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Welcome to my new diary !  I shall be trying out a long slow grow with organic ingredients.  All my Sweet Seeds ladies are clones from my competition run, I have just popped 5 Ugorg Blues and they are also in the tent but I shall not be concentrating on them in this diary, they will be in the background ;)


The soil I have to hand is clover, I'm not sure this is 100% organic but thats what they have all started in for the moment.  I am getting a couple of bags of biobizz all mix for the next potting up in a week or two.


I am mixing in Guanokalong powdered batpoo, a bit of volcanic rock dust, some additional Mycorrhizal Fungi, a generous serving of ecothrive charge, and finally some additional plagron worm humus.


For additional fertilisers I shall be using Canna Rhizotonic (yup it's organic), BioBizz Fish Mix and Biobizz Bloom.  I dont think there will be a need for grow, we will see.


There are two Jack47's which came from a very healthy branch and big sticks of bud making mother, the mother was small but did really well so I am in the process of lots of LST and topping.  They both have about 16-20 main branches on the grow - I intend to have to Jack47 trees, they may get topped once more yet.  The plants are enjoying being manipulated, they are thriving as you will see below.


The Sweet Cheese and Sweet Skunk clones I have one of each, they are survivors from their wicks not sucking up water whilst I was away on vacation.  They will catch up with the jacks, but for now they just have 4 -6 growing tops happening.


There are 5 x Urgorg Blues babies I have just moved into the tent also.  If I can get the work done on my new shed everything will be transferred to there giving me much more space to grow. 


Thats the plan !  Heres a couple of pictures for now :)




A closer look at Jack47



Edited by Inspiration101
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Hi fella, thanks for starting a new diary ;)

All the best and sweet smokes!


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Nice one man, that Jack47 is crazy looking :) Clover isn't organic mate, at least the one in the yellow bag isn't.  But if you recycle your soil, its soon going to be expended and its lovely compost. 

Whats the thought with going organic? For the taste, or just a change / less hassle?  


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5 hours ago, bobnudd said:

Nice one man, that Jack47 is crazy looking :) Clover isn't organic mate, at least the one in the yellow bag isn't.  But if you recycle your soil, its soon going to be expended and its lovely compost. 

Whats the thought with going organic? For the taste, or just a change / less hassle?  



Yep I agree, the clover is the yellow bag stuff so not organic, all future bits will be at least so all is not lost :)


The taste, the lack of harshness in the back of the throat, those are the two main reasons for moving towards organic.  I don't recycle my soil, just have a dump of it that'll compost in a few centuries in the back corner of the garden ;)


It is less hassle potentially too, just load it up with good soil and extra microbes n fungi then sit back and feed her fish mix and bloom - Simples *squeek*.  No more lugging down 3 buckets of WILMA nute water waste then taking up 6 buckets of fresh water for the WILMA - Every 4-7 days...... hydro is hard work in comparison and I'm feeling a little older this year haha.


4 hours ago, VikingDee said:

It's defo worth growing organic for flavour, good luck with your grow 


Thanks a lot ! Fingers crossed for the both of us eh ! ;)

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Indeed mate, it really is a lot simpler way to grow ime, personally I've had lot less issues than when I used bottles. 


And I've only ever used biobizz befor going organics. Don't think I could be doing with ph and mixing up this and that. That looks properly skilled. For sure I'd fuck it up! Organics is so forgiving. 


If you get a decent balanced mix mate don't think you will need bloom either. Charge seems excellent product, little goes a long way and the chitin content has plenty of uses if you get your soil kicking. :yep: 


I still grow the odd plant in a little pot and use small bit of fishmix and bloom. Without  doubt you can tell aroma, taste and harshness wise. But it's still decent bud, it just get smoked last ;) 


Good luck 


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On 2017-6-5 at 10:12 PM, bobnudd said:

Indeed mate, it really is a lot simpler way to grow ime, personally I've had lot less issues than when I used bottles. 


And I've only ever used biobizz befor going organics. Don't think I could be doing with ph and mixing up this and that. That looks properly skilled. For sure I'd fuck it up! Organics is so forgiving. 


If you get a decent balanced mix mate don't think you will need bloom either. Charge seems excellent product, little goes a long way and the chitin content has plenty of uses if you get your soil kicking. :yep: 


I still grow the odd plant in a little pot and use small bit of fishmix and bloom. Without  doubt you can tell aroma, taste and harshness wise. But it's still decent bud, it just get smoked last ;) 


Good luck 



Agreed on the organics, the taste and effortlessness of it..... it just makes sense !  


I am going to lay off the bloom by not adding bat guano to my mix now.  Biobizz all mix, plagron worm humus, eco charge, volcanic rock dust.  That's all.  The odd bit of fishmix but I shall wait and see if the plants ask for food.

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A little update on my progress so far:  I have not made any progress with the shed lol   Life gets in the way, I will get there........eventually ;)


I was away for 3 days on a stag event, through France, Belgium and The Netherlands, it was a bit insane and a lot of fun.  On my return to home all of the plants were pretty wilted and there were many lower branched leaves yellowed with brown spots which then went all dry and crisped up.......so I chopped them all off.


I think I overfed them all as I have been giving them 5ml per litre of fishmix the last 4 waterings..........too much I think in hindsight !  Clover + Fishmix is not necessary for quite a while, I jumped the gun for sure.


To deal with this I have repotted them all into 11 litre Wilma square pots.  They are currently untied, I shall tie down the branches in a few days once they are recovered from the overfeed and repot.


Soil mix used consists of :


30litres Biobizz All Mix

2 litres plagron worm humus

300 ml ecothrive

300 ml of Volcanic Dust


I will now only give plain water to the plants until there are obvious signs of hunger.  Biobizz Fishmix will be the only nutrient used at this point.  


Biobizz Bloom will be down the line during flowering.


Here are a few pictures of the current state of play, hope to share some more in a few weeks :)


Sweet Cheese




Sweet Skunk




The two Jack 47's from same mother




One of their main stems and branches - for a closer look




And finally the Ugorg Blues Babies, shall be good to compare smells later on.  Just getting some fresh air for an hour or two.




Edited by Inspiration101
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Sunday Update:


Things go well, long may this continue ! Everything is growing, not much to report other than to show pictures at this point.






Sweet Skunk




Sweet Cheese




Sweet Seeds clones group shot




Some Jack47 from the mother




The Blues from Ugorg, they have got a lot of time in the garden this week lapping up the sun, they have grown really well this past week and were repotted last night.




Until next week ! :)

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Flavour and smell I am no good for as have little sense of either ;)


My friends rate it highly !


It's strong, very potent, you can't go wrong for sure :)

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Little update for the week.  Things are good, all the ladies are growing up nicely.  


This organic method is nice and simple, the plants show a little nute burn on the edge of their leaves also but barely noticeable.


All the topping and tieing down I have done are really paying dividends now - I can see all the tops becoming their own main stems and really thickening up.


Here are two pictures this week, you can see how there is a nice canopy going on.


Sweet Skunk on front left, Sweet Cheese front middle, Jack47's are behind these two.  The others on the right are the Ugorg Blues which are also doing well.





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On 12/06/2017 at 5:29 PM, Inspiration101 said:

A little update on my progress so far:  I have not made any progress with the shed lol   Life gets in the way, I will get there........eventually ;)


I was away for 3 days on a stag event, through France, Belgium and The Netherlands, it was a bit insane and a lot of fun.  On my return to home all of the plants were pretty wilted and there were many lower branched leaves yellowed with brown spots which then went all dry and crisped up.......so I chopped them all off.


I think I overfed them all as I have been giving them 5ml per litre of fishmix the last 4 waterings..........too much I think in hindsight !  Clover + Fishmix is not necessary for quite a while, I jumped the gun for sure.


To deal with this I have repotted them all into 11 litre Wilma square pots.  They are currently untied, I shall tie down the branches in a few days once they are recovered from the overfeed and repot.


Soil mix used consists of :


30litres Biobizz All Mix

2 litres plagron worm humus

300 ml ecothrive

300 ml of Volcanic Dust


I will now only give plain water to the plants until there are obvious signs of hunger.  Biobizz Fishmix will be the only nutrient used at this point.  


Biobizz Bloom will be down the line during flowering.


Here are a few pictures of the current state of play, hope to share some more in a few weeks :)


Sweet Cheese




Sweet Skunk




The two Jack 47's from same mother




One of their main stems and branches - for a closer look




And finally the Ugorg Blues Babies, shall be good to compare smells later on.  Just getting some fresh air for an hour or two.




That 47 is looking perfect deffiantly the way to go with the lst exactly what I plan to do. How many weeks is that plant? Do they usually have them many branches to brace down?

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