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ltk and blue dream


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Hello All,

     These were germed December 1st.  I have been growing on and off for 40 years. Been making my own seed for the whole time. Todays flavors are much different from what I have so I thought I would try some new stuff. There are so many choices and so many bogus reports from first time growers its almost impossible to pick a seed. Then when I saw seeds were sold each and by three's I had to laugh. But this is good in one way as I didn't have to spend much for a taste of the new lol. I got these from the alien and they came in baggies not the breeder pack. I am assuming this was for stealth. 

This will be my first grow of  feminized seed.  Ordered 3 blue dream and 3 lemon thai kush. I got over 100 percent germination as one of the ltk's was a twin and I managed to get them both to grow. One of the twins and one of the blue dreams were runts but have since grown out of it. I will be taking clones and looking for a keeper. 

Edited by Cantharellus
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I was able to take some small clones from the biggest blue dream and the biggest ltk so I put the first two into 12/12 on 12/20. These 2 will basically be 12/12 from seed as they won't start to flower for a couple of weeks due to their age.


The blue dreams look like 50/50 hybrids and the ltk are leaning pretty heavy to the indica side from the appearance of the leaf. 


Maybe mark can chime in here and tell us more about the Lemon Thai Kush ? The description says white widow/haze. If it is widow/haze then where does the thai and the lemon and the kush come from lol ? OK so maybe a little thai in the haze line ? I know the old widow was dominant in most crosses so I might be in for a treat here if its an old selection of the widow.


So to wrap things up I have 7 plants from 6 seeds and have taken cuttings from the quickest 2 and tossed them in to flower. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok well my setup is t5's for veg and a 600 for flower. I use GH flora nova bloom for veg and flower. Grow in straight perlite 2 gallon buckets hand water. I have been using the same perlite for 10 or 15 years. I lose a little over time as i cant get it all back so every now and then i buy a new bag and mix it in.


LTK- the 12/12 from seed has not shown sex yet and is looking good. This one looks like a 50/50 hybrid. The other 3 are leaning heavy indica from the leaf formation. One is very compact and wider than it is tall. They are slow growers. I am a sativa guy so I am really at a loss as to what to do with these. I don't want to give them a 60 day veg before flowering but fuck after 30 days they are only 6 inches tall at most. I am gonna give them 10 more days of veg and hopefully they will stretch when I toss them into flower. The runt has almost caught up so I am 4 plants from 3 seeds on this one. A little citrus smell from these. Very little.

Blue Dream- The one 12/12 from seed has still no preflowers. The two still in veg one has shown preflowers and has grown out of its twisted freaky ways. The runt has recovered but still is looking weak. Even so it is outgrowing the LTK. These plants are all smelling blueberry and around 10 inches tall. I am expecting some stretch with these.

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Firstly thank you for documenting your HSO endeavour on UK420  :)


Secondly great choice of strains :yep:




Finally 100% germination + twins is a fantastic start to any grow :)


Needless to say I'll be along for the ride and watching with interest  :)


Again thank you for starting your HSO adventure and so far things sound to be doing well :yep:


Catch you on the next thread update  :bong:


Kind regards 



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  • 2 weeks later...

    The 2 plants in 12/12 from seed are beginning to flower. So far not much stretch on the ltk and just a little on the blue dream. I have LST'd these so each has 8 or so tops. these are ltk1 and bd1.

    I moved ltk2 and bd 2  into 12/12 on 1/10. ltk2 is looking very nice. I have seen this variety referred to as "basketball" somewhere. This plant resembles a large basketball. No lst on this one as it is basically growing sideways. bd2 is lst'd and darker green than bd1. Has more smell and the stem is woody and hard to bend without breaking. I generally find this undesirable. we will see.

   Ltk3,ltk4,andbd3 are still in veg. 2 of these were the runts and have since grown out of it. They are still on the small side but will be going into 12/12 soon.


    All plants are healthy and have good structure. Quite a bit of whorled phyllotaxy across the board. Some variegation in one plant. They have outgrown this. Ltk 2 has a lower branch that shot up out of nowhere and tried to become the top. I tamed it and the plant is back to normal. Other than that no other strangeness. No signs of any intersex yet. 100 percent females. 


   I bought the ltk thinking it was a cross of dutch flowers lemon thai and a kush of some sort. Some of the seedsellers sites show a description which doesn't say anything about ww x haze.  Don't smell any haze but they are I will say citrus possibly lemon smelling.

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@Cantharellus Do you have any way to get pictures up so we can see what is going on? 


Things sound very interesting and a picture or 2 wouk d make this diary say more emersive  :)


I can help with picture updates/resizing and adding to threads? 


Hit me up via pm if needed my friend  :yep:


Both strains sound to have responded very well to the training  :bong:


Things sound to be doing well and thank you for the diary update very much appreciated!


Kind regards 



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Mark - I think I need more posts or something I cannot pm. No pics at this time. I am hoping to have some before its all over and done but am trying to figure out exactly how to go about it.


All plants healthy with no issues.


LTK1 - 31cm, 9 tops, Very nice smell in early flower no need to touch just get close to it. Was hoping for some stretch with this one but no luck with that. Nickel sized tops 2 weeks into flower. I do not recommend 12/12 with this line if you want any kind of yield as the plant will flower before it grows. In my case I am looking for a keeper so everything has been cloned.


LTK2- 31cm, 11 tops, Beginning to flower-pea sized tops. Even at 31cm this plant is a beast compared to


LTK1.  Short, squat, and strong branching.  Again I am hoping for some stretch. No smell other than a little citrus when I rub the stem.


LTK3 - 35cm, 16 tops, This plant was put into 12/12 on the 16th. It is in transition and not yet starting to flower. Healthy and appears to be stretching a little. Fingers crossed. This plant was the runt.


LTK4 - 31cm, 14 tops,  12/12 on 1/16. This plant is transitioning into flower. Healthy. No stretch so far.


BD1 - 51cm, 9 tops, This plant is in week 2 of flower 12/12 from seed. It has stretched a bit and is looking good. No early smell unless you rub the stem. Pale green and thin leafed . Healthy.


BD2 - 31cm 14 tops, This plant was the weirdest of the 3 BD's. Variegated, twisted leaf in early growth and whorled phyllotaxy...this plant had it all. The only thing this weirdo didn't do was top itself. This one has been tied down quite a bit so height isn't so accurate. It has not started to flower and doesn't seem to be stretching yet. If I culled,  this plant would be dead .


BD3- 31cm 8 tops, This was the runt. Placed into flower 1/16. This is wider leafed than the other 2 and has branches that are super thick.  This was the only plant out of the bunch that was topped. It has not started flowering yet.



Edited by Cantharellus
cleaning it up
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@Cantharellus you do need to be over the 50 post limit to pm mate which is not hard to do :bong:


We will keep it to text updates for now and things are sounding great :)


You definitely have some pheno variance with the LTK which if looking for a keeper is a great thing as it will let you select the best pheno for you and your environment  :)


The bd#2&3 sound similar with #1 much taller so 2 phenos there also  :)


Let me see if I can drop you a pm and we can try to get some pictures up for you as would love to see how these are looking  :bong:


Thank you for the diary update mate much appreciated!


Kind regards 



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  • 2 weeks later...

BD1 culled feb 1- intersex/pistils browning. Looks like I got it out before it did any damage to the rest. My first intersex since around 2000.

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Hopefully will be picking up a cheap digital camera this weekend so the rest of this will have some pic's. Will give a complete update then but as of today the ltk's are looking good and the remaining 2 bd's are looking OK. I don't have high hopes for the bd which is disappointing at the moment as I had scoured the web and found a few good reports on this one. The remaining two still have time and opportunity to prove me wrong.

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When you say intersex do you mean that the plant changed sex aka (hermied) if so please accept our apologies for the situation and please pm me and I'll see what I can do about this issue :yep:


Let me know if intersex is hermi my friend! @Cantharellus:yep:


If it was good call on removing to protect the test of the girls  :yep:


Thanks for the update mate and I'll check back in on the next one to see what's going on :yep:


Kind regards 



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Mark- hermaphrodite is the proper term for plants I think. Yes I believe Blue Dream #1 wasn't quite sure what it wanted to be and was self pollinating. I am still working on a camera. 


So its been awhile here is the text updates


LTK1- week 5 flower 36cm. This plant stretched a grand total of 5cm in flower ! Has a candy smell which is fading a little but still smelling nice. Gonna veg up a clone to 3ft and run this again.

LTK2- week 4 flower 41cm. This plant stretched 10 cm in flower or 1/3 of its height at start of flowering. This plant smells identical to #1.  I have a clone approaching 2ft. when it gets to 2.5 ft I will flip it.

LTK3- week 3 flower 59cm. This plant stretched 24cm in flower so almost double. So far not much smell at week 3 but A tiny bit of a hash smell maybe. Beautifully structured plant. 

LTK4- week 3 flower 54cm. This plant stretched 23cm in flower almost double. This was a twin with number 3 and smells similar. Not much at all but if I had to say again it would be hashy.


BD2- week 3 flower  46cm. Stretch is 15cm about 1/3. Not much smell at all even if rubbed. Starting to look ok though.

BD3- week 3 flower 68cm. Stretch is 37cm or 2x plus a little. This one does not look or smell like much but all we can do is wait and see, maybe things will change for the better.



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Just trying to figure out the whole picture thing here. This is LTK #1.

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