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Under stair grow


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Should be 150w from a mix of 2:1 3000k & 6500k leds.

Its a small grow so I ruled out HID before I learned better, and I quite enjoy a bit of electronics. I can quite easily add LEDs and drivers to expand this set up, or remove them of required.

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So 3lights in total you have?

Would 4 of these work in a wardrobe do you think?

I'm interested in LED and would like to budget.

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Yes three LED's and Three drivers. I'm very much a begginer here so i can't offer any advice on how to plan your grow... but if you have a thread open regarding it i'm sure you will get plenty of help.

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I've bought '50w LED driver and COB LED' chip together from eBay for ~£8.50 for the pair. Loads available from china, maybe worth buying to give you an idea of the kit, but its not going to be the most reliable or effecient build.

CPU heatsink from a local shop, one per LED


Soldering Iron and solder

One 12v wall socket transformer from some old applience, runs a couple of small fans and the fans for the cooler, i'm going to need more fans to move air i think as these ones run silent but dont do much!

Plenty of people posting guides to build these if you have a look on google.

Today I had some people in the house so had the box out and had a good look / think. Removed the carbon filter and set it up to use it outside the grow, loads of duct tape to make sure there are no leaks and hopefully that will be enough, the only connection which has positive pressure is from the fan to the filter i think.. and thats direct and sealed with tape.

Roots seemed to be growing well on the 'CBD shark'


Probably a bit premature but i decided to go up to a ~10L washing up bowl that i had ready and start a bit of LST. Planning on training it around the relatively wide square pot and keeping it low, i've no idea how long this will take but sticking with 24/0 lighting for the time being.


Royal Dwarf auto on the left, CBD Shark on the right. Using a small hook to hold it down until i tie it horizontaly to the lip of the bowl.


Nice bodge job to get these plants going a bit. Run out of thermal compound so the other two still need final assembly


I think i make this day 15 :)

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Crack on bud, are side lights on your mind.?

In a cab I would look at lights on all sides, not just the roof.

If I could do it I would.

People assume when they see wee grows it's the first grow....

Not always true..

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I have not given them much thought, I cant see any reason why I couldn't add a couple of cfl lamps hanging beside each plant or even a couple of LEDs.

If I feel the need to upgrade these ones to better LEDs or HID then it would make use of them on the side. Ive got a Total of six of these 50w chips to play with.

Im sure there are plenty of experienced growers doing micro grows but im certainly not in that crowd!

20'c at the top of the soil at the moment. ..sounds a bit cold to me?

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I have not given them much thought, I cant see any reason why I couldn't add a couple of cfl lamps hanging beside each plant or even a couple of LEDs.

If I feel the need to upgrade these ones to better LEDs or HID then it would make use of them on the side. Ive got a Total of six of these 50w chips to play with.

Im sure there are plenty of experienced growers doing micro grows but im certainly not in that crowd!

20'c at the top of the soil at the moment. ..sounds a bit cold to me?

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Sounds a bit chilly. Heatmat under the whole box would help. Put feet on the bottom of the box obviously. Just a thought, anything else is likely to encroach into the grow..

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I tried lifting the plants up with the hope of it being a little warmer, unfortunately the only useful thing I had lifted them too high and the spread of light was no good.

I'm hoping to add a second and maybe a third light today. Which should help getting them closer

Heatmat is on the cards, threw several reptile ones away last year so im a bit annoyed about replacing them. LED drivers are now inside the cabinet, they give off some warmth

I planned this whole build over summer worrying about keeping temperatures low (hence the 6inch high flow rvk)

Edited by Greenfinger53
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Day 18 and we are up to 22.5'c at the floor temp from the very temporary LED driver placement. I'd like to get it all neat and finished this week, but we will see also need to replace the door and light proof lol.

I've added the spare CF Pre filter on to the intake which does quite a good job, and the other one is on the exhaust to keep the extraction fan clean. Quite a few little black flys at the moment, wont be buying this compost again, thinking coco and 4x ?L airpots for the next grow.



^Auto Royal Dwarf trying its best to get under this single lamp





^CBD Shark is keeping nice and low as planned, i'll tie it down soon. Not sure if i'll be able to keep it small enough to veg right through the life of this auto but it would be nice to harvest one and flip straight over to flower for a second harvest a couple of months later.

The other thing i've been thinking about is taking a load of clones off the above and flowering them that way like a SOG. Too many choice for growing a little bloody plant :rofl:

Edited by Greenfinger53
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