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Lote's Taboo: Remo Chemo + Advanced Nutrients??... + P.A.K


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 @Lotus_rouge I have had to compress the pictures down from 12mb to under 1mb so some image clarity could be lost :)


I think the picture size could be the problem mate :)


I don't mind doing them for you just ask  :bong:


All the best 



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As requested by @Lotus_rouge a Remo chemo picture update and if I do say do myself looking mighty fine :yep:


I'm sure the man himself will be along to update soon until then enjoy  :bong:




All the best 



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Hey @Dinafem-Mark thanks for again for posting the images on my behalf. Having a reet nightmare with my phone at the minute! Much appriciated, heres a brief update to go alongside...


These images were taken 2/3 days ago now which was day 10 of flower. Room temps have been a steady 27 for the majority of the week during lights on, before dropping down to 21/22 for the dark period. Humidity is still on the high side, hitting near 70 at night, but not worried about that, my hyperfan is currently just on tickover mode, giving me the option to crank it up over the next few days and bring that RH right down. 


The girls are currently being fed their "week 2 feed" which consists of the following:


Advanced.Nutrients Sensi Grow (A&B) @ half strength dose (2ml:1l)

Advanced.Nutrients Sensi Bloom (A&B) @ half strength dose (2ml:1l)

A.N B-52 @ full dose (2ml:1l)

A.N Bud Ignitor @ full dose (2ml:1l)

A.N Big Bud @ full dose (2ml:1l)

A.N Sensizym @ full dose (2ml:1l)

A.N Rhino Skin @ full dose (2ml:1l)


Yeh...it seems like a lot of bottled nutrients...I get that lol but the plants seem happy with the food lol and its what the offie advanced nutrients calculator suggests (apart from the grow being continued in the transition, they tell you to stop grow and start bloom on day 1 of 12/12... this isnt something i usually do, so im gonna carry on with my first 14 days by giving them a touch of grow nutes. At around day 14 I'll stop the grow nutrients and up the dosage of the bloom nutes to 3/4 strengh. This is the last few days ill be using the bud ignitor too, that will also be dropped at day 14. Then its a few weeks of big bud and then finnish up with the overdrive.


The girls are only in 6.5l pots, but are very thirsty young birds. Each post is drinking 1.5-2l per 24 hour period...and not getting any run off at all, it seems to go straight thru the roots and up the chunky stems.


Okay, so goin back to the images that mark kindly posted above. Im gonna quickly run thru them...i focused my images on seed 1 and seed 4, as these are the two plants which i felt were stronger, ive taken snips from each plant and currently awaiting roots. The first two pics mark posted are of Remo Chemo 4, then then final images are of Remo Chemo 1. Rc1 being my favourite of the 4. Ive struggled (as youll guess) in responding to the images, wasnt sure what else to write after all that ive just typed out,  my head blanked so, sorry if the update to go with the  images abit vauge, i kinda choked abit there lol


Im about to go back to the grow room and check on the remo chemo clones. Its also now day 14/15 (think ive lost a day somewhere, need to check the paper diary for dates) of flower for these girls now so ill also take a few more pics and try posting them tomorow. I need to catch up and stay on top of this diary!!


Until then, its time to roll a Huuuuuuuge joint...peace

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High there @Lotus_rouge good to see you back up and about bud:hippy:

Them remos are looking a1 mate, I see you are using A.N, what do you do about flushing? Do you just use plain water, sorry for picking your brain dude, I ask as I have tried with a weak mix, seams to work for me, but i always water till run off to avoid build up, I think that makes sence:smokin: anyway take care.Jj:yinyang:

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Hey @Jibba jabba thanks for stopping by mate. I usually flush at the start of week 7, they get straight cold water for the final 14-21 days. This is where I water for run off :) not had any chemmy ash problems yet, always seems pretty clean. 

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@Lotus_rouge You are more than welcome mate :)


If you need anymore shots resizing and uploading you know how to reach me :)


The Remo Chemo are looking fantastic and starting to pack on some serious weight  :) the next few weeks are going to be interesting :)


Thanks for the update mate things are looking great and on point for a solid harvest :)


Will be back in on the next update until then only a pm away if needed :)


All the best 



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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Good morning all! 




Struggled getting online the last few days so missed that day 14 update I mentioned in my last post, apologies for that  on a plus side, I think I've sorted my image upload issue, so hopefully (if these pictures work) going forward I should be back on it where the updates and pics are concerned and I won't have to beg @Dinafem-Mark to do my pictures! 




Okay, so today is day 18 of 12/12 for my remo chemo, gettin to the back end of week three and so far things are plain sailing with not much for me to do in the grow room. Temps have been sweet, averaging 26c with lights on and around 20c and humidity has now been dropped to 45-50%. The stretch has now stopped (I think) and I've come to the conclusion that the remo chemo is a great plant for anyone growing in a small space or someone struggling with height restrictions. This girl doesn't grow high at all, she's a right little bush.  I reckon it would perform excellent under a scrog net. I usually grow with a net, but for this run I didn't... kinda regret that now but if my clones root then I'll hopefully get to give that a try next time....whilst I'm mentioning clones, it's now been 15 days and so far only one remo chemo clone has rooted remo chemotherapy 1# :-( ...every other strain I took snips of cloned in 8-10 days so not sure what's going on with these ones..but least I've got one for now. Ive left the others in the propagator and I'll keep my eye on them... Rookie mistake eh, should of taken snips of all four plants rather than my favourite looking two! 




Getting a gassy diesel smell from these ones at this stage! All four plants smelling very similar. 




Annnnnyway, enough text, here's a few pics of the girls. Starting off with a shot of the bunch... 








And now for some closer up pics, here's remo chemo #1.. 




This is probably my favourite plant out the bunch and so far it's the only one to produce a rooted clone. Got a few more snips in the oven so got my fingers crossed I'll be able to do a other run of this cut. 












Next up... Remo Chemo #2, this one isn't as big as the others but I think this is down to its positioning in the room, it's kinda to the side and has a smaller space due to the tower fan :-( still very happy with its structure, resin levels and growth.. Wish I kept a cut of this one to try again with more room, but we live and learn... Guess I could always try a reveg if it's a gooden!












Here's a few pics of #3, who's sat slap bang in middle of the front row..again not taken any cuts of this one but I'll definitely consider a reveg, the resin levels on the plants at 18 days of bloom is mental, it's just as frosty as the GG4 I have in another space. 














And finally, here's a few pics of remo chemo #4..whos also in the middle of the tent but on the back row..this one is also a belted so far, got 6 snips in the propagator but so far no roots :-( fingers crossed! 














That's pretty much me done for now. Forgot to take a pic of my rooted clone and snips  not much to see there though!! I plan on going back again on Friday which will be day 21 so I'll take some pics then, I'll also try n get some lights off snaps so we can see the true colour of the plants rather than the blurple version! 




Until next then, you know what time it is right??.... Time to roll another joint!! 

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Easy all! Hoping everyone is well and them rooms are nice n toasty in this cold weather we're currently experiencing!! 


Thanks for stopping by with your comments @botanics @Crentz and @golf.007 much appreciated lads! Not looking too bad, just wish I'd lollipopped them properly a few weeks back! I did a terrible job of that, mainly cos I couldn't hold the scissors properly due to my poorly hand! 


Just stopping by with an update and a few pictures! 


Today is day 24 of the 12/12 light cycle, room temperatures have dropped slightly this week, but it hasnt been as bad as expected. With the leds on, my temperatures have flicked between 24-26c whilst with the leds off the temp has dropped to 18c St its lowest which is quite a hefty drop in my eyes. I usually don't like more than a 5c difference in temperatures but so far the plants seem happy and content with the drops. I do have an oil radiator I can add to the room if needed so I'll keep my eye on that. Humidity remains pretty sweet, staying between 45 and 50 percent do no complaints here. 


All four remo chemo girls are still drinking between 1.5 & 2L each per day. This week's good consists of A.N Sensi bloom A&B at 3ml per litre (3/4 strength dose) as the base + A.N Big Bud, A.N Rhino Skin and A.N B-52 at 2ml per litre (full strength dose). All seem happy with this mixture and the pots are bone dry after 24 hours... Although dry, since flower I've not once seen these plants flop over or look like they are struggling. Even when thirsty they still look happy! Which is a very different story when comparing to the slow veg I experienced! 


It feels like out of the 4 seeds which germinated may have at least two different phenos. All four are a similar height but two of them, 1 and 4 have slightly bigger buds and are stacked abit tighter. 1 and 4 also have more frost on them when comparing closely to 2 and 3. They all also smell very similar. I'm getting a gassy smell, but it also smelling very musky now, kinda like sweaty sprouts or really old socks.. Sounds horrible but it's a real nice smell lol. Still only got roots on the one clone and unfortunately that root which poked out hasn't done much growing in the last few days. It kinda poked out then stayed be! I also got mixed up in my last post, I think I said it was remo chemo 1 that had rooted, when in fact it was remo chemo 4. In my opinion, remo 4 is the stronger plant out of the 4 so although I'm upset at the cloning success rate, I'm happy I've managed to keep seed #4 for a second bash...well that's if the clone survives!! 


OK so on with a few pics.. All taken tonight, day #24. 


Remo Chemo #1 - Front left of the tent. 






Remo Chemo #2 - front right of the tent, the tower fan takes up some of her space, this maybe be a reason for its smaller buds.. 






Remo Chemo #3 - Currently Sat slap bang in the middle of the tent, this one is also slightly restricted with space, mainly because I left another plant in here with the remo girls and it got bloody huge, taking up a load of space, it's looking good though so not complaining lol 






Remo Chemo #4 - Back right of the tent.  Again, alot of space restrictions here due to being next to a bigger plant, it's also quite hard to get to where this plant is positioned so couldn't trim and defloliate as much as I'd usually want to. But out of the four remo plants, this has by far the juiciest looking buds so far and although it's been covered up and pushed to the back its grown the tallest in height, meaning the light is getting to more of he bud sites. In my eyes this shows the plant is strong as it's battled to keep up with its sisters and come out on top after all. It's also the only plant to produce a rooted clone... Just hoping it lives on so I can have a second bash at growing her. 






And finally one of Remo Chemo #4's root lol


Probably gonna give this a few more days and then pot her up into some fresh 'Mills / DNA Ultimate Coco Cork". Abit upset with the cloning success rate as mentioned above, my cloning game is usually on point. All my other cuts cloned in 7-10 days and had some monster roots on them so maybe the remo chemo just takes a bit longer or is a bit harder to clone!? Who knows, hopefully I'll get a second bash and I'll try some other methods! 


Sorry @Dinafem-Mark, thought I'd be doing another full run of the remo chemo, but looks like I'm only gonna have one to work with!! At least it will get lots more attention lol


Until next time... You know what time it is right?? 



Time for another fat joint! 


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On 07/11/2017 at 2:24 AM, Lotus_rouge said:

Until next time... You know what time it is right??


It's time to roll a big fat joint lol


For just under the 4 week Mark of bloom all phenos look to be filling out great and trichome production is in full effect  :)


Glad you are back able to add picture it was no problem to upload for you but it does make for a better read :)


Sorry to see only 1 clone rooted. I've seen this with a few growers and this strain only about 5% rooting, strange one and only thing I can think is temps need to be bang on all the time with no fluctuations? 


As expected looking tip top in here  mate :bong:


Thank you for the continued picture updates very much appreciated and keep up the Stella work :)


All the best 



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