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S.A.D. F1 FV Grow


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@JAPE Tell me about it! I have 2 indica expressive and 2 hybrid expressive, the indica's were stripped at least over half of the bottom as the side branching didn't come up from the bending I did and the hybrid leaning ones have some good branches coming up.


4 of them in 10L is a bit of a tight affair in my 80x80 flowering space, in hindsight I should have gone from the 0.75L to the 6's, I'm still getting used to the space as I normally had 3 times that space to grow in when I was growing in my coal shed.  

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Hi all, I grabbed some quick photo's as I haven't had time to faff around while watering, work is coming in thick and fast.


I let the ladies settle in to the final pots for a couple of weeks and then decided the best thing was to flower them out because they turned into big bushes in my tiny little space.


On Thursday and Friday last week I let them have a 48 hour dark period and on Saturday I got round to plugging in my lumatek 400/440/600/660w Ballast and screwed in the 400w Sylvania Grolux bulb I use for flowering, it's a Dual Spectrum I like to use as it keeps the buds a bit tighter.


As the plants are stretching I've noticed a lot of ropey side growth that's competing for space that isn't there and they've been falling/drooping under the weight of the leaves, they have no chance of supporting any bud growth so I've chopped those over the course of a few days and left the growth that has reached the canopy and looks strong.


I've been feeding them 1.5ml per L of Fish Mix, 2ml per L of Acti-Vera, 1.5ml per L of Alg-a-Mic and 1ml per L of Bio-Heaven. I have stopped using the Root Juice and Bio-Silicon.


Please excuse the HPS, when I have time and the plants start to bud I will get photo's in a more "natural" light when I water in future, I just wanted to update to illustrate how big they had become in my space and how I have had to trim them to fit in my space.


In future if I decide on a longer veg with 10L finishing pots I will stick to 2 plants, when these are done I will be installing a shelf to use the whole space as there is a slope at the rear which reduces the floor space to a footprint of 50x80cm 


The two plants on the left have a more Hybrid quality about them with enough Sativa in them to start dwarfing (4-5ft compared to 3-4ft) the more Indica plants on the right, they've really been thinned out below but looking above there are plenty of bud sites and as this space is still in development my concern is not quantity but a stable environment that produces quality.








Bring on the buds!

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Evening all, had the plants out for a bit of a look see and to get some photo's out of the HPS. The 2 Hybrids have stretched more and I'm hoping they're going to slow down now as they were quite big and mature before I started to flower them, they are crowning and starting to bud up which is a good sign. I took the photo's infront of a door for height comparison, the marker being the door handle.


Since their pruning back they have filled out again and the stems have thickened and set themselves up for budding, I shall defoliate over the next few days as there is some moisture on the leaf from overlapping and crowding.


First up the tallest which seems to be keeping up with the Parabolic reflector which I've raised 2 inches on a daily basis since my last photo's.







The next tallest plant that has definitely stopped stretching and has hit the budding stage, she seems to be a bit more advanced in flowering as all the others have just about crowned.



Budding up.




Notice the height difference now! The indica leaning plants are bushing out nicely







The other Indica, similar in height to the other.



Crowning and the aforementioned moisture on the leaf




Plants are still being fed the same as last post, I don't think I'll up the Fish Mix(N-P-K 5-1-4) as they seem happy at 1.5ml per L with the ecothrive charge adding to the N which should be spent in the next couple of weeks but by then I'll reduce the Fish Mix to 1ml per L as I'll be adding BAC Organic Bloom(N-P-K 6-5-6) at the same dosage and the plan is to hit the week 4 Bloom phase with a Guano tea made from Molasses and Plagron Bat Guano(N-P-K 3-15-4).


See you next week folks!  

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Update a day early as today was watering day.


Day 13 of Flower - As expected all girls are budding up now, flowering is kicking along inside of 2 weeks 12/12 and I've been reading about some fast strains and people using guano at week 4 but obviously the week 4 bloom phase hits early and they're ending up with Phospherous overfed leading to lockout, so not knowing much past that I'm going to just stick with the bloom feed which will be introduced next watering! 


The tallest girl is still following the shade up and up and seems N sensitive so I hope there's not too much Sativa in this pheno as I'm not used to tall Afghans, she is pretty much maxing my headspace now.


I've been dropping the Acti-Vera and ALG-A-MIC down on the taller ladies as there is some leaf tip burn, I'll probably drop the Fish Mix as the Bloom formula I'm using isn't BioBizz and has a similar N ratio as Fish Mix as well as plenty of Molasses. 


BAC Organic Bloom NPK 6 5 6

BioBizz Fish Mix NPK 5 1 4


We'll see how it goes, I may have to use the Fish Mix once a week to maintain soil conditioning but there's plenty in the BAC Organic Bloom to feed the micro organisms.


A little snippit from BAC's site on the bloom formula:



By using BAC Bloom, the beneficial micro-organisms are fed and thus quickly increased. They provide the direct availability of the required elements from BAC Bloom Nutrition for your crop. These beneficial micro-organisms will also ensure the creation of more oxygen in your feed water and binding it.


By using BAC Bloom these useful micro-organisms are stimulated to a high extent. This results in an optimum balance in your crop's soil life. BAC organic bloom nutrition comprises of ingredients approved by the Soil Association. Thanks to the high amounts of trace elements and sugars, this fertiliser works harmoniously in conjunction with the soil bacteria and Mycorrhiza. This product contains Yuccah, a natural dissolving agent that contributes to the proper soil penetration of the fertiliser. Yuccah also contributes to the stable water management in both full soil/Cocos cultivation and in pots.


On to the pics, enjoy!





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Just thought I'd add an image of the BAC Organic Bloom bottle label as it has a bit more info on what's in the product for those interested, have a good weekend!



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Day 21 of Flower - Took the girls out for some glamour shots and a watering session, one of the Indica's are showing signs of Cal deficiency due to overfeeding as the leaves are yellowing from the tip, I have a picture to illustrate this, I had upped the Bloom to 1.5ml per L but with what's already in the soil and the additives this seems too much so I'll drop back down to 0.5ml for a few waterings and build back up to 1ml. I have some personal photo's for reference as to wether it gets worse but here's the one I wanted to put up to show the deficiency.




I decided to take pictures with the flash off as it shows the plants colours better.


Here is the big one that's finally stopped stretching ;)




Next up Biggie 2





The first of the 2 Indica's, she is being a bit crowded out of the light so I stuck her on a pot to raise her up - hopefully she starts to fatten up a bit more as she is behind the rest




Finally the affected Indica, you can see more of the spots from the Cal deficiency. It's not too bad so some adjustments should help things.




That's it for another week, enjoy the photo's and thanks for looking in.

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Might be more likely to be mag def in week 3 flower chief. Plants look nice though mate. 

Edited by VikingDee
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Hi @VikingDee :)


Mag shows more between veins and you can get holes like something has eaten through the leaf





Whereas mine is more consistantly yellow from the tip like (excess Potassium) and the rust spots appearing showing Calcium being locked out 




This is my first run with ecothrive charge plus the biobizz additives, some of which carry low NPK values also so it all adds up and 1.5ml of the Bloom is quite strong with the BAC stuff (Half strength when I should be on a Quarter to a 3rd)


I'll up the ALG-A-MIC ( Rescue in case overfeeding, deficiencies, diseases or fluctuations in temperature - Ensures green leaves - Revitalising product with a low level of NPK) and bring the Bloom down and we'll see how it goes ;)


Thanks for looking in fella.



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Your prob right then mate, I live in a hard water area and don’t use cal at all, only Epsom week 3, I use charge and it can be underestimated for strength, I’d be careful with alg-a-mic I know it says it helps stress on the bottle but a lot of people have reported problems when using it that look similar to yours if you search the forum. 

Edited by VikingDee
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Cheers @VikingDee I'm also in a hard water area, 7.5-8.0pH drift and background EC of 0.7-0.8, I've had this problem every grow although this is the first time it's only shown on 1 plant less severely and I'm feeding nowhere near the levels I used to with plant magic feeds (used to be 1ml grow and 2ml bloom) so I'd have lost a few leaves to being totally crispy by now!


I'm also convinced the reason it's shown at week 3 also is these are "Fast Version" so where I normally get this deficiency show at week 4/5/6 it's come in a bit early.


I've read the ALG-A-MIC thread you mentioned so I've been keeping the levels between 1ml and 1.5ml per L, if I up it I'll only go to 2ml and keep an eye on it. 

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Yea very sickly citrus smell, that's one of the smaller ones lol tallest is up to my chin holding up the weight up to now like. Reckon about 3-4 weeks to go on mine can't wait. @SMEG HEAD

Edited by JAPE
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