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Hello,  complete beginner here.  I like growing tomatoes in my greenhouse and was about to start some off but thought it would be rather fun to pop a marijuana plant in alongside them.  From the reading I saw I was thinking of an autoflowering dwarf variety.   Is there a best place in the UK to order from?   Can I just use the same soil and fertiliser as my tomatoe plants or is it as not as simple as that?   I haven't got as far ahead as reading on harvesting yet and am wondering if it's really complicated or if a few you tube videos should be enough to teach me ?   

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Hi there.  I'd be wary of the breeders' descriptions.  Ones marketed as dwarf strains are often not at all.  I've had a dwarf strain that was supposed to max out at 40cm.  One meter later she was still growing.  You'd be better off picking a strain based on your desired effect and just train it low.  You can create some high yielding plants which will end up short with an abundance of cola packed branches.  You've got a green house which is great.  Probably best to plant out mid-may and tomato feed will do if you don't want to spend any more money.  You can get a Biobizz trial pack for under £15 which will do way better though.

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yea  pop one in  with them mate and see how it goes ... f ya dont try you  will never know ... theres some excellent  seed banks on here ,,,  dimafem, rgsc ,,, to name a few ... im SURE these lads will pop in and give you the best option for what you need ,,,,

whatever the choice  ( probably auto  is best )   i wish you  the best of luck with the grow ..:yep:

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Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement.  I will look at the biobizz stuff.   My seeds should arrive tomo and I have gone for some autoflowering dwarf strain, but now I've listened to the advice here I know to make sure the tomatoes I grow are tall varietys.   I'm a little worried about the neighbours smelling it and don't know if the smell will be less and manageable if I keep it to one or two plants?   I bought my tomato and cucumber seeds also so I'm all set for once the postman has been. Any advice welcome.  I still have to buy compost and am happy to post pics if I manage to germinate 

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You'll be fine with the toms.  Pop in the gange and watch it grow. Just try not to over water

Edited by Kipper420
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21 hours ago, Happyeccentric said:


Any auto will do in a green house, won't fill out the whole thing and the height is good so crack on, fuck a dwarf strain, get some RGSC or sweet seeds autos, get a few in there. :yep:

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Thank you for the help.   I've bought 5 deeds called quick one autos by royal queen from a place called ice.  I have probably brought completely the wrong thing.   I'll go back and have a look at what sweet seeds are.  I don't know much about what I'm growing as it's not my cup of tea I just thought it would be rather fun to pop them in the greenhouse and if it all works out would make a lovely surprise gift for my son in law.   

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2 hours ago, Happyeccentric said:

Thank you for the help.   I've bought 5 deeds called quick one autos by royal queen from a place called ice.  I have probably brought completely the wrong thing.   I'll go back and have a look at what sweet seeds are.  I don't know much about what I'm growing as it's not my cup of tea I just thought it would be rather fun to pop them in the greenhouse and if it all works out would make a lovely surprise gift for my son in law.   

You should be all right with that strain.  A nice mellow effect by the looks of it. However, expect them to take from 10-12 weeks realistically.  As already mentioned, they may get a bit taller than that - maybe not (it's a lottery).  It's a good starting grow for you to use up your tomato feed and regular soil.  I say go for it.

Sweet seeds have a bit more to offer but you've bought them now

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I could order more and have a variety if there is a way of managing the smell?  I could always order different ones.  Would it be worth me ordering more sweet seeds that are not auto to give me a chance to try not auto ones.  I could just order sweet if he would prefer them 

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If you're going to grow photoperiod strains in there too, you need to ensure that there is no light pollution which could affect the area your greenhouse is in.  They need uninterrupted darkness after the sun sets.  They're also more likely to stink the area out unfortunately - strain dependent of course. 

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Hi there! 


I can chime in on this one as I grew a few RQS Quick One in the greenhouse a couple seasons back. They were not the greatest of plants although they all grew very uniform showing stability and consistency throughout the strain. the plants reached about 75/110cm max and took 89 days from seed. (Just under 13 weeks)


The yield was small and the buds were very airy and leafy. Not prone to mould due to the structure & also grown early in the season. Branching was minimal and the final product was used for a mixed oil run as the actual buds were not great. 


Apologies if this casts a bit of a shadow on your purchase but this was the case for me. 


All the best & happy growing! 


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Thank you I feel alot further along with all the knowledge that has kindly been shared.  I'm an very excited as the postman has just delivered the seeds and I even got a free extra.  I plan to germinate later today and haven't decided how many to germinate as I'm thinking of the smell and also the advice given that they may grow bigger than I thought and not give as good results as I pictured in my head.  I'm ever so excited. I was trying to add a picture of the seeds as I wanted to share pics from day dot but can't figure out how.  The insert other media at bottom button asks for urls and the ones at the top just let me do smiley faces.  I'm on a mobile but would love to share

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Hi guys,  Thanks for all the support and advice.  It's inspired me to keep moving forward and I have all my lovely tomato seeds planted and have done the water thing with the quick ones and now they are in wet kitchen roll doing there thing.   I would love to have updated with pics but I'm not sure how.  I'm going to keep my greenhouse grow small given the advice on smell.  I'm starting off on my windowsill and was going to plant into 1l plant pots so they would sit their easily but I'm hearing to plant into final containers straight away with them being autos but that's a bit big for my window sill so I'm thinking about what to do now.  I suppose I have till tomo to figure it out when they will need planted.  

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