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S.A.D. F1 FV Grow


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Hola Sweet Seeds!


It's that time of year when I get growing and rather than being a lurker like I have been for the last 7 years I thought I'd become a contributer as I'm trying out some strains I've had in my seed tin for some time. I love Afghani strains and I need to top up my jars pretty quick this year so I ordered the Sweet Afghani Delight.


I thought I had ordered the normal photoperiod strain but these F1 Fast Versions were in the parcel I opened so I put it down to stoner error and thought this earlier finish would benefit me anyway, I hope the claims of them being a week quicker ring true as 6-7 weeks rather than 7.5 for an Afghani would be quite nice as a rotational top up/extraction strain.




I got a 5 pack with 2 free seeds, all of them have been germinating, I will use 4 for my flowering space, which is undergoing some refurbishments, the others that grow out will be used to take cuts and build up stock in my mother and cuts space.



I'll be using Plant Magic Soil Supreme as my potting media and combining it with ecothrive charge in the growth stage and adding bat guano also in the flowering stage.






As the seeds have been in the fridge for what must be a year or more now I started them off in paper towel and moved them into peat pellets in a heated propagator sat under a T5 unit.




5 so far! not sure if the other 2 want to say hello as they've just stopped at the surface, will leave them be for now.


Any questions or banter is welcome, will update as much as possible without boring you and me through the veg phase!

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the sweet afghani is one of the best strains in the sweet seeds catalogue ..its a no fuss plant ..will give you big resinous buds everytime ..tis a good choice for afghani genetics .

i cant stand the taste anymore since having flu a while back ..totally ruined my tastebuds and this taste most unusual to me now ..but hopefully ill be able to get back to it at some point .

best of luck with them .

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Nice start, have never done SAD either, one of these days I will get around to it for sure !


Are you going organic ? You have everything for it other than I am unsure of your choice of soil is fully organic it just has some ingredients in it which are organic.  I mention it as you are using most the same stuff as I am at the moment ;)

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@Inspiration101 I think "organic-based" would be more appropriate as I would need to grow outside and other many conditions would need to be met to use the organic term, my intentions are to use the amendments and bottled extras to feed the microorganisms and let them break down the amendments and feed the plant rather than using grow and bloom bottled formula. 


The ecothrive and guano expire around 4 weeks so i'll need to top dress or make a tea midway through flowering.

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Not quite a week later but today I had many roots poking out of the peat pellets so I put them into their first pots(7cm x 7cm x 8cm) 




On potting them I soaked them with 200ml of water with 0.4ml Root Juice, 0.2ml Bio-Silicon and 0.4ml Acti-Vera.


Little bit of light burn on the first set of leaves where I was wetting the pellets with my spray bottle, in the end I had 5 successful germinations.


4 is all I need for flowering so the small one will be kept for vegging out and taking cuts.

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Quick update today with a picture the right way around! I've been busy and set up the 150w and a timer(20/4) as they were running 24/0 under the T5, the 4 that are doing well have grown some since the last update, no more headroom in the propagator, so I thought I'd give them more watts to eat.


They're looking a bit wrinkly but they'll get used to the lower humidity soon.



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Update, a week on from the last one I have potted up into 0.75L pots. I've had 3L of soil in a black sealed bucket mixed with 30ml of ecothrive charge and moistened with a bit of water for the past week. Snapped some pics to share.




Group shot to show the height uniformity. Lower leaves are burned slightly from heat, I had the T5 unit in with the 150w and it got warm considering the size of them at the time I'm not surprised. The T5 is out now and the 150w is as high as I can get it in the tent.




Some root pics, I could have left them a bit longer but they were drying out their pots daily. They're currently on 1ml Root Juice, 1ml Acti-Vera and 0.5ml BioSilicon per Litre.




And finally.


This one was a nice little surprise, she started off branching with 2 at the first node as normal, then the next 2 nodes she alternated and by the 3rd node she had developed Trifoliate nodes, will she continue with the trifoliate? or will she grow out of it? it remains to be seen. If I had the time to let her play catch up I would top her.


That's it for another week, in the mean time take it easy all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update - The plants are now under my 250w MH, they've gained quite a few nodes and I've pulled the bottom 3 and supercropped the main stem above the 4th on all of them and kept the main stem anchored with some garden wire. I'll be potting these up into their final pots this week and letting them veg for another 3 weeks at the least, the Root Juice and ecothrive charge have been working well as the drainage holes in my pots are stuffed with roots.




They're all still being fed 0.5ml per Litre Root Juice, Bio-Silicon and Acti-Vera.

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Hi all, the plants have recovered from their main stem bending so today I took a look at the roots which I have some shots of below. Have now potted the girls into 3.5L pots and topped with potting grit as the top layer of soil has been drying too much in the smaller pots.


Normally I would have gone into the 6L Squares but I'm going to go into a slightly bigger round final pot as there's only 4 here and it's a pain potting these 3.5's into the 6's. 


Plants are still on 0.5ml pet Litre Root Juice, Bio-Silicon and Acti-Vera.





Thanks for looking in.

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Plants have picked up again after being transplanted, they've been droopy sad looking S.A.D.'s, upon inspection today I have noticed pre-flowers.


I've learned to use Paint better than just resizing whole pictures and has made me realise just how good the camera on my phone is.




Enjoy your weekend all, thanks for looking in!

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