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New DiY LED Build


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Ok, I've not got all the parts just yet but I'm hoping that within a week or two i will have. If you are unsure of the terminology, just ask or go to your favorite search engine and search for 'LED Glossary'

I'll be using 24 CXB3590CB 3000k COBs all running at 350mA - 22.9 watts each. Running them this low means the efficiency will shoot up to 58.72% if i maintain a Tj 50°C :yep: .

To drive them, i'll be using 4 Mean Well HLG120H-C350B drivers (94% efficient and PF corrected), 6 COBs to a driver. The driver can run up to 430V and 6 of the CXB3590 will add up to 392.58V, 37.42V short of the maximum. This means i could add 1 CXB3070 onto each driver, at 350mA the CXB3070 requires 32.63V at Tj 50°C. But i doubt i'll bother doing that just yet, i might in the future at some point.

I'll be using 6 long heat sinks for passive cooling. 4 cobs to a heat sink which means wiring will be messier than i would like but we can't have everything i suppose :rolleyes: . I've not ordered these yet but i've asked for a quote which was comparable to 24 Arctic Alpine 11 plus CPU heatsinks. I decided to go passive for a couple of reasons... A. No moving parts that can fail, B. Less electricity usage from not using a fan, C. Height restriction. Fans need space above them to draw air from, passive heat sinks, not so much... :P. I'll probably be using some aluminum angle to connect 3 of them together, making 2 'panels' as i'll be splitting my grow area (more on that later).

Thermal Compound will be Arctic Silver 5, which has pretty high heat transferal efficiency. It's not quite Prolimatech pk3 but it is good enough for what we use it for.

Wires will all be 600v rated 16AWG to protect from shock. I will be running some serious voltage with this so safety is of utmost importance! I'll be grounding each heat sink too, for the added protection. Another idea i'm contemplating is silicon over the solder pads on the cobs... They are small but I'd rather be safe than dead. I'll also be using WAGO connectors of the AC side of the drivers for their simplicity and safety.

To keep the COBs in place I'll be using Kapton tape instead of holders. I don't relish the idea of drilling and tapping 48 holes and fiddling around with the holders, nor the damage to the heat sink. I used Kapton tape on my last build and it worked, if it isn't broke, don't fix it!

So that's the build details. I'll put the grow space details up in the next few days when i have it all worked out (hopefully). Until then, questions are welcome!

Peace :oldtoker:

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I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product in action. What are going to be the main benefits of this build over your original one? All them parts and names mean nothing nothing to me so you'll have to excuse me if that's a daft question.

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@@Lean_McSheen looks a great project, still sounds space age to me.

I think led lights are the future and people like your good self

And others on this site are leading the way,well done.Atvb Jack..

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I'm going to watch this build with interest @@Lean_McSheen

I've just started putting my together, but I doubt they'll be much too look at

Will you be using reflectors?

I might try some homemade ones. I'm sure you read/followed the thread in the other site.

Good luck with the build.


Edited by olesmokie
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i bet you love soldering!

@ Haha! it's a necessary evil lol!

I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product in action. What are going to be the main benefits of this build over your original one? All them parts and names mean nothing nothing to me so you'll have to excuse me if that's a daft question.

@@K-B Well if the theory is correct (which it should be) I'll have built a light that draws just under 600watts, produces as much heat as current 400 watt systems but produces as much light as an 800 watt system. From all my research there is only 1 other person i know of in the world who is creating something on par with this. Like I said, this is in theory, in practice it might be different.

are you making a proto for selling?

@ I'm not, this is simply for my own personal use. The cost of this project is astronomical, I'll not lie, it's feckin ridiculous. That's the price of (hopefully) cutting edge technology. IF i were to make something like this for sale, very, very, very few people would buy it because of the price.

@@Lean_McSheen looks a great project, still sounds space age to me.

I think led lights are the future and people like your good self

And others on this site are leading the way,well done.Atvb Jack..

Thanks @@jacktherat I also think LEDs are the future, although i must admit i've not looked into plasma yet. Tbh I'm learning from people on another forum, although i'm pretty much just a bystander over there, i take what i learn and input it here for those who don't frequent other forums. 'Knowledge is power' is something i truly believe in.

I'm going to watch this build with interest @@Lean_McSheen

I've just started putting my together, but I doubt they'll be much too look at

Will you be using reflectors?

I might try some homemade ones. I'm sure you read/followed the thread in the other site.

Good luck with the build.


@@olesmokie I doubt this will be much to look at tbh, it'll certainly not be winning any beauty pageants lol.

No reflectors for me, they are only really useful if you are running COBs hard. The harder you run a COB the further away it has to be from the canopy which means the lateral light isn't doing much for the plants. Pop a reflector on it and that lateral light translates into better penetration of the canopy. Because i'll be running these COBs at 22.9watts each i'll probably have them pretty close to the plants, although I'm not 100% on what the perfect height will be.

Give them a go, no harm in trying. I've not got through the whole thread over on the other forum but I'll get around to it at some point lol, there is just too much to read over there!

Edited by Lean_McSheen
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I have absolute admiration for you Bro, I admire your candour and tact in not ramming your endeavours down people's throats and making false claims..

A true pioneer in every sense...

Peace bro....

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I have absolute admiration for you Bro, I admire your candour and tact in not ramming your endeavours down people's throats and making false claims..

A true pioneer in every sense...

Peace bro....

@ Thanks for the kind words mate, i appreciate it. I personally see forums like this as a 'university' of sorts. We all study different things, some people play the part Lecturer, some the part of student and a few play the part of fools. But at the end of the day we are all here to learn something new. If i can help someone learn something new, then i have contributed to the knowledge base and no doubt have learned something myself on the way too.

Peace :oldtoker:

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I've liked the comments that reflect my sentiments so you'll get my drift but I did just want to wish you well in your endeavour and thank you for taking the time to share it with us :)

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Absolutely bro, when we learn we should have a sense of humility, it's the only way to learn. Thanks for a balanced view and most of all, thanks for sharing and making the micro and experimental room a better place to learn...

Keep it up bro...

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Guest mrtibbs

Being an LED Boy myself, I very much look forward to seeing how this project goes.

My LEDS are branded, and I have no idea how to make them myself, but hopefully you can make something decent.

Please make sure you do a grow diary and take lots of pics through all stages of build.

I am very excited by this

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Here we go can't wait to see this puppy complete and see the results during and after the 1st grow.

Was looking at the drivers your using this time, they really do look to be the dogs balls giving so much more control over the grow area.

All the best with this and be dam careful m8.

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I love what your doing mate, one day I might step into these waters

I googled the lamps but I couldn't find a data sheet

I'll be grounding each heat sink too, for the added protection

The only reason for me posting in here is to say don't bother grounding the heat sinks, that driver has an isolated output so an earth won't work because theres no return path


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