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My Sweecret laboratory. 5th Sweet Seeds competition grow diary 2018/19


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Day 42 update

After the last update I tied down the CCFV a bit more to level her out with the SPCBD and PGCBD.
There's a few older leaves on the CCFV, with necrotic patches and tips. I'm thinking I was a bit over cautious with the watering in with these pots and might have left a few dry spots in the medium. In the first pic underneath though you can see they look happy with no wilting before they had a feed Monday night. It's puzzling me a bit because they don't look underwatered and surely the roots are well into the fresh compost by now. It might be because of high root temps getting up to 27 but I've had root temps of 27 before with no ill effect. I'll just have to keep an eye on them and hope it doesn't get worse as I get them into a decent wet/dry cycle. To be safe the leccy blanket has been turned down to 21C and the rad is on 19C.


Day 41
Temps 21-26 (sitting at 25)
Roots 23-27 (24)
RH    47-59 (48)
Tied CCFV down level with SPCBD and GPCBD
No feed


Day 42 Monday 14/1
Temps 21-26 (25)
Roots 22-26 (24)   
RH    43-57 (48)
Moved the ties further out along the mains on all 3 topped plants to level them and widen them out to fill the space some more. Started tieing the top down on the GPCBD to start training her. I also removed the trays of water so I could space the pots out a little further. When the weather cools down in the next few days, if the humidity drops too much I'll put some narrower trays in there with water.  
I fed them with 1.5L each, containing 2ml/L Seaweed and 0.5ml/L Bio silicon. This gave a bit of run off which was soaked up within 10-15 minutes.

The pics were taken with the lamp on this time.
Group pic to show the canopy before I adjusted them and started LST on the C47.



Crystal Candy FV
A view of her structure before adjusting the ties and watering.


View from above after watering, moving the ties out and levelling the tops


Cream 47
Before I started LST. She's a beauty, I didn't want to touch her really but my tent is only 1.8m high and I like to leave the lamps as high off the plants as I can during flowering.


I started bending her just above the height of the other plants. I didn't want to attempt it any lower down in case of breakage. Because the main stem is quite strong I anchored it to one side of the pot before pulling the top over to the other side. Just a little to start, with the intention of tightening the strings bit by bit to cause as least stress as possible.



Sweet Pure CBD
The side shoots are picking up a bit now.

Here's a view of her structure and canopy.


After adjustment


Green Poison CBD
Side shoots are quite vigorous on this one


Ties moved out to pull the tops down and tops re levelled.


Canopy after adjustments


That's all for now.
Happy gardening and be lucky :v:





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Nice bit of bondage you've got going on @jadenugs :)


The Cream 47 is certainly leading the way, she's a belter. If you're after an even canopy though and worried she'll get too close to the light, it might be worth supercropping her?


Keep up the good work bud :yep:

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Taking good care of your plants. :yep: Also got cream 47 and she is the tallest plant of the bunch.  I agree with Serps, you will need more drastic measures if you want an even canopy. Show her who the boss is! :flex: 

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@jadenugsAs always looking great in here dude, a nice bit of bondage on the Cream 47 although from what others have said above you may have to tie her down a bit more. Keep up the good work dude.

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Thanks for the input lads :)
A level canopy would be nice but I'd never expect it from 4 new unfamiliar strains. Would be nice to have them more or less level when I switch the timers though. Wish me luck lol


The plan with the Cream 47 is to tie down the main branches that come from the lower half of the plant. The two coming from the node just below the bend will be supercropped, and any from the bend to the main top if they get too long while the others are catching up :yep:


She has taken me by surprise though with being slower earlier on. I wish I'd topped her with the others as she's going for it now :)


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Day 44 update


The girls have got their arses into gear and they soon turned their tops back up.
I carried on pulling down the top on the C47 bit by bit over the last couple of days and she's responding well.

Day 43
Temps 18-26 (sitting at 18)
Roots 21-26 (26)
RH    42-79 (71)
These readings were taken just after lights on and I'd had the electric off for an hour in the afternoon to sort something out so that explains the low of 18. The spike in humidity will be from the watering the night before. Now that I've got a wet/dry cycle going I've moved the thermo/hygro from where it was at the pot level of the GPCBD to the side of the tent, hanging from a tent brace level with the canopy. So hopefully the spikes in humidity from watering won't be as high and I can monitor the RH better.


No feed.

Day 44
Temps 21-25 (25)
Roots 20-25 (25)
RH    42-51 (45)
The root temps had dropped to a respectable level and the RH had also dropped since taking out the trays of water to make room to move the plants out from the middle. I'll keep an eye on things now it's getting colder outside and put some narrower trays of water down the sides if needs be. The girls are getting bigger though so I might not need to. If things stay as they are I'll be happy :)


They were each fed 1.5L containing 2ml/L Seaweed and 0.5ml/L Bio silicon. This gave a bit of run off that was soaked up within 15 minutes.

Pics on day 44
I've managed to get the white balance on the camera a lot better to match the light in the tent so you're seeing the colours nearer to what I see in the tent under the lamp. I've lowered the whites a bit to get rid of light glare on the leaves and added a bit of contrast on some of them.

Group shot


Canopy side view
Pic is a bit wonky but the canopy aint bad


Crystal Candy FV
Looking a bit worse now with the tips on her oder leaves going hard and curling down. Looks like damage from the earlier deficiency when the tips of the fresh shoots were yellowing and had brown tips, and this is the result as they've matured. I still think dry patches in the medium or high root temps could be contributing though as some of the fresher leaves at the main tops are still yellowing slightly on the tips. All the fresh growth in the middle is fine though so whatever it was I hope it's over. Maybe she's just taken a while to get back what she was missing.
Anyway, aside from those negatives she's growing well and she said to me last night "I'm gonna give you plenty of nice sweet tasty buds". Let's hope so :)


Cream 47
I moved the left hand tie further up the trunk to make the bend sharper and pulled the top down steadily over 4 or 5 adjustments.  She's responded well with no stress.


More of a side on view. You can see the two branches at the node just under the bend that will be supercropped. All below these two will be tied down level with the canopies on the other plants, or something like. I wish I'd topped or trained earlier and the side branches wouldn't have been as stretchy. Never mind she's still a good un.


Here's the bend, I've done a close up insert to show where she started weeping. Must have been close to splitting and folding I reckon but she held out well with no further damage.


Sweet Pure CBD
Looking nice and happy, filling out and has some strong limbs.


Green Poison CBD
Same as the others, brown tips on the older leaves from the earlier deficiency/Lockout. Hopefully we won't see any more of this when these leaves have been pruned. These genetics are rock solid to pull round from the state I got them in earlier. Much kudos to Sweet Seeds :yep:

There's still more training to do to widen her out so the middle shoots will grow taller. These will be cut back to try to keep the canopy level I reckon, or supercrop some and remove others altogether. I just like to watch them grow and decide along the way with not too much forward planning as it never fully works out as planned.


That's all for now. I've got a cunning plan for the bondage which I've started already  and you'll see in the next update.
Thanks for looking and happy cultivating :)

Be lucky :v:

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Looks like you're going to make monster plants in there @jadenugs and the plants are bushing nice.That s a lot of work so far and i reckon,will be more later.

Good luck with the deficiencies ,probably they'll have recovered by now.

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22 hours ago, Resonance said:

Hi @jadenugs

Superb work your putting into the gals, I have no doubt they will be rewarding you accordingly.


All the best buddy


I hope so mate. Thanks for looking in and all the best to you too :yep:


11 hours ago, Serpent said:

Looks like they're loving the bondage @jadenugs and I'm curious to see what your cunning plan is, keep up the good work fella :yep:


Cheers dude, little update coming on the bondage :yep:


4 hours ago, countrock said:

Looks like you're going to make monster plants in there @jadenugs and the plants are bushing nice.That s a lot of work so far and i reckon,will be more later.

Good luck with the deficiencies ,probably they'll have recovered by now.


Thanks mate, yeah there's a bit more work to do yet and it's looking like they're over their problem now. Fingers crossed it stays that way :yep:


3 hours ago, Openairbud said:

Lovely work @jadenugs they're looking lush and healthy. Can't wait for the next instalment :yinyang:


:cheers: mucker, these girls have plenty of vigor when they're happy. They're stepping up a gear and loving the bondage :naughty:


Cream 47 LST update


Having only 4 plants in biggish pots, I want to train them wide before allowing them to grow upwards. I've used plant sticks or skewers at pot level in the past to train young seedlings under so I decided it would be a good idea to use plant sticks to extend tieing points beyond the edges of the pots.  And the little bulldog clips I'm using are ideal for the job ;)

So I got some 600mm sticks to do the job. Sticks running parallel to the branches will be fine for the plants already trained because there's only 6 mains, but with allowing the Cream 47 to grow normally up until this point there were more branches to tie down and also with the branches from alternate nodes being directly above each other they would need to be moved to the side. So I changed the plan a bit and decided to make a frame where I'd have more options for moving the ties along from left to right to direct branches.


So I marked the sticks halfway as a guide and threaded them through the loops in the bulldog clips



Got the hobby glue gun out and glued the sticks to one half of the clips to stop them sliding through. By only glueing one half I can still squeeze the clips to repostion if needed.

Further clips were placed over the sticks to tie the branches down and can easily be moved outwards as the branches grow.



Then I cut some sticks to fit on the ends of the diagonals and glued them in place to create a square frame, allowing plenty of lateral adjustment of the ties. I was going to tie the sticks  together after glueing to give more strength but I don't think it's needed, the glue should hold. It seems strong enough but if anything comes loose I'll tie the ends with some twine or wire. In hindsight I should have glued the rail underneath the main diagonals to give more strength but it should be ok I reckon.



Here she is with all the lower branches tied down and pointing where I want them, and the short branches from above the LST bend have been supercropped. You can see where I've positioned the clips on the outside rail to pull some of the branches over.



And one from above to show her new structure



Well that was my cunning plan to manipulate this lady and she seems happy enough with it so job's a good one :)

If the side shoots are a bit flimsy when they go into flower and if they stretch a lot I might throw some individual lightweight nets over them for a bit more support. See how it grows.



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And you were right, it certainly is a cunning plan @jadenugs its like each pot has its own scrog net (frame?) and I reckon the girls will thank you for it and it'll be a hell of a sight (and smell) when in full bloom :thumsup:

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Giving me some good ideas there J.

I CAN tell you have a passion for training, looking forward to seeing the end result.





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