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The Night Garden welcomes Cream Mandarin FV, Green Poison FV & Ice


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Aye I'm ok peeps, yeah been awol for a while as I needed some time out because the old black dog has been mauling my arse and I've some war wounds, thus I've not been on the web for weeks and just got busy doing painting in the house for the missus, escaped to the 'commonwealth' and got mutant and ghoul blasting to vent it out and reset the balance like ;)


Means the diary is all to fuck really now but I'll finish it off all the same, plants are ok and getting on with blooming, bit cramped though to be fair and the lights off temps dipping too low for my liking which has affected the yield but the plants are happy enough and taking their needs without any issue...I'll update soon etc :yep:


On 31/01/2017 at 7:01 PM, GreenVision said:

@botanics  Hows it going with the grow matey?.. Been a few days, your usually a fellow daily poster. :oldtoker:


On 05/02/2017 at 6:30 PM, Captain Bonglington said:

@botanics, I hope you're well mate, I've noticed your absence too, I miss your posts. :unsure: 


On 05/02/2017 at 6:54 PM, Fragg said:

@botanics how's it going chief? I echo the sentiments above, I know you have work on of late but its worrying when a regular poster doenst appear given what we do ;)


Here's hoping its all just down to you finding some work and getting stuck in :oldtoker:


On 05/02/2017 at 10:48 PM, blackpoolbouncer said:

Sending good vibes and hope everythings alright dude, girls are looking grand, I just hope your still there tending away and are just busy, I too have noticed you are inconspicuous in your absence


Peace, love and positive vibes your way


On 08/02/2017 at 5:47 PM, vince noir rock n roll star said:

cmon botanics ..dont go scaring us ..hope alls well .


Thanks for all the concerns above too folks, means more than peeps could know for sure :v:

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Had us all worried there mate, didn't think I'd ever be happy to hear of someone's mental struggles but given some of the other options going through my head I am :)


Glad you seem to be winning on that front and these pages haven't been the same without you around mate :oldtoker:

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Hello mate,


Good to see you back chief,sometimes a little break can work wonders! The black dog can go and take a walk so it can,feel for you mate,in the same boat myself! As I get older it seems to get worse and lasts longer,thank fuck for premier sweets on a bad day,perks me up.Dont worry about your plants,sure you will harvest some nice flowers,at the end of the day your health is more important than any plant.


You take it easy,you hear me.



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Aye too true, better than stormtroopers dirtying up the carpet I suppose mate lol, time of year man and no work for me is killer to be honest, don't get me wrong like, sometimes I need a rocket up the arse to get me moving but after a while of unproductiveness, I go downhill fast ;)




I hear you Tench ;) absolutely mate, aye bud you knows then for sure and a right pita when the visit comes, spring is on thw way gotta keep the focus, you take it easy too man :v:




Thanks Bob, hope all's well your way mate :yep:

Edited by botanics
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@botanics.....So glad to see you back about mate, your posts have been missed!:yahoo:

Hope you're on the mend a bit, I know all about that black dog. Spring's coming man. :yep: 

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bless ,glad your back with us and none of the scenarios my mind plays out were the answer ,be well chap and crack on man

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