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Topdraw's Auto Adventure. Blue Kush & Moby Dick.


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It is great having the extra space, so much easier to get in and sort stuff.  One thing I've noticed is the watering is taking a fair bit longer. My water pressure is rubbish so I might get a water but to fill up, that'll cut down some time. 


Watered all tonight with 4 litres, and between 3-4 ml of grow. They have greened up quite a lot so I'm well happy at the moment. Although there is still plenty of time to screw things up. Maybe start adding a little bloom in the next week....


Cheers TD


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@teehee that's the plan mate, I'm aiming for enough green to last me through till next June. I've always ran out around April which does my head in, and I hate paying for it.


Cheers TD


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You know it Bro, paying for weed once you know how to grow is a nightmare. It's never the same quality, and it you're like us and go through an ounce a week, it costs $$$$$.


You can buy weed at the local Farmers' markets, but small town mentality rules here, and I don't want people seeing me scoring, the anonymity and speed of scoring in London is something I miss as well!


We used to drive into Nimbin, again certain shops sell nice bud under the counter, but it's a 4 hour round trip through the mountains, on roads that are littered with sneaky Cops with 'random breath testing' equipment :( Plus even there I know people who if they saw me there would know exactly what I was there for, and in my profession, I can't risk being caught!



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15 hours ago, teehee said:

I agree @Green demon, I am well jealous of your tent @Topdraw my poxy 1.4metre  square room is too fricking small, especially with the Hyperfans on, it sags in by around 5cm each way giving me 1.3m each way dammit!!! A tent your size would give me enough bud for 6 months!


@Muppet send me a link to your COTC grow Bro


Sorry Chap, No link but it was way back Jan '06 if memory serves.

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@teehee yeah man paying for shit you know how to grow much better always gets on my wick. 


Ahhh nimbin, can't believe that place is still going. In '99 you couldn't even get the car parked before people would be approaching you. I spent amonth picking fruit just over the border into Queensland and we used to do a regular nimbin run to help us pass away the evenings. Great place, and lovely countryside if I remember right. Your a lucky fella being out there even if you can't get to watch the hammers. 


Cheers TD

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Excellent job on the lst mate apart from the snapped stems :( this does happen even to the most careful growers :)


Plants look super healthy and exploding with growth :)


The flower show sure is going to be a sight for sure eyes and going of the plant structure you are going to have some monster ladies come harvest time :)


I do think you may need some support when the buds start to develop due to how big they look in the vegetative stage :yep:


Beautiful work so far. Thank you for taking the time to constantly update your thread and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!


Until the next one :bong:


All the best 



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I spent a year off growing so I know all to well about having to pay for weed. One of the most galling experiences paying for something when you know you can do better and for much less. I look forward to the day when my setup and production is close to yours mate


As an indoor grower I really appreciate space. Starting in a DS 60X60X180 everything was so cramped. Equipment and cables up the ying yang. After every upgrade it's always been a joy to see everything get neater, easier to organise, and most importantly improve. Your set up looks so tweaked it's going to be epic in flower. 


Im a bit jealous of the weed runs you guys have been on. For me it's always been a case of cross the road and knock on my mates door lol Easy brothers



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@Dinafem-Mark nice to see you mate, and thanks for the kind words. These kush have gone crazy, the internodal lengths are just huge like 6 inches or more. To be honest I think they'd be best in a scrog setup due to their stretch and general lankyness. I've tried my best to train them but have gone a bit all over the joint. 


The Moby Dick is taking better to the lst, and are forming lovely flat bushy plants. 


Do you really think I'll need to stake? I'm more than happy to do that if the buds are heavy enough :smokin:


Cheers fella



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@greendemon extra space is fantastic mate, but you know what happens.......you end up filling it up !


I'll try do an update later, here is the tent from a distance....


Cheers TD



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day 36ish


Starting to fill up now, not much more space left in the tent. I'm pretty much allowing everything to grow upwards now apart from the odd tweak. 


Still no signs of any major problems, noticed a few purple stems.....calcium anyone? It's definitely not cold. 


Fed all with 2 ml of grow and 1 ml of bloom. Purple stems got a half ml of calmag also. Watering takes an age as the are up to 4 liters every 2 days. 




These are the Moby Dick. Great structure for lst they now have twenty plus tops. The one I snapped the top off seems to have taken it badly and is now officially the runt. 





These are the blue kush, due to their mental growth rate I haven't quite got them trained very flat....also my average training skills. 


These are very strong plants with already very thick stems. Due to internodal length I'd be surprised if the buds run together I'll probably get lots of sticky golf balls. 




And not forgetting the cream caramel and the fruit. Poor things are on the floor between the two lights part shaded. The fruit is the compact little monster they finish in 60 days, it's such a fast auto. 




Cheers TD

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Very true mate, got to make the most of all that space, and you certainly are! Those girls are filling out nicely. Your filter is going to be working overtime soon. Love seeing the entire tent, she's such a beast. Really getting jealous seeing all those ladies, except it does come at a price, watering!


I got purple stems on my seedlings, and figured it was cold or lack of nitrogen. Ruled out cold and upped the feed and the green came back. I've never used Advanced so no clue on doesage with those guys, would like to try their products though they come highly rated.

Quick question for you bro, seeing as you have them side by side, what if any difference do you see with the two different reflectors? Parabolic is one of the few I've left to try, love the look of them though.


Cheers Topdraw loving the photos!

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On 8/30/2017 at 4:33 AM, Green demon said:

Im a bit jealous of the weed runs you guys have been on. For me it's always been a case of cross the road and knock on my mates door lol Easy brothers



Oh happy days GD I remember it well..... I wish it was like that here sometimes, but I need to be incognito here... small town attitude!


13 hours ago, Topdraw said:

Do you really think I'll need to stake?


Mate those plants look great, plenty of tops, so stake away and let the light in.

I get a few purple stems, never seems to be a problem though. Can't be the cold, I'm in the sub-Tropics! 


Keep at it Bro!

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Nice job so far @Topdraw them blue kush go crazy huh! Mine went super lanky too, towards the end I was tieing a couple of the tops up, they were falling all over each other. Still enjoying mine now, getting better and better the longer it's in the jars :stoned:

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@Green demon tricky one to call at the minute on the shade war. I'm sure the parabolic has to be much better. It distributes the heat(& light) more evenly. I can get it 6 inches from the tops. Other one could have been made out of a cereal packet and some foil. It's a brand new bulb and chucks loads of heat downwards so I'm keeping it a good 18 inches away. This should also help Moby Dick stretch a little.

It'll be interesting to see if any difference at the end. 


Glad you like the pics mate


@teehee I think the purple stem issue is often just down to genetics but can often be confused with a def. I seem to have quite a few but the plants look fine so not stressing. 


@Openairbud I have a net I could slide down over the kush to help support things, it just makes watering more tricky. Some garden cane is probably easier if required. 

What's the smoke like man ? Were yours good yielders. 


Cheers TD

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I only have a really small space, so I grew the one plant. Gave me 80 something grams under a 150watt, I had problems through the grow too so it would have given me more no doubt. Enough for my needs anyway :skin_up:

Smell is quite complex, a cracked jar smells like marzipan, really sweet. Broken buds throw out fuelly sharp citrus type aromas, which carry through to the vapour.  

As for effect and strength, well she fairly batters me, indica leaning with good body buzz, there's certainly something behind the eyes too though. More stupifying than euphoric. I love it:notworthy:

For me it's a good evening toke.


I'll tag along here if you don't mind, see what you make of it when finished.

I'd like to know your thoughts on cream caramel too, I have some seeds to crack soon. :yinyang:

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