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Sweet Trainwreck Auto

Grow Chum

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Hi chums, nice to be back, a big thank you to Sweet Seeds for providing the very best seeds available, I decided to grow 2 Sweet Trainwreck as it is about two years ago that I last grown and smoked this great weed. Another simple grow planned, starting in John Inness Seed Compost, germinating with tap water adjusted to ppm 350, EC .5 with Calcium mono nutrient @ 5ml/10 liters of water and 5 Grams Epson salt/10 liters of water, PH adjusted from 7.3 to 6.5. They will be placed in my usual 1.5 liter pots for first two weeks, then transplanting into new 10 liter pots that are wide and lower than most pots I have used, starting under 400w dual spectrum bulb in a Diamond reflector, after two weeks the plants will be going into House and Garden Bat Mix Special, this mix is supposed to have a constant PH of 6.2 and watering PH zone is 5.5-6.5, I will be watering at 6.5 again and hopefully my plants will settle into it nicely. If I have to feed I will more than likely give a top dressing of fish, blood and bone, plan on adding this possibly after the plants have been in Bat Mix for two weeks, @ 4 weeks old. The John Inness is a loam based soil including peat and nutrient, the Bat Mix is an all peat mix with nutrient and Perlite. Now its a waiting game, I will be counting the days for sure, not grown or smoked any weed for over two months, when I start smoking again I plan on smoking in moderation, none of the 2-3 grams a day I used to smoke. Now for some pictures.





Germinating between cotton cloth which does not get clogged and allows better access to air.



Humidity Chamber, yes it was from the Chinese Chippy.



My seed propagator, my old reliable friend. Humidity chamber wrapped in a scarf for darkness. 



Well that is about it for now, feeling good,


Grow Chum.


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Nice one!  

I put two Sweet Trainwrek in biobizz all mix two days ago, when I get home tomorrow night am hoping for signs of life. ;)

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Hi chums, thanks Vortex will be doing old style diary, posting more pictures, nice one 101, I am looking forward to growing it again, first time I smoked it I was close to making it my only weed, good luck with the grow.


I am glad to report that the seeds have germinated, I will turning light on in about an hour to warm tent and soil, then at 12 pm today @ 48 hours germinating time I will be placing the seeds in the soil, just stuck with John Inness seed compost and added 1 gram per liter of soil of fish, blood and bone, just to ensure they stay healthy through first two weeks. Everything else is good, got a new PH pen, worked out my PH method, just 2 ml of 5% acidity distilled vinegar per 10 liters of water will bring PH down from 7.3-6.5, so if my PH pen goes faulty I will still be able to adjust my water, my tap water averages 7.3 all the year round. 


So that is it for now, I will be back with some pictures when they pop above the soil, not going to water them in, soil is moist enough, soil not compacted down, just banged pots on floor several times and let it settle, better for rooting up but have to water gently so soil doesn't drop down, I will use a spray at first. Blacked out the window of room grow tent will be in with 6 wheelie bin bags, making a flap to open window for fresh air. Catch you soon.


Grow Chum.

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Hi Chum!


Nice one, I'm sure it will be a great experience for you and we will also enjoy following it here :yep:


All the best with them and see you around ;) Sweet smokes!



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Thanks Tommy, always nice to hear from you, well chums just a simple update, using my 1.5 liter pots for first two weeks, always get a max yield and a good start using these, I always raise them off the floor because I have them straight under a 400w dual spec from start and raising them up from the tent floor keeps the reflector higher and less of a heat trap on the floor, so more manageable temperatures, reflector is 30cm, 12 inches above pots. In these early days I always do a regular light spray of water on the soil rather than a water and dry cycle to maintain a constant moisture level, later in grow I will let soil dry out and water as needed. The 125 watt tube heater in the background comes on in the dark cycle, am on 18/6 light cycle with these plants.




Sweet smokes,


Grow Chum.

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Friday the 13th lucky for Grow Chum, these were put on to germinate on Tuesday, took 48 hours to get a nice white shoot and only 30 hours to pop above soil.


Plant 1, Day 1



Plant 2, Day 1



Sweet Dreams for tonight.



Keeping it Sweet since 2012.


Grow Chum



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I have done a few auto's outside and thought the sweet T was the best, such a nice high. Will look forward to seeing this develop, nice one

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Thanks 101 and geo1, as a matter of interest the seed that germinated first in the cotton and had longest shoot when placing in soil is actually the smallest and slowest growing plant now, I imagine it putting all its time into root development and the other is growing more above soil, I have seen this before with the smallest growing at first catching up later. 


Grow Chum

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Hi chums quick update, on a technical note my EC meter has been reading low compared to water report and average readings over the years, I have to increase the EC of my soft tap water but have now reduced EC on meter to around .4 / 280ppm, by adding 3ml Canna mono Calcium per 10 liters of water and 3 grams of Epson salt per 10 liters of water. I was pushing the limit at 5 grams of Epson salt and I think I will play it safe, at 3 grams this will add about 30ppm magnesium to my soft tap water which contains only 4ppm magnesium out the tap, Calcium wise my tap water only has 30ppm Calcium,  practically useless, so Cal and Mag need adding from start, think I got it right for now. 


EC of run off was high, EC 1.5 /1000ppm, I did add my normal amount of fish, blood and bone at start but didn't expect a high reading like that, anyway they are actually happy, the bat mix has an EC of 1.5, so I know they will settle into that ok in two weeks time. Maybe next time though I wont add the fish, blood and bone to this brand of seed mix, it seems to have a high EC to start with. As I mentioned no problems, just playing it safe. The amount of fish, blood and bone I added was only 1 gram per liter of soil, of NPK 4/7/4, so it should only of increased ppm by 150ppm at max.


Grow Chum.

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Quick update, I have given the plants a watering to bring the EC of run off down by 150ppm, I think this is about right for them now and will components for then extra fish, blood and bone I added at start.Will update with pictures on day 7.


Grows Chum.

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Hi chums, don't know what to do about one of the seedlings, not growing at normal rate, not sure whether to pull it out now and start with another seed of leave it, any ideas? Took me some time to get seed into soil at start with long curly shoot, may of shocked it, not sure. Advice on whether to replace please.


Seed on the right not growing at normal rate at the moment.



Normal growth



Slow growth



Some professional advice on whether to replace or keep going with smaller seedling much needed.


Grow Chum

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Hi chums, decided to put my several years of experience to the test and removed the small seedling, in this early stage it seemed a safer bet, I believe I shocked it when planting into soil and water was too high EC with the new brand of soil I am using. Tap root was only 3 cm long, way too small for this stage, should of been a lot longer, so I have made right decision I think. I will replace with a sweet Cheese Auto, in same soil with lower EC water and no added fertilizer, the soil I purchased was stored outside in rain, something I normally steer clear of but had no choice at the time, this may of made the soil wet over a period of time with seepage from other bags effecting it. I am sure I will be ok now with a Sweet Cheese auto, very tough and something I can grow with my eyes closed.


So sorry about that, can be expected I suppose as first grow after a break, tried too hard I think, on the plus side I will have two types of weed Christmas time. I will keep updated, so now it will be a Sweet Trainwreck Auto and Sweet Cheese Autogrow, the Sweet Cheese should germinate fast and pop above soil fast, so I think it will be a week behind the Trainwreck, I may take the Trainwreck 9 weeks and the Cheese 8 weeks harvesting at same time. Not sure yet. Friday the 13th germination day, should of seen that one coming, lol. 


Grow Chum.

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I had a bit of time to think things out now, I do believe the problem was when I placed the seed in the soil it took me a bit of time, I had to make a bigger hole than normal to accept the long curling shoot, I believe there may of been an air pocket and the shoot was air pruned, that's what I think happened. 

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