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Is there an afterlife?


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It's an odd one!!! I don't think it's a heaven deal, I imagine our energy, or souls if you will exist in some way, or we are recycled and put back into a new person.

I would guess we have a cycle of 7 times of reincarnation , then after that you become a permanent energy ball.

I would never dismiss anyone's NDE experiences. Remain open minded.

A good TV show about this is proof. Was on last year.

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One of the problems I have with suspending disbelief and embracing something beyond us being a bag of specifically orientated elements, that will disperse after bit's of the cooperative break, is that it requires the idea that humans are in some way special organisms, I don't think we are, so if we accept we are are like other organisms, is the hypothetical after life full of our fellow critters? All those battery farmed chicken we happily scoffed down? Our faithful hounds? The mice crushed in traps? Last nights rib eye steak donor? And if the afterlife isn't a human only affair how long are souls cached for? I can imagine for modern girls dropping into an afterlife dominated by many generations of misogynists it isn't going to be idyllic as a destiny, and are earlier organisms there too? Running around dodging T-Rex's and trying to find like minded spirits sounds pretty hectic as an after life.. it's all poppycock imho

it's all something. :)

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if and obviously im talking hypothetically here ,if we are reduced back to our intial energy source of which i spoke earlier then everything that has a life that dies will be returned to its original form of energy also ..then in my fantastical mind theyre all mingled up ,report back to the headhoncho and then the energy gets reassigned into a different life form ,enabling all energy the chance to have a bash at experiencing life in some form or other ..i gotta say today i like this idea ,tomorrow i may say when yer dead yer worm fodder and thats it .

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if and obviously im talking hypothetically here ,if we are reduced back to our intial energy source of which i spoke earlier then everything that has a life that dies will be returned to its original form of energy also ..then in my fantastical mind theyre all mingled up ,report back to the headhoncho and then the energy gets reassigned into a different life form ,enabling all energy the chance to have a bash at experiencing life in some form or other ..i gotta say today i like this idea ,tomorrow i may say when yer dead yer worm fodder and thats it .

oh to be a virus lol

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The afterlife is the same as religion in my opinion. Both non-existent and created to provide hope and prosperity to those who seek it. To those poor motherfuckers who go to church every sunday and pray to a 'god' in the sky.. And we're the crazy ones for a growing a plant

How can religion be non-existent ?

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if you watch too much porn while alive, upon death you get sent back in time to star in all the porn you ever watched, im in no rush to die, im gonna get pumped.

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I believe in advanced virtual reality in a continuous loop. It can't be long before the universe in which we belong can recreate what we see and and how we move ,add a shot of some sort of disconnection drug in there and you can play the game.

. I think the same happens when you die on call of duty, you just spawn somewhere else with no knowledge of the past. We're all in the same looby at the moment playing the same game when you die u change lobby.

I think this as it's the only way that I get comfort, I have spent to many dark hours thinking about this in the past

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  • 4 months later...

I'm on the fence along with quite a lot of people by the looks of it. I keep finding myself asking .... Is an afterlife really that far fetched ? The very idea were all here existing, surely that's just as surreal concept as existing else where after this existence. if so Is there "heaven and hell" ? Do our spirits work toward something to maybe reach higher planes ? And if they do what the fuck for lol ?

It could just be endless random experiance, an afterlife could be existing purely as a feeling, most probably things our brains aren't capable of creating or this could be all there is, I find it harder to believe there's nothing rather than something. I quite like what acient Egyptians Mayans etc believed after all they are the most spiritualy In touch people I've ever leaned about.

All I know for sure is Death or westing is the biggest adventure of your life

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If part of the brain breaks it proves damage can affect the person , so when it rots to nothing, how come he can still be around, albeit in spirit form?, and is the brain still affected in the afterlife by the damage?

I mean, if it can be damaged and you lose actions, how do you operate without the fat in your head eventually turning to mush, we have very little concious control of our bodies as it is, we are almost biological machines imo, we think we have free will, you have as much freedom as your life allows

Brilliant series just been on about the brain, still some on I-player

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Sorry to disappoint anyone, but from my experience, we only get one crack at life, so we'd best make the most of it here and now. I was told years after an unfortunate incident, that everyone thought I was a goner, after bleeding out.

Looking back all I remember was lights out.... Total blackness. Much like going to sleep and not waking up.

ETA I was revived, so I suppose I did get a second go. Now I'm just confusing myself! :unsure:

Edited by Dizzy1
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There's just the nothingness like you can can remember from before being born. Oh wait.

I remember a mother telling me that her child was terrified of what happens after they die,and I told her something similar: "tell the child to remember back to before they were born, as thats what it'll be like".

Result? -Child unafraid of death any longer :yep:

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