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Zen Ken welcomes the simian


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On 08/08/2018 at 1:07 PM, zen-ken said:

On a side topic the 50g odd of remo oil I have eaten so far has made me gain a stone in weight and my hair started growing back in places it had fallen out again (post chemo grow back and fall out)


I have also managed to get myself off my benzo script with it :thumsup::thumsup:



I know we are mainly hear to watch "Ashley" develope but this is fantastic news :yep:


Keep us posted brother as cannabis continues to kick cancers ass  ;)


Temps are running rampant mate, I know yours are hitting high levels but your doing all you can to keep them more manageable. 


Hopefully this heatwave is coming to an end and temps will level out :yep:


All the best 



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Well.......not much to report really.


Reset the water level and its sitting nice now.....the girls are picking up nicely.


Still very uniform in there appearance.



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May be time for zen ken to update his technique and join 2018 


Running fans without temperature settings on them is becoming tiresome.....gonna have to start saving them sheckles for my EC replacement



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why not build one Ken?

A fan controller that is!

if you want some help building one, let me know,

ive got wiring diagrams, parts list the lot.

Guaranteed buzz free fans, and you can wire a heater into it to, for the winter months.

Much cheaper than an ec fan too, about 170 quid for the parts

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3 hours ago, badbillybob said:

why not build one Ken?

A fan controller that is!

if you want some help building one, let me know,

ive got wiring diagrams, parts list the lot.

Guaranteed buzz free fans, and you can wire a heater into it to, for the winter months.

Much cheaper than an ec fan too, about 170 quid for the parts



Yes bro....Im feeling that....just sent mrs to hospital again.....she's feeling unwell after her op so will deal with this and catch up with you later :yep:


I have got a big old 5amp transformer controller at the mo with 5 steps on it.


Fed up of wasting electric when its so unnecessary to have it running the way it is :yep:

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On 12/08/2018 at 1:38 PM, badbillybob said:

why not build one Ken?

A fan controller that is!

if you want some help building one, let me know,

ive got wiring diagrams, parts list the lot.

Guaranteed buzz free fans, and you can wire a heater into it to, for the winter months.

Much cheaper than an ec fan too, about 170 quid for the parts



Now that's why we love the UK420 community :yep:


Just nice to be nice ;)


All the best 



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So....I got a little scissor happy with the girls and have trimmed a little more than I would have liked (or should have).


All topped and pruned  to 6 runners............So one is looking a little shorn


They are growing up fast..... as babies do.....and I am feeling the need to flip this week   


Space as always is my enemy so I am aiming to start the fun at the end of the week all things being present and correct.


The CO2 bag is in and I have another CO2 toy to throw at it as well this time but I am saving that for last four weeks......love that carbon dioxide :wub:


Hope you are very very well and Zen Ken sends you positive energy for your babies 



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Scratch that......I have been running overnight due to temps.


Im going dark right now :ninja::ninja::ninja: for flip Friday





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On 15/08/2018 at 8:14 PM, unity said:

Why the long dark period?  I generally try to send mine down to 12/12 over the course of a week, ish.


I was working my 24hr cycle through the night....so six off during the middle of the day to help with temps.


To reset back to having day time (12/12) I just left it off.......Mainly cause Im a lazy bastard........But just to kick start the pheno period really without interfering with my 24hr schedule to much.


Always done it.....just one of those stupid things I was taught in the 90's.....to reset any photoperiod you must allow your 24hr cycles to reset and not 'break' them as it can cause problems. (Do NOT quote me on that tho please bro lol as its probably wrong)


There are suggestions of differing light cycles etc now and this is why Im on here again TBF ......my knowledge was getting outdated by you youths lollollol with your new fangled techniques 



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I am aware these are 'taller' girls so I am going to do the first 10 days or so of flower under the MH to help with stretch


Back to struggling with temps now Im back on days so I am hoping the gorillas don't throw banana's at me 


I have run out of Remo bud/oil/shatter as well.....gutted....but the difference to my health is obvious to see


The next person that offers me PGR crap 'cali' at three times normal rate is getting a bat up there night dress 


I am hoping to start the process of securing high THC oil on prescription in the coming weeks.....lets see what the wankers in the home office say 


Peace and much love 




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My lack of care of the water garden is a poor show......I apologise 


I will get a Diary back on track as soon as things calm down at home (Mrs Zen is in hospital)


running PM again (As i had a lot left over)


E.C 1.0

PH 5.9



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3 hours ago, zen-ken said:

I will get a Diary back on track as soon as things calm down at home (Mrs Zen is in hospital)



Take your time mate, the wife comes first. I hope all is well and if I can help just drop me a pm  :bong:


Send my best to your wife buddy :yep:


All the best 



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