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@JaxtheXIVAll the Sweet Seeds clones were rooted and under the main light, set at 400w, on 18th May.  That puts them at 6 weeks old from being rooted on Friday.


They have that many branches as I topped them a few times and trimmed off all the growing shoots except the top two or three.


Adds time to vegging but wont have to mess around much later - So the theory goes ;)


I think another two weeks before I put them into flower, am in no rush, may even take 3 more weeks yet until I feel they are really going to fill the tent.

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8 hours ago, Inspiration101 said:

@JaxtheXIVAll the Sweet Seeds clones were rooted and under the main light, set at 400w, on 18th May.  That puts them at 6 weeks old from being rooted on Friday.


They have that many branches as I topped them a few times and trimmed off all the growing shoots except the top two or three.


Adds time to vegging but wont have to mess around much later - So the theory goes ;)


I think another two weeks before I put them into flower, am in no rush, may even take 3 more weeks yet until I feel they are really going to fill the tent.

Very impressive bit of lst, what yield u expecting/hoping for from the plant 

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@JaxtheXIV  Am hoping to maximise my yield this time.  Just working on all the trimming and training, maybe smash my 18 ounces from my tent record.  We will see.  Fingers crossed :)

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Weekly update, all is going well :)


This morning I chopped all the thin lower branches and growing shoots as well as tied down all the main stems again.  


Am tempted to top them all again but have decided just to lolly-pop them a fair bit and see how things go for the coming week.


I have rearranged all the plants to ensure there is good coverage from the lights with none of the larger Sweet Seeds plants competing with one another.  I have used the newly re-potted Ugorg Blues as gap fills.


So, another week of vegetative growth and maybe even an additional 2nd week, we will see...........but flowering will be starting soon :)


Here are some shots:


Jack47 Back left, Sweet Skunk Back middle, Sweet Cheese front right, smaller ones are Urgorg Blues




Jack47 Back centre, Sweet Cheese front left, the rest are Ugorg Blues




A group shot





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On 02/07/2017 at 6:13 PM, Grow Chum said:

That tent will soon fill up,


Yep and it is mate, ;) I think one more week of veg then I shall put them into flower.

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Sunday update !  Nice to be able to have a few hours to myself whilst the wife sleeps, can get on with taking care of the other ladies in my life ;)


The Jack47's and the Sweet Skunk are starting to show signs of hunger - The leaves are yellowing from the bottom and moving upwards noticeably each day.  Only two or three leaves on each but it is what I have been keeping an eye out for.


They will start being fed with Biobizz Fishmix, the Sweet Cheese also.  I have a little Canna Rhizotonic remaining, about 100ml, so shall throw this in the mix also at 5ml per litre of water.


I have had builders doing stuff on the back of my house this past week and so I had to turn everything off whilst they were around so the plants were on a 16/8 schedule this past week.


With the weather being so hot and the heat from the two ballasts and bulbs - even though the bulbs are in air cooled hoods and the vent is straight out the window - The room has been pushing 35 degrees, a bit too warm.


From yesterday the builders are gone and so the lighting has now been set to 18/6 with the lights turning off at 11am then powering up at 5pm - So as to miss the hottest part of the day. 


So, another week of veg ahead.  Once the ladies hit the top of the black metal scrog fencing I shall flip them to 12/12.  No more topping or training this week, just feed 2 out of 3 waterings with Rhizotonic and Fishmix.


Until next week here is a shot of the tent, just the one this week.



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I am keeping my tent door open at the moment to keep heat down, I have my ballast outside tent, plants only small and directly under lamp so can keep door open with no problems, got a two week old Sweet Skunk auto which I am trying to perfect my growing on, PH and so on, and two killer kush FV under a dual spec bulb, Kk only 5 days old, going to veg for 2-3 weeks then put on 12/12', skunk won't be finished them so I will take plants out at 10 at night into a dark room then replace in tent 10 in the morning, until the skunk is  finished then the kush can have tent to themselves for last few weeks of their grow. Not doing a diary as trying different things with my soil that may or not work, but should.


Grow Chum.

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@Grow Chum  Yea I unzip the tent door for a few hours here and there when I am home also.  The two ballasts are outside the tent but could be closer to the window really - They let off some serious heat even though they are maxibrite dimmables.


I just requested some Killer Kush fv, am hoping next run to do Green Poison and Killer Kush, 4 of each I think, so far that's my line of thought.  Killer Kush had solid buds, really easy to grow, needs to be grown again :D


I now have an EC pen and a Bluelab pH pen.  I think I will look into the soil mix next time and see what I'm actually making - And then modify it to get the mix in the Goldilocks zone.  Got any tips or links on what I should read ? Is there a special way to get pH of soil ? 

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Hi chum, checking soil ph is hard, trying to get accurate meter or kit, most I used don't work or only give readings in 0.5 divisions, my ph pen that I was testing ph of run off with has just broke, but I got a good idea now where am at, because I finished my testing before it broke. I have added enough dolomite lime to keep ph in the zone for cannabis, 2, 5ml spoons per liter of soil, or should I say the compost I am using as they can vary, but I found a lot now have ph of 5.8-6, so a bit low. My ph or ph of run off is about 6.5 after watering with tap water, which here has ph of about 7.1 I used a 1.5 liter pot and added dolomite lime and checked ph of run off. 


Only tip I have got is, if red stems and petioles ph is normmaly too low, phosforous not being absorbed,  if leaves going light coloured where leaf meets stem and half way onto leaf, then ph is too high iron not getting absorbed. This of course relys on there being enough of each nutrient in soil.


There is too much information out there on ph, different ideas on what is right, some say it should be 6.3, my plants always have magnesium problem if I let get that low, I have always found 6.5-6.7 the best. At the moment I am trying to just use the leaves as a guide, the run off my soil is very high Ec, so there is surely enough of everything in there, not in diary at moment, just doing private grow. 


Grow Chum.

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Weekly update.  Very late as it has been a tough week with lots going on, I have been away a few days here n there so the ladies have been on their own.


So far, so good, had a few little white aphid looking bugs so I got some neem oil from fleabay, added 8ml per litre of water, and used the new awesome 5 litre pressure sprayer I got with my winnings courtesy of Sweet Seeds :)


So the ladies were removed from the tent, moved to the garden and given the worlds best soaking.......twice....... then put back in the newly cleaned (and sprayed) tent to sleep for 6h.  This has been done twice so far now.


This weekend I shall be flipping them to 12/12 and we shall start the timer !


Here are some shots, 


Jack 47




The other Jack47, they are identical clones




Sweet Skunk




Sweet Cheese




Group shot, until next week ! ! !



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Sunday update ! 


Everything has filled up the tent well this week, lots of growth going on.


Friday evening I switched the lighting to 12/12 as well as gave them all a good neem spraying again.


I can see that potentially 4 of the 5 Ugorg Blues are males, they are red box'd in the photo.  There is one female Blues by the looks of it, yellow boxed.


The Jack47's are the largest two plants really growing fast now with so many heads it looks great.  The Sweet Cheese and Sweet Skunk may have fewer heads but are also quite vigorous and really accelerated this past week.


The lights turn on at 8pm and turn off at 8am so will avoid any heating issues what with it being end of July near London.  The blue bulbs will stay in for this week and I shall change them for the red bulbs next weekend.


Next weekend I shall consider putting the scrogging net on top of the plants or use bamboo sticks to hold things up, as well as maybe some light trimming of immature lower branches.


Feeding is just 5mil per litre of water Biobizz Fishmix and 5mil per litre Rhizotonic.  Not much Rhizo left now, maybe 3 more waterings, once its gone then no more, I shall start adding Biobizz Bloom.


Just the one picture this week with the ugorgs outlined for reference.



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All looking a lovely shade of green my man :lucky: hope u get a better return than 1 male out of 5....

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Thanks, yea me too.  I suppose it doesn't help the Blues are surrounded by females already, they sense it ! ;)

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