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Humboldt seeds Green Crack & Sapphire OG

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First of all, big thanks to HSO Mark (sorry won't let me tag) for providing me with these awesome seeds. I've never grow anything from HSO, so I'm excited to experience their genetics. I've heard great things about the Blue Dream, but after spending some time reading up on and drooling over a few of their strains, I decided to go with these interesting sounding ladies. Arrived in the post on Wednesday.




So into the rapid rooters they go! I'm going to be growing them in my 4 bucket (with 5th control) RDWC, under a dimmable 600w hps, in a 1.2mx1.2m tent, with scrog. For now they're staying in their dome in a warm cupboard until I see those first signs of life. Wish me luck guys!



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Good luck dude! Two awesome strains you've got! I smoked some green crack waaay back, freakin awesome smoke. We only got a few oz between a couple of us and my mate still rates it as one of his all time favs.

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Firstly matr thank you for taking the time to document your HSO grow on UK420, you have 2 great strains and we are looking forward to seeing what you can do with our genetics in your hands :)


Secondly fingers crossed for 100% germination then the real fun can begin :)


From my understanding you are running a iws type of system (rdwc) and will have 4 pots with the 5 being the "brain/control" unit?


These systems tend to produce very well i can remember @Freaxran a similar set up with I believe an alien system :) super results :)


Will be tagging along and watching with interest :yep:


Until the next update :bong:


Kind regards 



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Cheers Green Demon, looking forward to seeing how the GC comes out.


That's right HSO Mark, the 5th control bucket is situated outside of the tent. I've got the water pump in there and the air pump sat on top of the lid for now. The buckets are 33L, which is a bit overkill for the space I've got, but hoping to get a bigger 2x2x2 tent for the next grow, and figured bigger was better. So plenty of space for roots and a nice size reservoir as a buffer against any fluctuations.


I'm seeing signs of life, so hopefully within the next few days I'll get them under the light with some photos, and can show you the setup. I'll be keeping them in the propagator for a little while yet though, of course,



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So all 4 seeds cracked, although one needed assistance getting the shell off and lost some growing time, she's recovered nicely and is getting on with it. Panicked a few days in and decided to crack another seed of a different strain, but this won't be used now the other has recovered. All are looking healthy and progressing well, got some nice roots coming out of the rooting cubes so they've now gone into the system. Pretty much plain water, with a few drops of Dutch Pro's 'Keep it clean' and 'Take root', ph'd to 5.8. I'll upload a pic of the nutes I'm running soon, but this is the space.large.20171016_123427-1881x2508.jpglarge.20171016_123451-1881x2508.jpg



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I have a single hso green crack at 35 days since the flip. Im far from an expert but she seems to be doing pretty good and shes giving off a lovely smell. Hope all goes well for you mate

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Nice to see 100% germination and all 4 are now above ground and getting settled into there new homes :)


Fine work good sir  :bong:


4 happy healthy ladies ready to show us what they can really do  :)


Thanks for the update mate much appreciated!


Until next time :bong:


Kind regards 



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Hey guys! Time for an update...

Lights have been on 18/6 for about a week now. Forgot to mention in my last post that I spotted some spider mites on the FIRST set of leaves that come directly after the cotyledons (bastards), but went full Third Reich on them and haven't seen them since. All four plants now have roots in the water. The one Sapphire OG is still a bit behind (far top corner of tent) but roots have touched-down and her pace is picking up.



You can probably see the colour difference between the less developed Sapphire OG at the top and the rest of them. This is mainly because as this is only my second ever run with DWC I wanted to err on the side of caution and keep the reservoir nutrient strength light so as not to risk burning them at the onset and also to give them a few days to focus on some root development (which also gave the smaller one a chance to catch up a little before I increased the nutes). They've just this second had a reservoir change, so I've upped the nutes to <400ppm, and will keep an eye on hunger levels while gradually increasing feed as required over the coming days, until they get a good colour back. What nutes am I using you ask? Why, it's these!



The three other girls all have roots like this....



Now for a final top shot of the better Sapphire OG. Both of the Green Cracks are pretty much identical to her at this stage. They're not too far away from their first topping, so I'll start uploading photos of the plants individually soon.



Thanks for dropping in guys, any questions feel free to ask. Also, any advice or constructive criticism is more than welcome.


All the best



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Really refreshing to read that you are feeding on the cautious side :yep: to often I see growers going in at either the recommended dose or higher but as we know not all plants/strains can take high doses so very cool to see you are starting off low as you can always add. It is not so easy to take away :)


You have great root structure which is always a sign of a health plant and yours are looking spot on :)


Both strains are progressing well and going to be very interesting to watch this grow unfold :)


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to update your HSO diary and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!


Looking great and will be back in on the next update :bong:


Kind regards 



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Thanks @HSO-Mark, they've been great plants so far, I'm feeling optimistic about how these are gonna turn out!


Quick update:


The three are ready for their first topping, here's a couple of before shots...



And with that, it's off with their heads!



The other one isn't far behind. A few days and she'll be ready for it too. Ph is around 6 right now and reservoir temps are around 17°C. Maxed out on my PPM's right now at 430, tiniest signs of burn on the tips of the lowest set of leaves on the smallest plant (Sapphire OG#2), which is unfortunate because I think the other three are big and pale enough to take a bit more. That's one of the few drawbacks of a RDWC system. But it'll make little to no difference in the grand scheme of things. I expect the smaller one to catch up adequately.


After all, I'm going to be scrogging them all under the same net. On balance, I'm very pleased with how this this grow is progressing; everything's going very smoothly! 


Until next time,



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Ok time for another update! All plants are progressing well, however we do have a small problem. This exact same thing happened during the last grow, but it didn't turn out to be a major issue and they grew out of it eventually. If anyone can diagnose or advise for this, I'd really appreciate it....it's got me stumped.


It seems to affect the oldest leaves, so I'm thinking this is a deficiency or lockout in mobile nutrients. My best guess so far is phosphorus or possibly nitrogen. Odd thing is it hasn't affected the Sapphire OG that was slightly behind, but its been progressing somewhat on all the other plants for some time now. I don't think it's a nitrogen lockout because these plants' leaves have been paler than the less developed plant throughout the entire grow. It starts with leaf curling/warping and progresses to a greying of the leaf, with the leaf eventually turning a golden colour and becoming crisp. New growth is absolutely fine. Please see below...






Here's a shot of the Sapphire OG that's been completely unaffected...



And here's the lot...




Ph is dropping quite a bit (from 6.0 to 5.5 in three days) and PPM's seem to have risen higher than what it was set at during res change last week (430 to 480). Res temps are 18°C and room temps are 21°C. I know this isn't going to ruin my crop, but I'm determined to get to the bottom of this, because this has happened 2 grows out of 2. Please help!


All the best guys,



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Im not sure mate its either ph or overfert im not sure on ppms either. What i would do is foliar feed till you figure it out im sure someone will advise you better shortly. Hope you get it sorted 

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hey buddy this looks like to many nutes over dosing 

we found that realy week to start with ec round the 0.3 to 0.5

lost 2 grows to over dose.

at the start then after a few weeks added the boosters cal mag

also iv stopped doing loads of tank changes seems to shock plants i slowly dilute whats in sys so cold shock dosnt happen

also co2 and humidity high for the young plants

your ppm is getting high because plants drinking the water not needing the nutes

i would dilute your system slowly and raise the humidity u could try a folia spray 10 mins befor lights out as well

oh and raise water temp to 19 while trying to cure 

we also found that seeds never grow well in rdwc clones all the way

let me know if gets better buddy


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