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Sickly Plants

Arnold Layne

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Now I face a real crunch. I have to cure and replicate my Mother Lines. After all, I have been with this old Skunk for 7 yaers or more, so a shame to lose it. And the White Skunk is my very own child by a closet hack on a dark and windy night (;)) (WTF?) (Nice Skunk, very nice skunk, ooohh luvverly skunk and vape... lol) So it woud be a shame to lose either.

Well, OK - now that OT has so kindly taken me through the steps (gotta feel for ya OT, I know how slow I am....) this is cool, I understand what to do.

But this gonna take time before I have 15 clean young babes to go 12/12. Would it be quicker to do a seed grow whilst dealing with the mother lines? I am thinking of a quick finishing Indica maybe, just to get me through. Hmmmmm....

What'dya reckon peeps?

I will be sticking with compost (undecided which) since the tent is going to dint the old wallet a tad.

I will be posting up some root-balls for you to look at later. The killing season has started :spliff: However, I have found that with what I have curing, drying and about to get chopped I should have enough to last till May.

So the race is on. 3 and a bit months to get from here to harvest.........


You know what I am going to say Arnold, do both. Take cuttings if you want to save your pride and joy but at the same time germnate a few seeds. The only draw back is keeping the two separate in case the cuttings carry the infection across. I have a few seeds you can have if you want them WW & BG to help out.

Looking forward to the root ball pictures, now that shows how sad I am.

Good to hear you can salvage some of the flowering plants.

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Yup, doing both M8. No probs keeping them apart. My new tent arrives, I hope, next week. So new seed lines can go straight in there whilst the (by then) sterilised Vegging area can be used for project "Mother Resurrection".

As to salvaging flowering planst: Of 24 in the Bloom area I have binned 11 since they were no older than 29 days 12/12. I am saving 2 skunks that were at day 34. The remaining plants are all over 40 or 45 days into 12/12 so really quite save-able and not too shoddy.

Keeping me busy all this. But in a nice and green kinda way.

Dying plant piccies and rootrot porn will be cumming soon.......

Oooo-errrr, missis



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Sounds like a good plan Arnie. :guitar: Glad you have got a brighter outlook on how to move forward. :)

Hmmmm a fast finishing indica strain.... well I found Silver Pearl a fast finisher, 7 weeks and she certainly was an all over indica stone..... but alas the ones I grew were nirvana ....and well.... ya know :guitar: Less said about them the better.

Have to say did once crop a skunk#1 at 6 weeks....was a bit more of a speedy high, but bloody tasty smoke.

Good luck, I will look forward to the root rot porn shot lol


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:guitar:, EO I once cropped a skunk @ 30 days. Like gentle herbal speed or really pure coke :guitar:, but piss poor yield. Pardon me French.

The new family: "The Pure" (FDM), "Belladonna" (Paradise), "Ultimate Indica" (Legends)

Photos are being taken, but I am quite busy ripping things up and spending money at the ko, so uploading will be in a day or two. Promise! Hot Root-rot Porn will be here soon. Plus red hot yellowing action!

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Those were the ones I deemed fit to harvest. Nothing older than 53 days there. Bottom left plants are at day 31 or so, very yeelow and paltry.

How's this for 30 days........


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This shot gets to the heart of the problem. Note the look of readiness? Day 30! And look at the main leaves on the stem !!!


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Not a pretty sight Arnie. :yinyang:

But, have to say some good healthy looking buds there too. Hope it keeps you going till you can next harvest.


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Guest lazlo woodbine

Indeed arnie.... buds are fine.... :soap:

I know this is probably bollox.... but looking at those pics it almost looks like nutrient lock-out.... :yinyang:

Anyway - the consolation for you will at least be a 1/2 decent harvest...

Good luck with the re-fit m8 .. lol


Edited by lazlo woodbine
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I have to say that those rootballs look fine to me.........I was expecting some brown and dying roots but they seem nice and white to me.

Just my twopence worth but I agree with Laz.


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Easy peeps, these are the ones that are 56 days odd into 12/12, they are the least affected. Broown roots will be forthcomign I am sure, as I get into the younger and more diseased of the plants.

Yields on these earlier plants is also reasonable-ish, about 60% of norm. The younger plants are down to about a potential of 25% if I were to let them go on. I can say this with some certainty, having grown them over the years.

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