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don't get me started on this subject !! we cant fly the flags of our great country because it disrespects' their religion but they can march through the streets of our capital flying the black flag of Islamic state and sprouting off about killing and beheading our soldiers on the field of battle or on our home streets I don't think so !! then they go off to Syria get caught get sent back here and get a few years in jail where is the logic in just giving them a few years ?? should be natural life for the ones who want to kill and maim soldiers and the innocent . shame on them !! just makes us hate them all the good and the bad . and should be made to speak English in this country especially with all the trouble in the world with these lot at the moment all I ask is SPEAK FRIGGIN ENGLISH !!! regards chubbs

Who tried to stop you from flying your flag ?

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I see you don't use any capital letters in any of your sentences (apart from the shouty bit). It's a bit rich demanding that foreigners speak English when you can't write it yourself.

I understood his post without any difficulties. He wasn't asking people to speak perfect English, just English. What's wrong with wanting people to speak or learn the native language of the country they reside in?

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Seems like some Muslims don't like Muslims either. We have a Pakistani lady at our work that's been there about a month. She lives in Bradford but grew up in Holland. She travells approx 25 miles to come to work, and it's in a predominantly white town. She likes travelling that far out of Bradford because she says (name of town) is more like Holland, there are too many Asian/Muslim people in Bradford.

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I understood his post without any difficulties. He wasn't asking people to speak perfect English, just English. What's wrong with wanting people to speak or learn the native language of the country they reside in?

This is a Multicultural Country with many languages, why don't we learn Arabic or Polish ?

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This is a Multicultural Country with many languages, why don't we learn Arabic or Polish ?

No one is saying we can't. If you want to learn Arabic or Polish go for it. But seeing as English is the primary language of the country it makes complete and utter sense for non English speaking people to learn the primary language of a country. I dont know a single person that speaks Arabic and scant few Polish people, it would be folly for me to learn Arabic or Polish.

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I understood his post without any difficulties. He wasn't asking people to speak perfect English, just English. What's wrong with wanting people to speak or learn the native language of the country they reside in?

Just pointing out the hypocrisy of criticising people who can't speak English by people who can't write it.

There's many reasons why some communities don't speak English. There's a Somali family moved into my road. They're here because they had to flee their country and they don't speak English. I guess these are the sort of people you're talking about? Is there any particular reason why they should arrive in the UK already speaking the language?

There's a relatively large Gurkha community close by too. The men are enlisted to fight in our army. They bring their wives and families over here but they don't "SPEAK FRIGGIN ENGLISH"

How has your life been affected by the fact that they can't speak English?

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Just pointing out the hypocrisy of criticising people who can't speak English by people who can't write it.

There's many reasons why some communities don't speak English. There's a Somali family moved into my road. They're here because they had to flee their country and they don't speak English. I guess these are the sort of people you're talking about? Is there any particular reason why they should arrive in the UK already speaking the language?

There's a relatively large Gurkha community close by too. The men are enlisted to fight in our army. They bring their wives and families over here but they don't "SPEAK FRIGGIN ENGLISH"

How has your life been affected by the fact that they can't speak English?

I didn't say people should arrive in the UK already speaking the language, stop making things up.

So just because my life isn't affected by something it means I cant have an opinion? Where does that stand in the realms of free thought? That is one of the most ridiculous questions I've seen in a long time. It's common courtesy and respect for people to learn the language of a country you live in. If I ever moved abroad, I would do my damnedest to learn their language.

Do we all live in such a bubble now where we can only be concerned or have an opinion about things if it affects us personally? Totally and utterly fucking stupid thing to say.

Eta: also there is no hypocrisy in the other chaps post as he was typing in English. Having grammatical errors doesn't change the language, y'know?

Edited by BigJohnny
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So if your life isn't affected by these people who can't speak English what does it matter to you whether they do or not?

It all sounds a bit UKIP

And as for your opinion - you seem to be making one so no idea why you think you can't.

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Oh it all sounds a bit UKIP does it? Does it really though? Language is a fundamental part of communication and integration in a society and in communities. Too many people are cut off and isolated because of communication barriers. I couldn't think of anything worse than living in a community yet being so far removed because of a simple barrier that is easy to overcome.

I think women have a harder time than men when it comes to language barriers, often the man can speak English and the women can't, therefore she is then reliant on her husband, sometimes too reliant.

How can you feel part of a community when you put up walls around yourself?

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Maybe so they don't have to put up with opinions like this?

If I moved here I'd see it as a defensive measure to learn English and pretend not to know it.

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I hear what you're saying Johnny but I don't think it's so clear cut as you make it.

Things have changed. We now live in a multi-cultural society where people are joining us from all over the globe. Would it make it easier for everyone concerned if they spoke English? Yes definitely but the reality is that not everyone will be able to and we must therefore make allowances.

I'm not make any demands as to whether people do or don't speak English. I was simply pointing out that it was hypocritical of Chub to criticise people's use of the English language when he clearly can't use it properly himself.

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What is wrong with thinking it is best for everyone if a common language is spoken and understood? To me, it is perfectly logical to all share a language, much like we all share knowledge of maths. I couldnt imagine the difficulties of living is say Russia without being able to speak any Russian, it defies logical sense. I have no idea how UKIP brought into this other than people looking for things that aren't there...

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I hear what you're saying Johnny but I don't think it's so clear cut as you make it.

Things have changed. We now live in a multi-cultural society where people are joining us from all over the globe. Would it make it easier for everyone concerned if they spoke English? Yes definitely but the reality is that not everyone will be able to and we must therefore make allowances.

I'm not make any demands as to whether people do or don't speak English. I was simply pointing out that it was hypocritical of Chub to criticise people's use of the English language when he clearly can't use it properly himself.

Multicultural doesn't have to mean multilingual though. Again, it's just logical for everyone to speak the same language. How can you go to the greengrocers for example and get advice on how to cook an artichoke if you speak different languages?

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