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600w light can be recognized by police helicopters?


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Don't stand in your back garden shining it at them?

Don't think you've got anything to worry about mate, they ain't usin choppers te look for you.

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jus grow it in a decent grow tent will keep all heat in it etc. but yea a chopper if they did use them isnt going to be able to pick up 1 600w light unless its in a pretty crappy basic shed with no insulation an also no other room or tent built inside.

i wouldnt worry too much about it tho mate.

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Don't sweat it dude, 600w isn't anything to worry about. That's what I run and I live next to a police hq with regular chopper fly over and hovering malarky. Have a joint and chill man.

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Not really pal as said but the light can give you away if your curtains or blind not up to job when you open your tent keep that in mind

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Insulating your grow and venting it properly helps. The flying pigs won't look twice at hot air escaping from a house. They're looking for hotspots, if they're looking for anything. Do you know that it costs about 4-5 grand to keep a police chopper in the sky for 1 hour? They don't fly around looking for grows, but if you're not careful, there's nothing to say they couldn't spot you on some other job like a car chase, and send the plod in pandas round at their leisure.

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  • 1 year later...

Insulating your grow and venting it properly helps. The flying pigs won't look twice at hot air escaping from a house. They're looking for hotspots, if they're looking for anything. Do you know that it costs about 4-5 grand to keep a police chopper in the sky for 1 hour? They don't fly around looking for grows, but if you're not careful, there's nothing to say they couldn't spot you on some other job like a car chase, and send the plod in pandas round at their leisure.

How do you mean by hotspots

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I can't remember where but I've read that you won't generate enough heat to be spotted unless you're running 2000W of light.

I'm using 1 600W light in the garage, in a tent, and I'm not worried.

Next time I'm aiming for a loft grow, hopefully 600W in a veg tent and 2x 600W for flower tent. Then all vented into the flat below...

I'd be interested in hearing any comments on this kind of setup. Does anyone think that's too much to run in winter? I don't want to be the only roof on the street with no snow!

Sorry @@mimika for hijacking the thread, atb with your grow soldier.

Also, I can't recommend DWC highly enough!

Edited by elvybaybee
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  • 2 weeks later...

The cameras they use if they were to actually actively go out and look for grows are normally FLIR (Forward Looking Infared) these are not x ray cams they cant see what is happening behind walls, what they do is measure the temperature of the walls and windows of a building, if you want to see what a house looks like in a FLIR shot google "house infrared photo". If they were looking for a grow room they would be looking at houses alot hotter than others on the street, houses where the loft or a room shows as being alot hotter than the rest. This can be got around by making things like a window box in the inside of the window and growing inside tents, basically you want to avoid light hitting an external wall where it will heat up and store the heat. The thing is the chances of you being caught because of this is slim as others have said the choppers cost a fortune to run although I know they now have ones they can use by hand, the trouble is that theres a hundred and one reasons why you may have a hot loft or hot room that are completely legit, uninsulated lofts show as bright red, people have sunbeds , reptiles and other reasons why a room may be hot, if they raided every house that met that criteria they would be raiding 1 in 8 houses purely based on lack of loft insulation. You will get caught because of 3 things

1. Loose lips , I have a friend who grows and he does door to door sales, he was doing a sale for a customer and the house stank of weed, he made a comment jokingly about it smelling nice in there and within 5 mins the guy was showing him his growroom!!!!! I know of at least 2 people who have had armed thieves break into there houses and threaten violence to rob growrooms, its not just the police you have to be careful of. Tell absolutely no one that doesn't need to know, thats what UK420 is for as I know when you have some lovely bud all you want to do is talk about it :)

2. The smell , seriously if you grow without a carbon filter you may as well just go and hand yourself in down the police station now and save yourself the electric bill, no matter how ghetto your grow is the one thing you have to do is buy a carbon filter, if your budget can stretch to a good one not a basic one it will save you money in the long run as it will last twice as long. I have a tiny veg cupboard and even this has a carbon filter.

3. Being Stupid, mainly covered under loose lips but this includes things like carrying large amounts of weed on you whilst out and about, if your unlucky enough to get pulled over and searched and they catch you with weed in bulk expect your house to be searched. This may be a over cautious move on my part but I try to limit my visits to grow shops and when I do I make sure i'm not going home for 3-4hrs after, a local grow shop had a couple of incidences a few years ago where people were followed home by lazy bastards who couldnt grow and were robbed, easy money for anyone that lacks morals with a brain, its not like your going to report it to the police.


1800W in your loft will be a nightmare to control temp wise I imagine, especially keeping the temps down in the summer. I would also advise against venting into your flat unless you fancy having to sort out alot of mold issues, you potentially could do it but you would need to run a dehumidifier and make sure you had a decent airflow out of the flat, without it the moisture in the air would condense on your walls and windows causing black mold, you can buy roof vent tiles or vent out of a chimney if you have one you can vent into safely, just dont do what I saw in someones house once and that was the idiots growing had tapped into the boiler flu and when they had moved out they didnt change the pipe or fix the damage so the boiler was venting into the loft, the lady owner had just bought the house and was 80+ yrs old and had no idea, bloody lucky nothing bad happened

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