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24yrs of self-sufficiency...Mokkas Marihuana Methods


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Thanks for the tip Mark, actually I was hoping to pick your brains on femming techniques sometime next month.

2 hours ago, Dinafem-Mark said:



What about gb5 or gibrelic acid 5 I know some growers have used this with great results for feminized genetics. If I recall a company called "no mercy " brought out a product that was 99.9% water 0.01% gb5 :) so only a very small amount needed :yep:


All the best 




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Hi folks, so I wanted to talk a little about self sufficiency but internet/laptop problems are pissing me about so I'll try from my phone.

I think all I'll manage is to show how I've made my comfrey feed.

Here's a pic from 7th may when I chopped a load of comfrey and squashed as much as I could into a plant pot and put some stones on it to press it down.large.comfreyii.jpglarge.P1100086.jpg

This goes into a bucket to collect the juice. I put a stone in the bottom so the plant pot doesn't sit in the juice.

After a couple of weeks there is a load of juice in the bucket and the comfry leaves are all black and rotten.

The juice is then easy to store and doesn't really smell. I made about a couple of litres this time lower pic is from 27th May.

And that's enough posting from the phone, hopefully I'll have proper internet back soon...

Atb Mokka


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I´m back! but with fuck all time to upload some pics maybe I´ll manage it tonight, but here´s a pic of the gh from 1st June at least.


So a little news from the gh and garden. Summer is here kind of, we´ve had a couple of nice weeks, I´m trying to keep air temps in the gh around 25 to 30, on proper hot days its been a struggle, temps on the thermometer in full sun hit 45 but in the plant (potato) cannopy it was staying 32ish . Soil temps 20plus. The plastic triangle windows have been removed for extra air flow. Doors are staying mainly open although I try to shut them at night, windows still on automatic.

Melons are planted out in the gh, potatos (in gh) have flowered, we´ve been eating lots of mange tout and had first harvest of proper peas, tomatos are kicking ass both inside and outdoor, hopefully the outdoor ones won´t shade the KK when it gets planted out but I´ll be practising some severe defoliation on them.

This year I only started a few toms under lights and now the difference between the two is negligeable, in fact it makes the extra input pointless, so next year I won´t bother starting my toms under lights. To me it´s just another example of starting a plant a bit later but getting better, faster growth so that in the end the later starts are the better and bigger plants. One thing I will keep on doing though is using the heated mats for the first few weeks, keeping the roots warm is more efficient (in terms of electricity used to increase in plant growth/size) at least so I´ve found this year.

The other topic of interest for me this year is direct sowing. Last year my TD autos sown direct in the soil for a laugh blew away my pot (bound) autos. So I´ll be direct sowing some of my auto seeds for a laugh 2 per bed as a comparison to my pandered autos started under 24hr light etc.

The benefits of direct sowing are clear to me from experiments with veg of various sorts but the relibility of starting in clean compost cannot be ignored. For my later sweetcorn bed I direct sowed and sowed in pots in gh and with a heated mat. The gh pants were a lot bigger on plant out (filing the gaps were the direct sown seed didn´t come) but now a week after that difference is negligable. I´ve also got side by side comparisons with my beetroot and kholrabi.

This is where I hope the "no stress potting method" will work to combine the best of both worlds, sowing in clean compost and controll of a gh / indoor setup, yet being able to plant out the seedlings before the roots have hit the sides or bottom of the pot and the plant grows like it´s direct sown. I´ll be doing this method on my photos too. Here´s the pots all ready, 7litre for autos and 11litre fot the photos.


Start date for my seeds (outdoor and auto´s) is still 12th June when I´ll pre-soak them for 24hrs so when I´m back from work they can go in the soil on the 13th and I´ll have only lost 12 days growing time. Although I have to work away from home again end July so I´m a bit glad I didn´t go for an early auto start. I´m hoping my autos finish from mid August till start Sept.

Starter box is built and in the shed ready, 2 x 1.5m flourescent tubes in a space 1.6 x .4m which is 1500 lumen per square foot in English.

Atb Mokka


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Great thread @mokka, your greenhouse is quality. Skills, learning plenty so thanks . 


Is that wire you've got running between the toms?

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My cabbage has grown too, remember the cabbage and potatos are just to keep the bed occupied till the weed gets planted out.large_acab.jpg

my usual spacing for cabbage is 50 x 50 cm, but I gave this one a bit more space and it´s filled it. remember folks give your plants room and they´ll fill it.

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@bobnudd I think you´re refering to the string which is holding the peas up and back away from the toms, the 2 pea sorts I have grow really tall, (good for screening). I keep trying them back, but they are starting to interfere with the toms especially so they´ll be coming out soon. And the outdoor peas are coming along nicely now.

The toms are grown up a cane for the first meter or so then they are tied to strings running vertically up to the gh roof.

Melons plants also get trained to grow vertically, with the melons supported in net bags.

I´m thinking of scrogging my peppers as they aways start falling over once they get too big.


One thing I forgot to mention is that I put some shading up ( i found some lovely net curtains) so that is on the outside of the glass shading the peppers, aubergine and salad, now they don´t look so sad when the sun is really baking down.

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Cabbage :Cannabis rotation crops ,and some peas for nitrogen ! 

Everything looks A1 :notworthy:

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Hi Folks,

so I´ve finally got round to putting some seeds in the soil.

Just to recap I soaked a BAxxl, CJ, KK, S6 and 5 each of my reg hacks TD and MD

In the end I went for my TD1 which is a slightly taller, later and more mould resistant than TD2, they were made 2015. I went for last years MD (selfed MD x (H2.0 X AA)) as the seeds are nice and fresh as opposed to my original MD´s from 2014 (which also had to be harvested a little early due to mould so the seeds aren´t properly ripe)

Yesterday afternoon I soaked the seeds in water and tried to keep temps up to 25 but it was a little chilly especially this morning so I did what my mate does and put the tin which had the soaking seeds in, in my pocket.

By this afternoon most seeds had popped,

MD´s all showing roots over 1mm

KK and S6 showed white tip

CJ and 3 of the TD´s had cracked

BAxxl and 2 of the TD´s hadn´t cracked but were sown anyway.

Of my 5 reg seeds 2 were put in the no stress 7 litre pots, 2 went into 1litre pots which are now just on the floor in the gh and 1 went direct into the soil in the bed. From the 5 seeds I´m pretty sure I should get a decent female.

The rest of the seeds went into the starter box, heated mats makes my soil thermometer read 25 to 27, sorted.

I´ll probably switch the light on tomorrow.


In the gh I´ve ripped out my yellow mange tout, they were still producing but I noticed a few spider mites on some of the older leaves so out they came, the other peas still look unaffected but it´s just a matter of time I´m sure before they get to them. However the spider mites seem to prefer the peas to the toms so I´not panicking yet. 

I gve the toms a bit of a trim, removing all leaves up to the first truss. Melons are starting to climb.

Atb Mokka


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23 minutes ago, mokka said:

Hi Folks,

so I´ve finally got round to putting some seeds in the soil.

Just to recap I soaked a BAxxl, CJ, KK, S6 and 5 each of my reg hacks TD and MD

In the end I went for my TD1 which is a slightly taller, later and more mould resistant than TD2, they were made 2015. I went for last years MD (selfed MD x (H2.0 X AA)) as the seeds are nice and fresh as opposed to my original MD´s from 2014 (which also had to be harvested a little early due to mould so the seeds aren´t properly ripe)

Yesterday afternoon I soaked the seeds in water and tried to keep temps up to 25 but it was a little chilly especially this morning so I did what my mate does and put the tin which had the soaking seeds in, in my pocket.

By this afternoon most seeds had popped,

MD´s all showing roots over 1mm

KK and S6 showed white tip

CJ and 3 of the TD´s had cracked

BAxxl and 2 of the TD´s hadn´t cracked but were sown anyway.

Of my 5 reg seeds 2 were put in the no stress 7 litre pots, 2 went into 1litre pots which are now just on the floor in the gh and 1 went direct into the soil in the bed. From the 5 seeds I´m pretty sure I should get a decent female.

The rest of the seeds went into the starter box, heated mats makes my soil thermometer read 25 to 27, sorted.

I´ll probably switch the light on tomorrow.


In the gh I´ve ripped out my yellow mange tout, they were still producing but I noticed a few spider mites on some of the older leaves so out they came, the other peas still look unaffected but it´s just a matter of time I´m sure before they get to them. However the spider mites seem to prefer the peas to the toms so I´not panicking yet. 

I gve the toms a bit of a trim, removing all leaves up to the first truss. Melons are starting to climb.

Atb Mokka



Clear as mud. :smoke:

Glad yur melons are starting to climb ... :yep:

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Finally, the day is upon us! Looking forward to seeing your grow. By the size of that cabbage I'd say it's going to be a good year. Cabbage whisperer!:)

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@Asha605 it´s been a long and sometimes hard wait, but now it´s over and to celebrate here´s my first question for @Dinafem-Mark it´s about releasing only fem seeds.

Now Monsanto got ( and rightly so ) a lot of flak for their "terminator" gene, this made self production of seeds impossible forcing farmers to return to them to buy fresh seeds every year. Whilst I´m not saying Dinafem are cunts like Monsanto and in deed the majority of Dutch and Spanish seed companies only release fem auto seeds, it coud invite comparisons.

Is there any chance of releasing reg versions of your auto varieties or are you yourselves only working with fem pollen ?

My other wish would be to see fast versions of your photo strains Moby Dick or Critical, a fast Haze would be nice too!



Atb Mokka



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And the first seeds are up, the 2 MD´s were first followed by the TD´s , KK is just poking above the soil. There´s no sign of the 2 TD and MD´s which were sown in little pots and left on the gh floor.

I´d taken the pots out of the starter box and put them in the gh as it was easier to keep the temps up but now the leaves are showing I want to give them 24hr light so the pots went back in the box.

They´re going to have to stay in the box all the time for the next couple of days, hopefully it won´t get too warm in the day.


Atb Mokka

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