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Dinafem's auto kush n cheese,soil, 400w


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Yet another diary from me. Ffs eh lol

First i would like to apologise to dinafem for taking so long to start this but life and shit gets in the way sometimes.

I was gifted these seeds by dinafem months ago on the promise i would do a wee diary on them and this it.

So im using a 400w with verve soil 5" fan filter, active 4" intake and tent 60x90x180 tent plant magic oldtimers grow n bloom, started in 3" pots and will be moved on to 7ltr pots. I will be doing 18/6 through out this grow and have only put 2 seeds into germ as i will be sticking one or 2 photo period plants in to veg at about the 5/6 week mark.

I dont know to much about these autos so here is a wee blurb from the dinafem section on attitude

Dinafem Seeds Kush'n'Cheese AUTO

This 3rd Generation Autoflowering hybrid has been created by joining the two most popular varieties in the US and the UK - OG Kush Auto with the Cheese Auto.

Kush'n'Cheese AUTO is a strain with unique flavour that combines the best of two continents.

Expect incomparable scent and high quantity of resin.

It has a deep long-lasting flavour of pine & cheese and euphoric and very powerful effect.

So far only one has surfaced and im sure the other will be along shortly.they have been popped into soil and kept moist and put in a really crap mini seedling cab which im to embarrassed to show but hey it does the job i will now stick the one that has showed in the tent with the 400w raised as high as it will go. im sure i read in the dinafem catalogue that these are an 11/12 week auto so we can safely say that they will be chopped at week 10 lol (a wee joke there...or is it?) im in no rush for bud as i have plenty to keep me going for a good few months so all should be good.

I must say that i was also gifted og kush autos but i will do them in the new year on my next grow as im gona try n alternate between autos and photo see, just so i dont have that awful experience of running out of bud again :fear: autos can be very handy.





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kush n cheese auto 2nd germination/head show

Fecking hell this one had real problems cracking through its shell had to give a helping hand, hope ive not damaged her to bad.


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Thank you for getting the grow log up, very much appreciated :). Life gets in the way sometimes so glad you got around to our strains :)

You look to be off to a great start :), will be watching this one with interest :)

All the best


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Right o then here is an update, kush n cheese A at 7 days and KnC B at 5 days.

Well i have been reading about these from another member and he says that these buggers will stretch like my wallet. which is pretty fucking stretchy these days.

And on checking them today he is bang on. KnC A had keeled over and has had to be supported and KnC B looks like she will go the same way. I probably should have kept em under the cfls for the first 2 weeks but i didn't cos i'm like that see, fecking impatient, which is not good for some one that grows there own :doh:

the babies are on plain water every day and are still in 3" pots and will remain in them for about another 5/6 days and then put into there final 7ltr pots. Once they have been in there a few days i will probably have to start lst'ng to keep the stretch down as me head hight is not up to much.






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Do you have a small fan to put on them to give them some movement? This may help strengthen the stems. In my experience some young seedling do stretch I just pot up the stems slightly deeper in my medium next time I pot up :). I would get a little air flow going over them to help :). Just a thought. They look healthy and apart from the stretch great.

All the best


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Do you have a small fan to put on them to give them some movement? This may help strengthen the stems. In my experience some young seedling do stretch I just pot up the stems slightly deeper in my medium next time I pot up :). I would get a little air flow going over them to help :). Just a thought. They look healthy and apart from the stretch great.

All the best


Hi D-M, yes mate i do have a fan on them and have since they popped there heads up through soil in saying this i believe i may have had it a bit to far from the seedlings :doh: after seeing the stretch the other day i did move the fan a bit closer.

I dont know too much about these KnC autos but it would seem that they may well be natural stretchy feckers see this thread >http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?showtopic=351155&p=4079615 if you have any more info on how big these KnC Autos may grow to it would be muchly appreciated.

cheers DM

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I've grown the photo version of our k&c and had the same stretch issues with the seedling. I found it settled down after they entered the rapid veg stage about 14 days in maybe 21 :). I will aks around the office to see if any of the team have grown k&c A.

All the best


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So today i potted both K&C'S into ther final 7ltr pots i may be should have left B for a few more days as she was a few days later in pushing through the soil but as there autos and usually i stick autos straight in there finals from seed i dont think it will be to much of a problem.

Plant A is 13 days from seed and B is 11. I have released both seedlings from there straw supports hopefully the fans have strengthened the stems up.

The 400w is about 3 feet away from top of plants and wilL be lowered once the wee ones have settled into there luxury new pots. still plain water only and they were both heavily watered after re potting so i will give em a couple of days to let the roots adventure in search of moisture before i water again. Temps are all bang on although i have to be up at six to make sure the heater is on as i dont have it on a timer as of yet.

I was surprised to find a strong cannabis smell coming from K&C A today when i was potting up so hopefully a good sign.






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Just seen this smurfy, looking good so far pal!

Think I'm gonna give 'verve' a go next time I buy compost - £7 for 125litres and I've read nothing but good things about it!

What photo strains you running next?

Good luck with this run mate :yinyang:

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