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Lote's Taboo: Remo Chemo + Advanced Nutrients??... + P.A.K


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Oh they are going to love the extra space and light mate :) will definitely help and now they have been topped will be interesting to see how they look on the next update :)


Nice to read that you will be growing the Remo Chemo again and trying bigger pots(6.5l v 15l) this will give you a better feel for the strain and what she is more adaptive to :yep:


Also nice to see that Remo put up his meet up with you in his YouTube channel and nice to see more UK hydro shops being shown and carrying his new nutrient line :)


Looked like a fun meet up with some cool people :bong:


Until the next update :)


All the best 





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Hello all!


Just stopping by with a quick picture of the 4x Remo Chemo girls. It's been a nearly a week since I topped them and they have all recovered now and grown two new heads. 


I've noticed that the Remo Chemo seems to veg alot slower than some of the other strains I've ran from seed. I planted the Remo's on the same day as I planted some other seeds and to date, the other strains are double the size. I thought the slow veg may have been down to me initially using the T5, but when comparing it them to the other plants I'm running, it seems to me that the remo chemo may just be a slow starter? Nice wide leaves, short and stocky plants so far. Not complaining at at all, just waiting for them to explode...I'm sure they will do any day now :-) 


Here's a quick picture...



It's not the best image, I know. But I've had a pretty rubbish few days. Mainly down to me running upstairs and smashing my hand up on the banister!  Definitely broken a couple of fingers! Struggling to do alot of simple things at the moment. Opening bottles and using scissors is a right pain. Struggling to move pots around...luckily the incident happened the day after harvest so I'd already done my trimming!! If I hadn't...then I'd definitely be screwed now!!


I'd usually be supercoropping the newly formed heads on the recently topped plants at this point, but I can't queeze my fingers together lol so that's gonna have to wait a few days. I don't trust myself doing it with the left hand, I'll end up slipping and snapping heads off!


The Remo's are currently sharing a tent with a few other strains but as soon as my recently harvested crop is dry, the Remo's will be back in their own dedicated space, that will be any day now...just hope I can lift the pots with my poorly hand :-( 


Again, sorry for the lack of images. It's hard with one hand lol but I'll try and do a more detailed update over the next few days. This will include close ups of all 4 plants.


Untill then, I think it's time to roll a HUGE joint.

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Plants look good to me man, slow burners and then no doubt it'll be whoosh in a bit and turn into a wrangling show lol 


Sounds nasty that headbutting the bannister too, it tends to win does a lump of wood, hope your well soon mate and strap them fingers up and don't worry about suppercropping, can do that when they're a bit better :v: 

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Sorry to read about your banister accident mate as said bone v,s wood, wood tends to win :(


The Remo Chemo from what I'm reading is quite slow in the initial 4 weeks of veg then she takes off this is leading me to think she is more focused on root production in the early stage then vegative growth after roots are established? 


Your look to be bouncing back very well from the topping and no problem about the lack of images just glad you managed the one with broken fingers :)



Until the next update :bong:


All the best 



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Hey @Dinafem-Mark and @botanics cheers for your well wishes! The wood definitely won that little battle. It's now been 5 days since the banister incident and I'm still unable to move two of my fingers. The swelling has jus started to go down so I'm hoping once that starts, I should be able to get some movement back. At the minute it's just got the fingers strapped together.


Re: the Remo's..


Yeah I can agree with that Mark. I definitely think they focus on getting the roots formed. I've already got roots poking out the bottom of my 6.5l pots. I'm considering transplanting up to the 15s next week and maybe veg them out abit longer.


Got lots of sode branching now. Multiple tops from the supercropping and the topping. But they are very short still. Kinda look like cabbages due to their fat leaves and stocky build. Took a few pics this morning before the lights went off, but they came out blurry cos of my hand. No point in uploading that crap. So I'll go back in later on and try get some better ones for yall.


Until then, let's roll another joint...Remo style!

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@Lotus_rougeyku memtion the slow veg growth amd the cabbage like appearance which reminds me of another kush based strain "purple afghan kush" . When we first released pak she acted in a similar manner with the hard germination,  focus on root growth, general slow veg growth and the cabbage like leaf appearance. 


I'm going to look more in-depth into this as I would like to get a thread going where all Remo Chemo growers can voice there issues and new growers will have a thread to trouble shoot and future issues :yep:


Thanks for your input brother :)


All the best 



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all...really sorry for the empty gap in my diary over the last few weeks. As mentioned previously in the thread, I had a little banister incident and ended up with a broken hand! Somehow managed to stay on top of the garden, but everything seems to takes five times as long when you've only got the one hand! Had no chance of taking uploadable quality pictures! Sorry @Dinafem-Mark - Back on it now :cowboy:


The hands still strapped up, but I've got a lot more movement back in my fingers, I'll get a proper update done this week...but for now, here's a quick picture taken yesterday...(Everything in the tent is Remo Chemo, apart from the taller plant front left - I wont mention names lol)



Completely lost track of days, but i'll work that out for the next update. At a rough guess, i'd say they've had 5, maybe 6 weeks of 18/6 light + an initial 10 days at 20/4 t5 for the seedling stage. All four plants have been topped just the once but have undergone some major bending and supercropping, resulting in them having multiple heads and potential budsites. These plants have all stayed at a very similar height but now its #1 which is most vigorous and has the best structure. If you remember back to the start of the diary, #1 was the smaller seedling of the bunch. How the tables have turned eh!? Veg has been very slow, but i wouldnt say this is an issue at all! I think theyre looking great and am confident that they boom as soon as i trigger flower! 


I apriciate that the image doesnt really show much, but I promise i'll get some better pictures taken this week. Like i said, really sorry forgoing awol, this isnt the only diary thats I've slacked on due to the hand! I'll be taking snips of the Remo Chemo this week and once they start to root, these four will be flipped into flower. I'll be giving them a major defoliation, as I usually do before flower, but not yet decided if these girls will require a scrog net...they're so short n bushy, stocky little plants. The nodes are very close together! Nicely spaced, At this stage i cant see that a net will add anything to the party...they shoukd be ok as they are...we'll see.


That's about all i have for you for now, but you know what time it is right???? Time to roll up another joint...


Peace out guys, see ya soon :)

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On 07/08/2017 at 3:06 PM, Lotus_rouge said:

That's okay @Dinafem-Mark I always intended on switching to the Remo nutrients anyway! I'll have them the next run for sure!


..You never know, Remo might take pitty on me next week and hook me up with a sponsorship! :rofl: :george: :rofl:


Here's a few pictures..







Today is day #14 for Remo Chemo 1&2 and day #12 for Remo Chemo 3&4. I don't think theres much difference, if anything Remo Chemo 3&4 seem more ahead!


All four seedlings are still under the T5 light and been on a 20/4 light cycle for the past two days. They had been drinking 100ml of just plain water each, every two days so when I flipped the light from 24/0 to 20/4 I added some food to the mix.


I've now started then with mild nutrient mix of the following;


Water: 1 Litre

Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A&B: 1ml (1/4 strength)

Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice: 2ml (full strength)

Advanced Nutrients Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra: 1ml (1/2 strength).


Each seedling gets 100ml each and they are dry 24 hours later. I'll be upping the dose to 150ml tonight amd then go forward from there.


I intend to leave them in the 11cm square pots for a few more days. I'll hopefully transplant them into 6.5l square pots around Wednesday/Thursday and then we'll start the official veg. That should be the next update!


Untill then...it's time to roll another joint.



Great thread il be following for sure :D what pot size will you be going up to 6.5l is final pot or going to go 1 more?



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Hello @JamJar These are gonna be syaying in the 6.5l pots this run. Ill be takimg cuts from one of the plants then runnin again but in 15l pots next run. Thats the plan anyway lol thanks for stopping by dude

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Good to see you back about bud and glad to read that the hand is mending, plants look spot on too so not done bad being disabled for a bit either :yes: Noice work mate :v:

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5 hours ago, Lotus_rouge said:

Hello @JamJar These are gonna be syaying in the 6.5l pots this run. Ill be takimg cuts from one of the plants then runnin again but in 15l pots next run. Thats the plan anyway lol thanks for stopping by dude

Ah okay thats made me feel better about my choice of potsize i went for 11ltr so should be fine then cheers :D

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@Lotus_rougeGreat to see you on the mend mate and no need to say sorry you have been injured :) saying this the ladies have not been effected and showing some very vigorous growth now :)


I have been told that these plants have a very bushy structure which when cleaned out from the lower branches will make excellent cuttings :)


I would say give these 10 more days then it will be flower time :), would you agree mate? :)


Thank you for taking the time we know you are not well to update your diary and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!


Until the next one :bong: keep healing well :)


All the best 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all...Sorry the update delay! Had a terrible few weeks, first breaking the hand..then just after that kinda recovered, I dropped my phone (main source of camera and internet!), smashing the screen to pieces! Managed to take a few snaps on the mrs phone, which ive uploaded to my instagram account, but she doesnt like me doing it lol Shed never let me visit this kinda site on her phone!!


All 4 remo chemo girls are now in flower mode and been under a 12/12 light (led) cycle for 6 days as of today, from seed they were vegged tor a total of 52 days. Started off very slow and cabbage like, but in the last couple of weeks before bloom they Started to grow and bush out. Producing some wicked shapped leaves, some of which having 11 and 13 fingers! They have been fed a steady feed of advanced nutrients sensi grow for coco plus their b52, rhino skin, sensizym and the occasional splash of calmag. Through out veg, ive not once seen any signs of nutrient burn despite me using the full recommended dosage from day 30 (iish). After monitoring all 4 in veg, I decided that remo chemo #1 and #4 were my favourite looking plants out of the bunch. Just before I flipped them to flower, i took a bunch of snips from each and im now in process of attempting to root them as clones for a second run...but next time bigger pots and remo nutes/mammoth p. The clones dont have roots yet, but they still look alive and its early days.. so at this stage im confident that round two is still on the cards lol


...Anyway, heres a few update pics of my remo chemo girls. 




These pics were taken 2 days ago, meaning th girls were on day 4 of 12/12? Week one of flower, they are being fed a base feed of advanced nutrients sensi grow a and b, plus the b52, sensizym and rhino skin.. but now we have introduced bud ignitor, also by ad. As mentioned previously in the thread, these girls are only in 6.5l square pots, but they are drinking near 2l a day, then bonedry ready for more! They love a good drink. Already seeing signs of flower too, cant wait to see more...these things are really growing now. They seem to love the red spectrum in the leds.


Gonna go up and take some pics for my next update now ive got a camera sorted. just hope ican actually upload them the same method i usually do, i really struggle using the sites inhouse gallery. Crap with IT... might need some help of these fail to upload @Dinafem-Marklol


Peace all, time to roll another joint!!

Edited by Lotus_rouge
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As requested by @Lotus_rouge here are a few pictures :)


I'm sure the good sir will be along soon to give some detail to these :)




Looking good to me :yep:


All the best 



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