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Humboldt seeds Green Crack & Sapphire OG

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Really grateful for the advice guys. I think you're both probably right with the nute strength. If I emptied say 1/4 or 1/3 of the res and replaced with plain water, do you think that'd be adequate to bring it down to an acceptable level?

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Just had a read back and it looks like its soon after roots touched the water, i dont know the ec to ppm conversion but 0.8-1.0ec i would be aiming for and the ph bang on 5.8 after calibrating it so u no its right. For the next few days id foliar spray with the a and b at 1ml per litre no need to ph that, wont hurt adding the silicon but not essential, the reason for foliar spraying is your feeding the plants while they sort themselves out in the buckets. 

Ive been proper illage today mate ive got a tent full of flowers in coco that need watering everyday but i cant even get up atm lol, its these times i wish i would automate it 

Im sure they will be fine mate

Edited by cocopips
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On 08/11/2017 at 9:22 PM, SevernValleySavant said:

If I emptied say 1/4 or 1/3 of the res and replaced with plain water, do you think that'd be adequate to bring it down to an acceptable level?



This would most definitely help to get your ec/ppm down to a more acceptable level mate  :)


With hydro you really do need to be testing your nutrient mix on a daily basis as a plant sucks up feed this will alter both your ph and ec which will then start to cause issues such as overfeeding and nutrient lock out :)


I would test daily if possible and adjust as needed :) add nutrient feed if needed or plane water to drop your ec :)


The girls are growing well and thank you for taking the time out of your day to update your HSO adventure and thank you for the continued picture updates very much appreciated!


Keep us posted on the progress mate and I'm only ever a pm away :)


@cocopips @tecgrow Thank you for dropping by guys and the advice I'm sure  @SevernValleySavant is very grateful  :bong:


Kind regards 



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Thanks for your kind words and advice @HSO-Mark. I did exactly that, PPM's are now at around 350 and things seem to have stabilised. Growth is still great, they've just had their second topping, and I'll get some pics up in a few days to show you. All the best!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Time for a quick update:


The scrog net has now gone on. The two Green Cracks are getting quite tall so I couldn't leave it any longer. The Sapphire OG's are some bushy little beasts, you can really see the difference in indica/sativa structure between the two strains, but theres some real good homogeneity within these strains, as both examples are very similar in structure and are certainly in keeping with their descriptions.




Just goes to show that HSO take their strains seriously! My PPM fluctuations, relatively low ambient temperatures and occasional dog attacks (the shits have a taste for the leaves!) have probably affected my ability to show the true growth potential of these two strains, but nonetheless they've been cracking on through everything I've thrown at them.




They're just having their last topping before I change the res and flip the lights, and I'm training them a little in anticipation for the stretch. I want to make sure I maximise my ability to fill the canopy uniformly once said stretch commences. Here's a Sapphire OG:




The next update with probably be after the flip to 12/12.


All the best guys,




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Everything is falling into place great mate :)


You've got the screen in at the right time now you can focus on filling it out with potential budsites  :)


The plants have definitely stood up to a few tough days but now are ready to show us what they can do  ;)


As you have both green crack and mango sapphire this is going to get interesting and fast  :yep:


I think that mango sapphire will be a great scrogg strain not sure about green crack but time will tell :)


As usual mate thank you for the continued support and updates very much appreciated!


Keep up the great work mate and I'll be back in on the next update  :bong:


Kind regards 



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Thanks again Mark. I had a crazy sativa amongst my mainly indica leaning strains under my scrog net during my last grow, and boy was it fun to see what I could do with her! She ended up snaking all over the place but I managed to get her to cooperate by the end of stretch. That's why I've decided to place the Green Crack's diagonally from each other, to let them snake around the gaps that the Sapphire's relatively short branches will struggle to reach. Either way it's going to be another learning curve I'm excited about, and it'll give guys on here a good idea as to what can be done with these beauties!

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looking good in here,i like the diy scrog net its smart,did you use balsa wood or something stronger?

how did you mount it?



Edited by H4rdc0r3
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I was literally explaining it to you on your thread as you were asking me on this one! lol


Basically just some cheap lengths of whitewood, made to a square (I used bridle joints as I'm quite comfortable with joints but honestly you could just do basic halving joints and glue or bang some well placed screws/nails in). I used some small threaded eye hooks for the net weaving (once I'd calculating my spacing) and a larger eye hook on each corner for the ratchet ropes to clip on to. It literally hangs from the top tent poles. As long as your wood is heavy enough and your tent frame strong enough, hanging a scrog net is no different to standing one on legs imo. I'm currently using basic garden twine for the net, it's not ideal as it frays a bit but it was all I had in the house at the time and I'm gonna change it next run for something stronger that won't fray.


Feel free to ask in as much detail as you need, I'd be happy to send you some close up shots and/or more detailed instructions if you decide to replicate it or just wanna see how I've done mine.

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thanks i may just take you up on that,dont regret saying it! ,the construction i can get through my head thank you for the details its much appreciated,its how to mount the thing to my cheap  tent,i dont know if i could/should hang anything else heavy as its holding up all the filter,extraction,a suspended desk fan and everything else(dont wanna push my luck) plus i have turned to using the tent roof for storage of light items due to space issues lol 


ahh the dilemmas of a grower:sweaty:


e2a:maybe some of that small pvc pipe would do the trick like ive seen some others using for multiple things inc scrog tables/nets.



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No problem mate, more than happy to help out a fellow grower. If you're gonna go down the pvc pipe route I've seen a few people use shower poles as legs for height adjustment, but I've also seen some adjustable table legs in various sizes on the 'bay. I've got my 5inch scrubber, inline fan and cooltube/ducting all hanging from the top as well with no problems, and my tent is a pretty cheap one.


If you're gonna hang a scrog from the top, you don't need the frame to be that heavy at all, just enough to keep the stems down initially as you'll find that once you begin spreading and weaving, it'll pretty much just stay in place as the plant kind of holds it by applying lateral pressure to the net as much if not more than the upward pressure from growth, if that makes sense.

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I'm not sure how much scrog info is here on this forum @HSO-Mark, but I don't think I've seen that much. I was thinking of putting something together like a how-to guide for the UK420 community, but I don't really have enough experience growing with a scrog to confidently talk about training etc in detail, so I'm thinking rather than make a complete scrog growing guide just do a DIY wooden scrog build guide. Probably something for in between grows though!

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