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Topdraw's Auto Adventure. Blue Kush & Moby Dick.


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With the veg growth, tipping and training you have done, I think yes support maybe needed as the buds start to stack up :)


Those bkue kush certainly have taken off but for your style of growing the Moby dick look more suited?


Both strains are looking great and starting to bloom very well :)


You mention purple stems, which strain is this happening on mate as it could be a genetic trait :)


Looking very nice so far :) filling out really well and well into the flower stage now :) and let's not forget the fruit auto which is doing great and a nice idea to include an auto :yep:


Thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated and keep up the great work! 


Until the next one :bong:


All the best 



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@Openairbud smoke sounds lovely mate I cant wait to try it. The cream caramel just as the name suggests has a lovely taste to her quite fruity. It's a fairly strong smoke quite indica leaning, but not total knock out you can still do shit if need be. Normally a very reliable plant to grow, and the autos finish around 65 days. She always yields well around the 4oz mark depending on your style/skills.


@Dinafem-Mark yes I agree the moby dick is probably more suited to heavy lst although now the kush has stopped stretching I can begin to see how the final buds are going to form and it looks like I should get some monsters from the kush just not as many bud sites as the moby dick.....time will tell what works out best. Purple stems are on both sets of plants but more on the kush, and I've also noticed the kush has a few lower leaves with brown spots on, think i'll add a little calmag next watering time. 


I've watered yesterday with 2ml of grow and 3ml of bloom. Will probably drop the grow down to 1ml next time and up the bloom a a little.


Will try to update with some more pics at weekend.


cheers TD

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@TopdrawWill look forward to it mate :)


Now they are developed the Moby definitely looks more suited to your grow style :yep:


Until the next one :bong:


All the best 



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Hello all


Well the blue kush has ran into some problems. The spotting on the lower fan leaves has spread up the plant and I'm not sure why. The buds are still developing ok but the spotting is getting worse. I've just watered today and tried a dose of Epsom salt and a low feed of bloom. Anyone got any ideas? Could it be a lack of nutes or something else. It's only taken a week to take hold. I knew things were going to well this grow, there is always something to keep you on your toes. 


Cheers TD



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Hey dude I think you did the right thing with the Epsom salts, I get the impression it's magnesium deficient. Can be caused through low pH apparently. Fingers crossed the salts does it!

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I was going to ask what are you


Ph and  EC levels mate?


From the pictures it does look like you could be having some nutrient issues either a lack of nutrients or for some reason your plants are not taking up nutrients as expected. I don't think it is to much to worry about but best to keep on top of these issues :)


Apart from this issue the buds look to be developing well :yep:


The UK420 community will get you through this grow mate :) you will find with growing there is always something lol


All the best 



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As I'm in dirt I've not really concerned myself with the ph so don't think it's that. It could just be that the kush are hungry devil's, I'll probably try upping the bloom to near full strength next water. I've not checked any ec levels but have been adding around 4-5 of ionic bloom which is well below the recommended 7ml. 


Here are some snaps of the kush together, let's hope the Epsom salt helps them out. 





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Forgot to say this is


Day 47


Here is a pic of the Moby Dick, the bud development is behind the kush but they have less issues. I've just watered them with 5ml of bloom, .5 ml of boost and .5 ml of grow. 



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And finally the cream caramel and the fruit. Not sure what day they are, around day 37ish. I've just started feeding with a little grow but noticed the fruit has a few issues so may try some calmag next feed. 



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Looking awesome mate, crazy how fast they've developed looking back at your pics from 1 1/2 weeks ago. The joy of autos, when you've got it dialed in they just fly! I really like that because you've got such a big space you can run a few different strains, going to make post harvest time all that sweeter. Not much better than having a choice in which herb to smoke! Good on ya, and I always prefer to feed Autos lower doses of nutes. It's not like you've got the time to recover them from a heavy feed! ATB

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@Green demon cheers for looking in mate, your right about these autos once you get it right they fly. I think I got a little complacent as I managed to get through the veg period with very few problems but in the space of a week or two all hell can break lose. I also agree that it's better to under feed but think the ionic range is quite weak and coupled with very hungry plants can lead to the wrong conclusions. So I'm gonna try upping the feed a little. To be honest I've been flat out with work and family so I've found the extra time needed to monitor the bigger tent hard. watering can take over an hour if you take your time. 


It'll be great to have 4 different strains to choose from, although the cream caramel and the fruit were just after thoughts really to fill the gaps in the tent.....let's see what they do. 


I'm really happy with the tent as I was concerned the extractor wouldn't be able to cope. It's on notch 3 out of 4 and seems to be fine with plenty of negative pressure and keeping the temps in the high twenties. 


Cheers TD

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up the feed on the girls that are yellow, makes sure your temps are all good at the roots and watch the watering on the moby dick she looks a bit droopy.


Other than that looking shit hot mate. Gonna be a nice lot of buddage there dude

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@blackpoolbouncer cheers dude. Those Moby Dicks always seem to droop after watering and I'm only going to a 10% run off. Not sure what else I can do with them. 


Yes the yellow ones will be getting more feed next time. 


Root temps are around 24-25 as being in the garage which is warm I'm struggling to get them much lower. Canopy around 28. 


Still another 30 days to go so should get a decent haul to see me through the long hard winter. 


Cheers TD

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10 minutes ago, Topdraw said:

Those Moby Dicks always seem to droop after watering and I'm only going to a 10% run off. Not sure what else I can do with them.

Do you water them all at the same time? 

She probs just wants leaving that little bit longer.


Aye, ya shouldnt be short of smoke for crimbo mate

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@blackpoolbouncer yeah I seem to have them on two different watering cycles so I'm watering every day. Moby one day and the kush the next. I'm probably being lazy and just watering when other three are ready. I'll make double sure next time around, it's just such a pain when they all get out of sink. 


Thanks mate for advice. 



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