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Lote's Taboo: Remo Chemo + Advanced Nutrients??... + P.A.K


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Easy all.. 


Fairly new grower here. Started my growing career in February this year and I've got just the one completed grow under my belt. I'll be soon harvesting my second and third crops in the comming weeks. 


This is thread is going to be my 4th run and my entry to the Dinafem 17/18 Grow Comp..


I'd like to start off by saying a big thanks to @Dinafem-Mark and the Dina gang for the donated seeds. Always appreciated.


As you probably guessed by the title, I went for the recently released Remo Chemo and the Purple Afghan Kush. 


I've always been a big Remo fan... Followed him since he repped Advanced Nutrients back int day, so when I heard about his chemo strain I was really excited!


When I finally got round to setting up my first grow, I thought I'd start off old skool remo style and went straight for the A.N bottles. Not sure if the big man would approve of this these days, but oh well...I don't think he'll find out haha!.. It worked well on my first grow and doing the same magic again on my current crops, so I'm gonna stick with it until it's all gone. I'll then switch to the Remo nutes and give them a whirl!


I know there will be a few people growing the Remo Chemo in this competition and most of them will be testing out the Remo nutes (lucky lads!), but I'm hoping to be one of the first to run it on here using one of Remo's main competitors and company he repped so hard a few years back. 


Ok, so on with the grow diary...


I'll be using entry level LED grow lights (Viparspectra & MarsHydro), Canna Coco and three small-ish grow spaces (there will be more details on the spaces and environment in future updates).


The initial plan was to run 3x Remo Chemo and 3x Purple Afghan Kush... However, due to lack of space and ongoing grows, in order to do that I would have to wait months before I had room and be able to run all 6 in one go..soo, change of plan... 


I now intend to start this diary off by running just 3 of the 5 Remo Chemo seeds. I will be starting them off under a T5 light along with a couple other clones which I'm running (I won't mention any names :george:).


Once the seedlings are of a reasonable size, they will move into the 90x90 veg space and under the MarsHydro II 400 LED...I'm a fan of a long veg, so they will hopefully get atleast 6 weeks in this space.


Before I flip the Remo's into flower, I will take cuts from the plants. They will then be moved into the 1.2x1.2 flower space under two Viparspectra 900s to be finished off.


This is where I hope the diary will get interesting and become unique to the competition..


I plan to document the cloning adventure within this thread and whilst the Remo clones are (hopefully) rooting under the T5, I will start the germination process of the Purple Afghan Kush, also documenting that. The Remo's will start flower maybe 2 weeks sooner due to the longer bloom time, but I've read the P.A.K can take a while to get going in veg so it might work out just sweet anyway! It's just going to be a matter of timing this right! 


I'll hopefully finish this diary off by harvesting 3x Remo Chemo Clones along side 3 P.A.K seeds!


Enough with the rambling...I can't half waffle, here's my starter pics..




They had 12 hours in the shot glass (2 out of the 3 sank to the bottom) then placed in a damp paper towel inside an airtight container. 




After 24 hours, two seeds had cracked open. One had sprouted its tail and the other looked like it was about to do the same...nothing from the third seed jus yet! I folded them back up and put them back in the tub.


12 hours later, and after being in the damp paper towel for a total of 36 hours, I checked again to see that the two remo's that previously cracked open had now fully sprouted their starter roots! Still nothing from the third bean.




I decided that I'd pot the two germinated remo's and leave the other one in the paper towel, checking it every 12 hours.




The pair hit the dirt this afternoon and are now sat in a propagator, under the T5, on a 24hr light cycle. Temps in the room are 25.4 degrees at the minute RH is 47% in tent but will be alot higher in the prop. 


Here's a quick shot of the nursery..remo's in the propagator. You won't see much of my other girls in this thread...this is a one off.




So to finish up this post, 2 out of 3 remo seeds fully germinated in just over 36 hours. I'd say at this stage, there's still hope for the third one, so I'm going to hold off on starting the germination process on my final two seeds for now! I'll probably give the seed another day or so before I sink a fourth bean.


Today is officially day #1 of seed for RC #1 and RC#2 and I'm confident they will both break through the coco within the next 24 hours.


That's it for now, but I'll be checking on  the third seed in the morning. It's still early days I suppose, so we'll see what's what then!


Sorry for the long intro.. Hope everything is clear and makes sense! If anyone has any questions or got some advice they wanna share, feel free to drop a comment! 


Untill next time, peace out farmers! 

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First in!



Hi @Lotus_rouge I too am a salford smoker ahh good old salford ! Moved away a while ago I must add but being a salford boy I noticed the logo straight away! Good luck with the comp and all the best generally. 


Welcome to the best and most informative forum on the internet! IMO of course.




lil d.

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Firstly thank you for getting your grow diary going and you do have the pleasure of being one of the first in the world to grow out this epic strain by a cannabis legend :yep:


Secondly you sound to have a really nice set up and a solid plant to document both strains. This is great thinking and a way to get more traction in the thread, which will give more views and give a better chance to win the competition. 


Fingers crossed that the final Remo Chemo comes through and again thank you so much for documenting your Dinafem endeavour :)


Until the next update :bong:


All the best 



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Thanks guys! Really looking forward to growing both of these strains. 


Small update..


Checked on the third seed this morning, but unfortunately no change. it's now had 52hours in the damp paper towel plus the initial 12 hours in a shot of water. I'm not losing the faith just yet, I'm gonna keep in for now.


In an attempt to be safe and keep the Remo's at the same stage, last night I started the final two seeds.


Both beans sunk to the bottom of the shot glass within 12 hours, then at 10am this morning they were placed in a damp paper towel inside an airtight container. I'll check in 24 hours.. Fingers crossed! 




Both of the Remo's that were potted yesterday have now broken through the coco. Both still have the seed case's attached, but I'm sure these will fall off shortly! More on these in the next hopefully in the next update.


Peace out growers! 

Edited by Lotus_rouge
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Hello all... Time for yet again, another update!!


I hope I'm not spamming the thread out too early with boring posts of tissues amd coco!!!!??? :rofl: :rofl:


Anyway...the initial two Remo Chemo seeds that were potted into 11cm pots of Canna Coco have now fully smashed through the mud and broken free of the seed cases...these two have just started their third day in coco..





Next up on the update list is the seed that didn't germinate. Unfortunately it's now been in the paper towel for 72 hours and still doesn't have sign of life. I think it's time to call it a day on this bean?


For anyone who read yesterday's update, you'll know that I started the germination process on the final two RC beans. Well, after 24 hours in the paper towels, both seeds cracked open and sprouted their starter roots! 




Both beans were then potted in the the 11cm square pots..




...and then placed in the propagator under the T5 on 24hr light with their slightly older sisters.


Here's a pic of the 4 Remo Chemo seeds/seedlings before the lid went on the prop...



I'll update the thread again once the other two seeds have sprouted and pushed of the shells...then after that I will probably only post weekly updates. 


"you guy's know what time it is right??...time to roll up another fat joint"


Untill next time.

Edited by Lotus_rouge
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6 hours ago, Lotus_rouge said:

Hello all... Time for yet again, another update!!


I hope I'm not spamming the thread out too early with boring posts of tissues amd coco!!!!??? :rofl: :rofl:


Anyway...the initial two Remo Chemo seeds that were potted into 11cm pots of Canna Coco have now fully smashed through the mud and broken free of the seed cases...these two have just started their third day in coco..





Next up on the update list is the seed that didn't germinate. Unfortunately it's now been in the paper towel for 72 hours and still doesn't have sign of life. I think it's time to call it a day on this bean?


For anyone who read yesterday's update, you'll know that I started the germination process on the final two RC beans. Well, after 24 hours in the paper towels, both seeds cracked open and sprouted their starter roots! 




Both beans were then potted in the the 11cm square pots..




...and then placed in the propagator under the T5 on 24hr light with their slightly older sisters.


Here's a pic of the 4 Remo Chemo seeds/seedlings before the lid went on the prop...



I'll update the thread again once the other two seeds have sprouted and pushed of the shells...then after that I will probably only post weekly updates. 


"you guy's know what time it is right??...time to roll up another fat joint"


Untill next time.



never be too shy with pot shots .... i would have killed for the most basic of information when i started in 1983 @Lotus_rouge if you give someone a heads up /  tip and it helps them to self sufficiency ?? it cant be wrong


good luck will be following with interest





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Easy all! @Dinafem-Mark


Just a quick post to let you all know that the final two Remo's have now broken through the coco and pushed of the seed shells!


Unfortunately one of the initial three seeds that I attempted to germinate didn't make it. It's now been 6 days since I started the process and now after being in the paper towel for so long it's gone abit mushy. I kinda think that if I would have potted it up with the other two then it may of had a better chance...so maybe this was my own doing!?  I'm still learning remember!! 


Abit gutted about that, but 4 out of 5 isn't a bad start. Anyway, here's a couple of pictures taken this afternoon..(I removed my other plants for these pics, just Dina here! :yep:)...





Remo #1 an #2 have just started their 5th day in coco, whilst Remo #3 an #4 are starting day number 3. 24hour light under the T5..will add some voodoo juice and rhino skin to the feed next week.


That's it for now..more in a few day's I guess! 


....it's time to roll up another joint!! 



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Hey @Jibba jabba hope your well dude!


Yeh pull up a chair, I think this is gonna turn into a long rolling diary...or until the comp ends anyway! Let's see how many times I can run the same batch of Remo's before March 2018!? Recycle recycle recycle :rofl:

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Great to see the 4 seeds are now through and looking very healthy mate :)


This strain look super promising with a very nice end product so we are definitely watching these grows with interest :yep:


Great start mate :)


Until the next update :bong:


All the best 



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Thanks @Dinafem-Mark I'm very happy with how they are going so far.


Just clocked this poster in my local hydro shop..




Looks like I'll be meeting the big man himself in a few weeks. I'll have loads of questions for him and hopefully a few pics to show him too! I'll be sure to mention the uk420 grow comp. Just hope he doesn't ask which nutrients I'm running haha


Wasn't too sure where to post this, didn't think it required a new thread so thought I'd add it to my diary :yep:


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@Lotus_rougeGreat find and a great chance to meet the legend himself :yep: will also be cool to share a few shots of the Remo Chemo to the actual original breeder :)


Let us know how you go on mate :)


All the best 



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Good afternoon Dina crew!


Here's a small update on my grow..


Remo Chemo #1 and # 2 have been in 100% Canna Coco for 7 days, whilst Remo Chemo #3 and #4 have been in for 5 days. The two bulb T5 is still on a 24 hour light cycle and so far the babies have just been drinking plain water, every 2 days. I'll be adding in some root stim (voodoo juice) at the next feed.


Here's a few pics..





So, all is goin okay for now. Remo Chemo #1 and #2 have just started to produce their third set of starter leaves (if you include the 'pissflaps' :rofl:), so I guess it's only a matter of days before the second pair of Remo's do the same. I'll be changing the light cycle to 20/4 once Remo Chemo #3 and #4 hit day 7. Aiming to transplant to 6.5l square pots between day 14 and 21.


@Dinafem-Mark Yeh, great opportunity. I'm currently growing another strain and it's apparently one of Remo's favourites. It was watching his video's which inspired me to grow it. That will be harvested in a couple of weeks so I'm hoping I might have something dry to share with him. I'll probably pick up a supercharged nute pack on the day too, the shop are offering a 10% discount whilst he's there :yep: I'll be using these for sure on my second run of Remo Chemo when I'm also running the Purple Afghan Kush. 


Peace out all.

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Great little update mate :) I know a lot of people who watch Remo on YouTube and have been inspired to grow strains that are showcased on the show :)


It was great that he did a Remo Chemo review and even cooler that he gave a shout out to the uk420 family :)


If I had known you were starting so fast I would have sorted you a nutrient pack out but these went to other members :)


Seedlings are looking vibrant and healthy mate :bong: and thank you for these shots very much appreciated! 


Until the next update :bong:


All the best 



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That's okay @Dinafem-Mark I always intended on switching to the Remo nutrients anyway! I'll have them the next run for sure!


..You never know, Remo might take pitty on me next week and hook me up with a sponsorship! :rofl: :george: :rofl:


Here's a few pictures..







Today is day #14 for Remo Chemo 1&2 and day #12 for Remo Chemo 3&4. I don't think theres much difference, if anything Remo Chemo 3&4 seem more ahead!


All four seedlings are still under the T5 light and been on a 20/4 light cycle for the past two days. They had been drinking 100ml of just plain water each, every two days so when I flipped the light from 24/0 to 20/4 I added some food to the mix.


I've now started then with mild nutrient mix of the following;


Water: 1 Litre

Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A&B: 1ml (1/4 strength)

Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice: 2ml (full strength)

Advanced Nutrients Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra: 1ml (1/2 strength).


Each seedling gets 100ml each and they are dry 24 hours later. I'll be upping the dose to 150ml tonight amd then go forward from there.


I intend to leave them in the 11cm square pots for a few more days. I'll hopefully transplant them into 6.5l square pots around Wednesday/Thursday and then we'll start the official veg. That should be the next update!


Untill then...it's time to roll another joint.



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