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any one using led lights newbie looking to give it a go


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Im a newbie growing uk exodus cheese in canna soil with guanokalong mix in powder with canna nutrients and am running 2 600 watt osram's I'm seeing these led hydroponic lights online and a friend of mine just got one Is it a good way to be moving forward ? as this is my first post on here I hope I don't sound like a retard

Edited by slapdog69
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im curious as to what you want to move away from to be replaced by led..and why ?..

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I have some. They work great as long as you spend the right money. If you buy cheap shit, you will get shitty results. There is so much to look out for when you're buying them. It really is one of those things that you need to read as much information about and look into yourself. There are some out there who will never accept LED as an alternative to HPS much the same as many who will never accept indoor growing as a viable alternative to outdoor horticulture. Some folk just refuse to change, see the future or welcome technology into their lives. It is not an uncommon phenomenon in all walks of life. People set in their ways. I mention this as you will come cross a plethora of hatred and malicious disinformation with regard to LED lighting. Don't ask me why, but it's been a while since something so divided the horticultural community.

You will need to get to the science to really understand how they can work and why they can work with so little power draw and footprint in comparison to HPS lighting. But it's there. Get the science, then go and look at some of the amazing results people are having with them. If there's something you can't argue with its scientific proof, along with pictures of big fat buds grown under LED. I personally am hoping to replace bot my 600W HPS with comparitive wattage LED as soon as possible. I have just finished one under HPS and it was only my second real try on my own. The first one I did ever on my own was under 2 x 90 watt Prakasa UFO LED's. My eyes were well and truly opened! They fared better than a 600w HPS in near exact same set up grow, which used the same clones. Plants looked healthier, grew thicker stems and produced more in weight and potency. I have just finished my last HPS grow. I did'nt have enough time to save the money before this one I just finished but I have now. I should have them hopefully by the beginning of March. I have my work cut out too, and will be poring over the manufacturers, specs, models and everything else LED related over the next few weeks. One thing I will say is that the Prakasa ones I have, have been loyal, faithful and hard wearing servants. I can vouch for quality where they are concerned. I have heard good stuff about BlackStar too.

Anyways, i'm going to go and pore over some LED light porn. Thanks to UK420 for all the forums and wealth of information they make available to us. Check out as many LED related articlles as you can and don't let the scaremongers put you off.

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If there was a new television out and it cost twice the price of the one you got and didn't do what your other did you wouldn't buy it, or if you did the question would be why.

Now if that new tele with its big price matched or was better than your existing tele then I would completely understand and I myself would take note but until then I wouldn't.

And Ive never heard an argument that indoor is not a viable alternative to outdoor

A last point and to turn it round. There are a lot of folk out there who do go with the change but only because it seems trendy or they fall for the pitch

There are some out there who will never accept LED as an alternative to HPS much the same as many who will never accept indoor growing as a viable alternative to outdoor horticulture. Some folk just refuse to change, see the future or welcome technology into their lives. It is not an uncommon phenomenon in all walks of life. People set in their ways. I mention this as you will come cross a plethora of hatred and malicious disinformation with regard to LED lighting. Don't ask me why, but it's been a while since something so divided the horticultural community.


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If there was a new television out and it cost twice the price of the one you got and didn't do what your other did you wouldn't buy it, or if you did the question would be why.

Now if that new tele with its big price matched or was better than your existing tele then I would completely understand and I myself would take note but until then I wouldn't.

And Ive never heard an argument that indoor is not a viable alternative to outdoor

A last point and to turn it round. There are a lot of folk out there who do go with the change but only because it seems trendy or they fall for the pitch

"or they are like vince and have to know for themselves without believing any of the sales pitch or any of the hype from other websites."


sorry owd -had to add that for my own good .your analogy on tv equipment is possibly the best description ive heard btw ..spot on

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You can grow good bud with the cheaper panels and ufo type..Imo the buds have a slightly better taste and more trichomes..

I would say to people who want to try led to get good at growing with conventional lights first..Then you will get results with led..

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Not so much viable in terms of profit and yield. Maybe viable is not the correct word. But there are people out there who simply do not agree that indoor growing is any good. They only grow outdoor because for them it is not either possible indoors or they don't like it. I own both HPS units and decent quality LED units at the moment. I use them regularly and have seen the results, pros and cons of both. LED wins hands down for me.

As for television....I don't know 'owt about that. I don't care for it, don't watch it much and it does'nt interest me. Now Soft Secrets and all the other magazines on growing I can devour, articles about lighting, general hydroponic information.....you know where i'm going with this. It interests me. So I study, learn, watch and decide. I can only agree that people buy televisions to be in with the trend but that ain't me.

God bless both my grandads, and one of them I visit all the while. I love him to bits but he is hard work and has been for many years. Age and a certain set in and there are many opinions that simply cannot be changed even with the production of hard evidence. This I believe is the case with LED. Sooner or later, energy as it is (a big problem) will demand change. Much in the way that people have slated electric cars for years and years, they are slowly becoming more popular and will continue to do so until a viable alternative to electric is found or we all have electric cars!

I was wondering too, exactly what is what that I said to make you get shirty with me Owderb? Or is it just the LED thing?

A guy asked a question. I answered using knowledge I had acquired by using both sets of equipment and a little personal opinion. I then proceeded to say to him to use all the available media to get as much information as he could on the issue to help him make his mind up. I then quoted two brands, one I own and one I know others use which is reasonable quality and price.

I know people who will never use LED on principle. That principle being that they know that HPS can never be beaten. How crazy is that? They dismiss it on a misguided and misinformed judgement that was formed many moons ago.

I really don't know what I said that offended you to make you attempt to ridicule me with some remark about T.V.'s that I find irrelevant.

S'what I say! You mention LED and some people just jump on your ass for even advocating the existence! Never mind. I'll probably be old someday and i'll be saying that laser dot injection sunshine projection lighting ain't no better than LED! lol.

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withnailed and edited to remove the word profit??..

Edited by vince noir rock n roll star
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I watched some subcool vids where he was testing out the LED's, nothing scientific, but he did note that the plants seemed to grow leggier, leafier and didnt like to be as close to the LED panel compared to HPS. Even though the LED panel was rated a lower wattage than the HPS. Which i found odd.

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The first one I did ever on my own was under 2 x 90 watt Prakasa UFO LED's. My eyes were well and truly opened! They fared better than a 600w HPS in near exact same set up grow,

that's some claim mate. would love to see some pics.

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me too cos my measly 270 watts don't match a 600 ..a 250-400 yes but no way near a 600

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my 300 wat max draw Chinese with flower switch on replaced a 400 sodium still get two ish of primo not counting popcorn per plant..Will have to wait to see what my hans150w panel can do when it gets fixed..

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The very best led units out atm only just match the best in hps technology for umol output, the independent research is out there,I'm sick of reading information trying to mislead people, that's why there isn't a lot of respect for people pushing the technology, they're generally full of shit.

@@thejunglist I call fucking shenanigans you bullshiter.

Edited by ~Sanctuary~
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