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Best portable vape

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Thanks vapefiend, thanks for understanding my fussy requirements and my vagueness about the batteries. I'm eyeing up a solo, gonna save ( wait for next student loan payment lol ) and I'll grab one. Cheers again dude, Stu, greenfingers, catfish, ital , northern soul, ananda,  mrrichiet, percygrower, madelf and ramblingmadman; input appreciated. :yep:

Edited by Cursed
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Arizer Solo ATM but looking to upgrade to the 2, the Solo is awesome, great taste lots of Vape,I have tried a few others though none of Stortz & Bittel portable vapes.

The Arizer is the best I have used by a long shot. Ticks all the boxes for me. Though its not stealthy really I guess, happily I ain't after that. 


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I have had the Solo 2 for a few days now and I agree, it's awesome, 3 hour battery and it heats up from stone cold to 180c in under 30 seconds.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Help! I need to buy one in the next few weeks. I'm now thinking the Arizer Solo 2 :headpain:. Money isn't a consideration, I just want thick clouds, decent portability, ease of charging (I guess 18350 batteries are the way to go) and a quick fire up. They all seem to do this. I'd also like one that in future could be used for concentrates too, if that's a consideration.  I guess another big consideration should be ease of cleaning as it's likely to have a lot going through it!


I think my order of preference so far is Arizer solo 2, Mighty then the Pax, although the Storm and the Arizer Air look satisfactory too. I just cannae decide!


@Vapefiend I'm going to purchase from you. What would you suggest?  

Edited by mrrichiet
strikethrough and added the sentence after that
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I love my Solo , have had it probably 5 years at least now , she needed a new battery a couple of  years ago but she's still chonging strong . I like to hook her up to  a nice rig with the bong adapter. I always eat the waste too or keep it to infuse with coconut oil.  Wanted a grasshopper but gets sketchy reviews and I hate that silicone Jonny thing 

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I think it'll be the Solo II after some more consideration. I liked the size of the Pax but I want something to use desk side mostly (despite having a herbalaire) with the ability to occasionally take it outdoors so the solo does seem to suit.


I think I'll buy the water accessory too. Does anyone know about the budgie bubblers? Are they worth the $$$$? Thanks in advance!


The Arizer Air/Solo Water Tool Bundle combines the awesome Air/Solo Vaporizer with its Glass Water Tool Adapter and the brilliant little Budgie Bubbler.

With this set-up you can pull huge, moisture-conditioned hits of tasty vapour through a miniature handheld bubbler for the ultimate in fresh tasting vapes.

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I had my Solo 2 for a few weeks now and it has blown me away, I have been using it exclusively since I got it, even though I have a Cloud Evo the Solo 2 is my go to device at the moment.


Its a perfect vape to have sitting on your desk plus you can walk around with it too.


For me the Solo wins on heat up time, long battery life, ease of cleaning and it's glass air path gives it great flavour. 


I have been been experimenting with it extensively and my findings are it works best with an unground 0.1g nugget of bud, using unground makes the sessions last longer and also has better flavour which lasts way longer than ground up bud. I have a couple of strains that have really tight buds so with these ones I break the nugget down into 3 or 4 smaller bits.

Edited by Smokebelch
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I have just had a nice morning session with my Solo 2


0.1g nugget of Killer Skunk, I have the cut off time set at 8 minutes and I had 3 sessions upping the temp on each session, 185c, 195c and finish on 205c. Each time I up the temp the clouds keep coming thick and fast, it's very efficient and you get nice thick, creamy tasty clouds, it makes a brilliant session vape. 


I am nicely waked and baked after that, I loves my Solo 2, it's well worth the money.

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I've just had a couple of pipes and my lungs tell me I need to get a vape in quick! Fuck knows how they'd feel if I were still smoking tobacco lol 


I'm just about to purchase the Solo 2 and the water accessories, but @vapefiend I can't see where to enter the 420 discount code??? Is the option there somewhere please? e2a: No worries, found a place to enter it in the shopping cart, just can't get to that page via the checkout process it would seem.


e2a: Website is a bit poor isn't it? I can only register and pay at the same time (I don't want to do that as I haven't been able to enter the discount code), but there's no cancel\save my details option so I lose the login details I've just entered, as I can only click back in the browser. I cannot seem to register separately from a sale.

Edited by mrrichiet
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@mrrichiet Nice one dude, you won't regret getting the Solo 2, it's worth ordering a couple more stems at the same time and some of the silicon stem caps, you can then preload them if you go out with it.


I have found the Arizer long stems to be the best, the shorter Air stem do fit it but I think this Solo 2 has a more powerful heater and I have found the short ones get too hot pretty quickly.


It milks up my glass pieces nicely too, I will takes some pics of it later and post them up, it's a bit early for vape bong at the moment.


If I were you I would start off on 190c and experiment from there, you should get tasty big clouds at 190c which is what you want if you are trying to quit combustion.


Let us know you get on with it.


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Glad you like the new solo as well mate, I'm still getting to grips with it after using the original for the last few years,

not getting huge clouds but that's down to using lower temps, (haven't had it on a bong yet) I don't go above 195 otherwise the coughing turns me inside out...

Doesn't matter though, what a beast, damned thing has made me pretty much incapable since I got it, and that's with a pretty mediocre weed.....

Gawd knows the state I'll be in once the Girl Scout Cookies finish in about four weeks or so........can't wait......:stoned:

The only thing I'm curious about is the battery situation, do you reckon it's possible to replace, same as it was on the old one?





Go for it bud.......:yep:




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@stu914 I reckon you will be able to send it in and have the battery replaced at some point in the future. 


The weed I am putting in my Solo is good quality and when I choose my keepers the density and quality of the vapour is a big part of it for me. I originally ran 3 Killer Skunk plants and although they were all nice for my purposes only 1 of them was worth keeping for the longevity, thickness and quality of the vapour it produces.


This is why I am getting the big clouds from the Killer Skunk I have been vaping this morning, Hopefully your GSC will get you some bigger clouds dude. Try not grinding and put nuggets in, I was sceptical at first but it works a treat.


I am having another go on it now so it looks like I will doing fuck all for the rest of the morning, don't usually do high temps in the morning but I was planning on having a lazy day so I thought fuck it why not get battered early on.

Edited by Smokebelch
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