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7 hours ago, Key4 said:

Nice size cola that is you rekon they will be done in 8 weeks then, thats quick. Good to know theres no autos or nanas anywhere aswell.


Any group shots? bet its donkey dick city in that tent. :naughty:


Looking forward to the lemonade og sounds reallytasty... (Are they on sale yet @panik :D)


Atb with the last bit.


Not yet mate will be soon...

6 hours ago, ramblingmadman said:

Nice looking plants dodgee.

The boy panik has made some nice seeds for us all this year eh..?


The smells from those gorilla haze sound right up my street . I like the woody, peppery ("hazey") aromas, and I tend to prefer the hit from pot that smells like that.

To have made a 7- 8 week "hazeish" strain is a feat in itself, and one that "practically grows itself" into beer can buds is worthy of high praise indeed.

I think you may be downplaying your own growing skills as well man!


Keep on keeping on , and atb for the final stretch .



Thanks mate :yep: 

6 hours ago, Happy Hippy said:



Blimey its busy in here,look at how many want to see if you fked it up yet lol..


I hope you dont mind buddy but i thought i would use your diary to ask @panik a quick Q..Is the end result from these very sativa/haze dominant smoke ?


Thanks dude




You will have to wait an ask old dodgey on that mate I gave up smoking a while back as I find it hard to get stuff done or remember things , plays with my mind it does ... lol 

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As I said pics are hard to get in the tent but these will give you the idea I expect,



This was more minutes before lights on so a bit droopy. And yes they are hungry but I would rather that than overfed at this stage in the game.


Notice lights out temps had dropped a cpl degrees too so turned the fan down 2 notches.


Sorry I can't do better on the quality folks.


Nice1 dodge

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I don't want to sound Luke some kind of a fan boy here so , 


Panik yr a cunt. Yr seeds are shite. Wtf was I thinking etc..


But putting that aside.  Ramblingmadman hit the nail earlier.  These are some top notch genetics!  Sat here now while the kids asleep I looking at the pics n thinking I must of fucked up somewhere?

So I thinks do the maths innit...


I'll save the full breakdown till harvest.


But this one fact alone blows my mind right now.


The pics above are plants that have gone seed to weed (at that  ^ point)






That's faster than most autos FFS!

And its dank. Or whatever the kids call it these days. Penging , dank, smooch, gravy whatever..


Even if its another 14 til finish thats  still only/86 days. .


Fuck me they will be hung and dry faster than some autos!


Hats off to the man P I says. 100%. 


Coz I ain't done fuckall different to usual! 


Nice1 panik .  Much appreciated mucka!

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Thank you mate I appreciate the kind words, it's nice to here I'm doing something right umoungst the fuck up of letting seeds get mixed up,... but I'm sure there should be plenty of more good things to come,.. it's shame no ones doing the AffieDaze indoors I have high hopes for those too... I'm also working with some kosher kush x Tangie that blew a couple veteran stoners pals heads off the other day they couldn't believe it ... all good things to come mate it's a long slow road but you know what they say..

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All good things ..


Or as I prefers..


Patience... Grasshopper.  




Its probably an age thing. lol


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Dude i was just looking at your pics again and it looks to me like you could have fitted loads more in lol..tart.


I have 2 days to work out what to grow next,but i think these are favourites atm...also i thought autos were sposed to be fast but by your reckoning not really any different time wise..i always thought a early finishing plant would be better than the gamble of autos,take cuts and grow under cmh and the time will probs reduce by another week,so we could end up with genuine 6/7 weekers,hmm lots to think about..


Take it easy dude


Im going to fire off a pm to panik to see what regs he has and what else maybe coming...i want a real knockout heavy nightime smoke and a high and happy fked up trippy daytime one..regs only cos im going to mum a few up if i love the smoke.



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Excellent plants mate cant wait to try mine out after looking at everyone elses there rock solid genes

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@Happy Hippy


I'm struggling with it myself mate but I've been back checked the dates a couple of times now..


April 15/ 16th beans hit dirt.  And it's still June now right? (Keep thinking it must be July and I've missed a month or summat! lol )


But no matter how many times I add it up.... 72/73 days from seed till today..


Its not getting any less mental no matter how many times i say it! lol


I'm still expecting somebody to correct my obvious maths fail now tbh... but the diary/dates/pics are all there in black n white ....


Nice1 dodge

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1 hour ago, Dodgee said:



Thanx for the kind words mate.


Get em cracked would be my advice... you won't go far wrong with these I know!



I have mate im just about to flip lol

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Ok a few of you will have no doubt seen my comment in the lemonade OG diary regards an imminent inspection at my mates gaff. 


I just got word it's gonna be midday on Monday and we can't stall it longer than that so....


There's no way I can be moving 6 big stinking bitchs this close to finish. It's just not practical or even feasible.  

Which means it's choppy chop chop day for the hazes. 

It's a shame we couldn't squeeze a little bit longer out of them but I would sooner take an early crop than risk losing the lot or worse yet getting banged up.


I'm just arranging a sitter for the kids and I'll be off to get it done.

I'll try and grab some pics as I go.


Sorry for the abrupt and early ending guys but needs must when the devil drives and all that jazz..


Tis life.


nice1 D

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Yeah man thats what i would do as well,also the plants only had a very short time to finish anyway and a early haze sounds right up my street lol.


Good luck with the move dude


no piss taking today buddy sorry



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Well its done now anyway..


2 were all kinds of done anyway. 3 probably needed another week to be properly done and the last one might of needed a bit longer than that.


Funny enough the one that needed the bit longer was the lemon pheno. (Proper lemony not just citrus full on cif lemony)  

The 2 that were done were fruity squat fuckers slightly smaller colas but more dense and probably the most resinous.

The 3 that needed another week were the peppery/woody/incense type aroma..


There are a few pics to follow but right now I gotta sort kids and by time that's done I will probably need a lie down in a dark room for an hour or 8! lol


But half the mission accomplished. Strip the room Sunday and reassemble Monday night. Hopefully without to much stress/hassle too..


Sorry for the sloppy finish but it is what it is eh. 


Besides if I was a bird and we was in bed a sloppy finish is nowt to be scoffed at! lol




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