how good Tropic Batmix it is for your plants I wonder if you'll do what I did and stick with what works & as I'm at 1gpw or not far off, so I think I'll be happy with that :bong:


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