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Please help me with lighting set up


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Hey Guys


1st post here


I have been a reader here on and off for the past few years - generally for the news topic. I find its a great way to keep up with the what is going on around the world regarding the plant. 


I have finally got an opportunity to grow my own; this will be in 40x40x120 tent. I am looking to become self sufficient and grow quality clean weed. 


I am thinking to make best use out of my small space, I should go with one plant and put in a big pot - please advise on size of pot to use if you can :)


I need advice on what Wattage I could use for this set up - want to maximise yield / have great tight nugs but understand that its very small space and temps need to be controlled. 


I am open to either a LED, CMH or HPS bulbs.


One key point - I am concerned about DIY light options because I fear a fire risk - I have seen some great grows on here with LED Bulbs from shops. 


Im thinking of going with Sweet Seeds  AUTO Cream Caramel for first grow - its well priced and reports all seem really good.  

(Open to suggestions on seeds but I like idea of a quick turnover and good genetics for first attempt)


If you could also advise on how I should best set this one up it would be really great; I need to ensure that i have all equipment before I begin the grow if possible. My idea is to create a perfect environment so that I am completely self sufficient and have enough for some edibles of hash etc.... still all for percy :smokin:


I am prepared to pay for the set up and want good quality equipment that will last as I do not think I will be upgrading anytime soon. 


Thanks for taking the time to read my post 




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thats a really small tent & the only lights I'd consider using in it is a 100w hps or a Led set up, also, dont forget that you need a 4" fan & filter at least for the heat/smell.

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Thanks Joint Hogger 


Yeah it is a really small tent - I was looking into a 60x60x120 but its just too big. This will be in the bedroom so best to keep it small and I have read some diaries of 40x40 and people can get good results for percy. 


Will purchase a fan - anyone know which are good and quiet?


What would be a good filter for something of this size? I can't have any smell.





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if your looking at getting a decent fan then your going to have to get one with a built in fan controller or you'll need to get a seperate controller, as its for a bedroom, dont forget to use acoustic ducting.

as for setting it up, you'll have to set it up so that your blowing out through the filter instead of sucking into a filter.

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Have you looked at HLG (Horticulture Lighting Group) Quantum boards, mines runs a shed load cooler than 250W HPS - they've also got a better range to play with, depends which kit you chose on the power, they're hard to get a hold of but they are the real deal - look at the DIY kits to keep the £s down.


A regular adjustable Digi ballast is only from min 250-600W- which is going to be a struggle especially in the summer you'll only get away with 250w if even that.  - Just my guess.


I wonder also about the Hyperfan cause the smallest they come is 6" is it not - that's going to be far too powerful and although they're tremendous fans they're pretty loud for a bedroom.  Have you thought about the TD Silent on an oversized filter with a fan controller.  To be honest though I suppose the hyper could work on a reduced setting and I bet in a few months you'll be getting a bigger tent/space so you'll be kind of future proofing.


Just some things to think about.

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Thanks for the responses all 


what size would you recommend if I went down the HLG route. Do they make it all and deliver? Any idea on costing. 


My space won't change for the next 2-3 years atleast so wont be upgrading/want to get the purchase right first time round. 


If I was to do a auto would the HLG be sufficient straight away or do I need veg lighting. 


Thanks :)

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Would the 135W QB LED Kit from HLG be the best one for my size tent?


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First of all I have no affiliations with these folk and having a read back at my answer before posting I do sound like an advert for them - fanboy yes but that's all.


I'm no expert on this mate I only found out about them from another forum where there's god knows how many pages in a thread. It's worth reading - it's what convinced me to change from my HPS/MH.  I'm still trying to dial my wattage ranges in). I think the threads called DIY with Quantum boards.  Sorry don't want to link as it seems rude to the folks here - who are my bread and butter so don't bite the hand that feeds and all that.


 What I'll say is I would buy the one biggest one you can fit in your tent size wise even if you think you won't use the it to its full wattage potential.  The double board 260w Kit (288 - goes from 80w-260w (I think it's actually about 280ish) and I I think there's a 322 (322 or something board different arrangement of diodes on board goes higher but something to do with amperage maybe not so expandable for future - again please don't quote me on that) but they're adjustable you set to suit yourself.  


It looks pricey for the 260W kits  but believe me when you add up the cost of ballast, reflector and the renewal of HPS bulbs not to mention its far more efficient use of electricity (back to adjustable power)/less power needed for extraction also I reckon I paid about the same for my digital ballast, reflector (I had a air cooled hood) and lamps (bulbs MH/HPS).  The only thing is I don't think you'd fit the slate 2 in you 40x40 so I think that's you're limiting factor.


Again you can always turn down down but can't add more than it's got if you get my drift.  I'd recommend going the DIY Kits unassembled route as it me.ans they can post to you without the heavy import tax of the full value of the lights, it's a nominal import fee because it comes as parts.  There's a guy on youtube called LED gardner who has videos about assembling them - honestly it's about as hard as wiring a plug - a few more stages but if you can wire a plug you can assemble one of them - he also shows you the different ones.


So again if you're paying import taxes/shipping I reckon your best to go one above what you think you need and save regrets later.


Their customer service is spot on and you they're quick to come back on that thread mentioned earlier to answer questions.  In fact you should send them an email - the folk come from a DIY background and you can tell they're from a growers perspective from their feedback etc obviously they're a business making money too but not some anonymous big name manufacturer.


I suppose you could even just buy the boards to cut down on import shipping and try and source drivers etc from wherever's local to you but I like it all in one box and no faffing around waiting days here and there to get parts all to say a couple of quid.  The only thing is if they do feck up you have to pay the shipping back but it was worth the risk to me.


I'm sure a couple of folk here are using them, sorry can't remember who but I've seen at least two.  The boards are really hard to get hold of though but I think they're upping their numbers of production so might not be so much of an issue now.  


Another thing I've seen is the Samsung F strips there's some Letter than and number to identify them bin 6 is what my jarlsberg memory has taken in and again in the LED section there's a diary where it's a 150w kit - it's a thing of beauty - so even if the quantum is not for you, these strips are what the quantums are made up of except instead of on board they're loads of strips - If that sounds more suited to you - I'd get into that thread, introduce yourself to I want to say  @Prophet ? but have a look and you'll see - the folk here have always been top notch here for broadening my knowledge whenever asked so I would have a look at his set up which might even be better for you.


Apologies I'm out of herb again, man the funny dreams I've been having are fan-fecking tastic - once I've realised it was only a dream - can't be doing with this waking up in a bed like a swimming pool though - too much info :)


Sorry for the word salad - again all the best 

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Hello Magik mate.

If you really can only have a tent that small then I would look at vertical growing. 

Check out my sig link if you wanna see details but its extremely good for tight spaces like yours as heat removal is amazing. 

Also its the most surface area for your little tent , so will give you the most weed. 

In a nutshell , 2 square pots that will fit in your tent , Put chicken wire or something like it on the back wall and the 2 sides. 

Hang a bare bulb on a chain so you can move it up and down and simply lower it down and grow the plants around the bulb using the screen to tie new growth to.

Your fan and filter ideally would be outside the tent to gain screen space.

This way id guess you could use a 150w hps with a 4 inch fan and filter.

Obviously you would have to keep on top of the training to keep any growth off the bulb but generally fill the screens two thirds and then flower it .

You will get 3 walls of 40cm x 120cm full of bud that if you were to open up and lay on a floor it would be double the size of your tents area if you went horizontal. 135% more surface area , something like that.

Heat is just sucked straight up and out due to the way the plants sit next to the bulb .

That's what I would do anyway mate.

Below is the way I actually do it , mine is 120cm by 120cm by 120cm and I have a 400w and 315cmh going , with 9 plants lol. Temps are beautiful even in the summer. 

If you scaled mine down I think it would do you a right good turn. 



Of course once you have your screen filled and flowered all around the outside you end up with what's called a doughnut of weed. 

Here's one I made earlier. lol

Good luck 



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I was going to say, that's not much smaller than my 60X60, but 1/3rd kinda is a lot! Anyway, there's plenty you can do in that small a space - micro-grow sections here have some awesome ideas... inc vertical growing as @zztopbudz mentioned - there was a cracking small vertical DIY grow that might be good for ideas but I cannot recall who built it - another excellent vert diary documented a built in cupboard grow... Smaller yet, PC grows manage some amazing results, so 40X40 would be a luxury for some! ;)


Anyhoo, a 4" extractor fan, at least a good one, is going to suck the tent walls of that space in a LOT, so, as @Joint hogger said, you'll need a controller to dial it in - a good well packed filter will lower its suction a fair bit too.


You might get away with 150watt hps and a small heater for lights off - it'll be a bit tricky in summer, but doable I reckon with good airflow.

Autos might suit you well in that space, giving you a good turn-around, but a more creative use of your space, such as vert growing, should get you bigger yields with photos - that said, have a gander at @blackpoolbouncer diaries for solid tips on maxing autos.

Cheers and good luck with your grow!



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I'm so used to having the space for a 600watt lamp, I keep forgetting what it was like for me 20-odd years ago growing with vertical 4 foot fluorescents - such a shame it predated digital cameras.


If you want to be inspired, check out blab's bonsai grow. I was almost tempted myself as an excuse to grow continually while easily supplying my meagre needs, but I like to have most of the year free to do other things...

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Hi bud,


My space is slightly smaller than yours and I use a 150w mini-max hps/mh, fits perfectly with one plant in a scrog grow,

returns between 3 and 4 oz strain dependant about every 10 weeks......providing I don't screw it up...


125mm KSA acoustic box fan with DIY silencer on an smscom hybrid 4 controller and a Rhino Pro 125mm x 300mm carbon filter.

This amount of ventilation is overkill for the space but I'm eternally grateful for it in summer.......I started with a 100mm fan and had to upgrade.


Mohan Ram Auto is another good one from Sweet Seeds, nice easy grow, chunky rock hard buds and a good smoke in under 10 weeks from seed.








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Thanks all for your input - really appreciate your efforts to get me going.


@Teeth  thanks mate. These lights look really good. I have been reading some reviews/reports over @ roll it up and the reviews are as per you say and the customer service seems very good. The Americans seem to be way ahead of us with LED use! 


As you say I won't be able to get two panels in the space so that is why I was thinking going down the 135w route. Hopefully this will be enough power to grow some good nugs. 


Do your lights run cool? I know it may be difficult to keep temps down in the summer in my space. 


I was watching the LED Gardner last night - need to watch some more but he seems to be very positive over the lights. I would rather go with the Quantum than the DIY route - happy to pay more! 



@zztopbudz that is incredible! Looks like a great way to maximise space and yield! Do you think it would be difficult to go down that route for a first time grow? I was thinking of just doing a SCROG or LST on one auto to begin with. Also, I wouldn't be able to use this technique if I went down the QB route? 



Although the space is on the smaller side I only really need 3,5g a week so wont need huge amounts - just something that provides top clean smoke :) 


I will definitely get a good fan and controller! 


Cheers guys! :bong:


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@stu914 Hey Stu thanks for taking the time to have a look through this thread. 


That set up sounds perfect for me and will return more than enough smoke! 


How loud is your fan set up? 


Mohan Ram Auto sounds interesting I will check it out! 





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