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Sickly Plants

Arnold Layne

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Yeah arnie it not only prevents it....but it treats it too. ;) Isn't nature wonderful, a natural product to treat sick plants..... yay!!


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Piccy time.....

Fist a bottom (urm ooops, "First") half shot, showing just how diseased and carpulant this plant was becoming. Even this leaf has improved with the fungi, it was not shiney or healfy anywhere three days ago.....


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In that last shot I think you can see that the leafs are not just haelthy now, but look at the leaf-stem. Before Myccorhizals - brittle purple stems; After them, and the stems are pliable and turning a lovely apple-green.

I really though my grow was dying completely a week or so ago.

Now I am very optimistic.

OT1 has just managed to save another Medi-gro from disaster with his excellent advice. He will be very annoyed at me for saying that. But hey, tough titty man, 'cos I owe ya more than you can know..... THANKS!!!!

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Get outta here! You're kidding me!

The 4 potted up last week are, ahem, feeling a tad better. In fact, 3 of them are now nearly as big as ones done 10 days earlier and are frankly way more haelthy - so much so that I fear it may be the bin for those earlier ones. All new growth is very green, leaves taking on an almost blue-ish tinge when bigger. No mottling between veins, leaf stalks no longer vivid purple but apple-green. These plants are certainly not in need of any more feed at the mo ;).

Will try and take a picture tomorrow but I have neck/shoulder probs at the mo....

I have also started taking cuttings and putting a teaspoon or so of Mycorrhizals into the mix; will keep you all up to date as things progress.

The next experiment will be when I run out of Allmix. I plan to replace it with a cheap Garden centre compost (Levingtons or some such), and that will give me a side-by-side comparison to consider.



It worked pretty quickly from what I understand of the fungi it takes 2-3 weeks to work, are you sure the improvement isn't down to the algamic you gave them on the 21/01/05 that did the trick ?


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I have been told to expect to see results from the Mycorrhizals at around the 5th day, and that is confirmed by my experience. I also gather that they get to full effectiveness at around the 2nd week. So it seems 5 dya s- 3 weeks is the time to expect results. We are now at 9 days and the vitality, growth rate and overall health of the palnt is way ahead of anything achieved by Alg-a-mic. As said, these plants are now racing ahead of others done without the Fungi, but with Alg-a-mic, ten days earlier. In fact I have today earmarked those earlier plants for the composter - they just look so utterly crap next to the new ones with the Fungi.

I would no have done so except for one thing. The feel of the leaves. The outgoing plants are paler, and have a sort of brittle feel to them. The Fungi's plants have dark green (almost blue in some light) leaves that have a silk-coated-in-oil feel to them. It raelly is a completely different ball-park.

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I am surprised the fungi has worked so fast. I have used this fungi for a while and in the colder weather it usually takes while before effect is noticable. You are lucky, how warm is the compost if you don't mind me asking.

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I reckon the reason the Fungi are working so fast is that they are in a grow-room environment, and therefore much warmer than you average English windowsill or garden.

I have no idea of the temperature Wooshoo. I suect that it a comfortable upper 20's in the Veg room, judging by feel.

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I have just read all through this thread and some others and it would seem a lot of people are having trouble with biobizz allmix. There is a group of us here who use it and we have no problems at all. We use the Mycorrhizal fungi and have done for a while the plants rarely have any problems from deficiencies or pests. Just one other point we also use RO water mainly because we want to be as totally organic as possible and there are just too many contaminants in tap water to achieve that. The plants ability to take up nutrients can be affected as you all know with calcium and other salts present so we took it out of the equation along with all the other unwanted contaminates. Just one other note we never use epsom salts at anytime in the grow. I was quite taken back by the amount of people who use it here.

The expense of the biobizz is a problem but our yield is important. We found biobizz to be expensive but it was easier to deal with and the yields were and still are impressive which balances out the cost. We have tried other composts but they didn't respond to the biobizz nutes as well as the allmix. It meant trying other nutes with other composts which meant a lot of research to ensure everything is organic. We are happy with our allotment but we will follow this thread with interest.

I hope you guys manage to find a suitable alternative to biobizz it sounds as though you have a few options. Good luck.

Edited by Wooshoo
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Well if it aint one thing.


The Stink.

This is getting really silly now, my GR smells horrible, absolutely foul. So much so I am shutting it down unless....

And the 12/12 plants look vile.

So I have about 4 hopeful plants in veg, anothjer 12 or so dying veggers and 24 foul smelling piddling yielding specimens in 12/12.

Nah, fekk it I realy cant be arsed no more. Suspect I'll bin the lot and quit soon, this is becoming just a joke. One without laughter.

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Bish, the plants are pooh (1/4 - 1/2 Oz? fuck off!), they stink do vile I wouldnt want even to smoke them. I dont know what to do to be honest. You can stink this loot from two fields away and I have had 2 complaints about pong.

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