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Heaven (and Hell, perhaps)


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whilst you have no knowledge or experience of any of the above mentioned techniques you can not make an informed opinion on the matter

Just as those who have not died cannot have a direct experience of what comes after death.

Edited by Boojum
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Guest bazzad9

So jim just to confirm you are saying you have had a direct personal experience of being dead , but you where alive at the time

Is that what your saying ?

For the sake of argument I accept you had an experience that you think was the same as being dead , how do you know it wasnt a dream or dellusion or even just wishfull thinking projected into your meditation ?

Or do you concede it could be one of those ?

Also did this yoga tell you what to expect when you reached this point of knowing death or did you try it and it happened to match what they experienced ?, if you had fore knowledge of what to expect when practising this yoga do you think this could have clouded your judgement

Do A and you will reach state B

You do A and suprise suprise you get what you think is B

One more question if this meditation is the route to this knowledge it must be the same for all right ? ! So how do you confirm you all had the same experience and can you describe the experience ?

If you cant describe it in simple terms how do you all agree this is the same state you have all reached ? :smokin:

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anything by paranmahansa yogananda will be a good place to start

I got given his biography to read by a friend.

Never read such a pile of made up bunk in all my days!

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"going by the claims made in it and them not reflecting what we observe"

Who's we? You and I obviously observe different things baz me bruv but hey ho.

Edited by bennyblueboots
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Just as those who have not died cannot have a direct experience of what comes after death.

yes they can, just because you know not how does not mean it is not true

So jim just to confirm you are saying you have had a direct personal experience of being dead , but you where alive at the time

Is that what your saying ?

For the sake of argument I accept you had an experience that you think was the same as being dead , how do you know it wasnt a dream or dellusion or even just wishfull thinking projected into your meditation ?

Or do you concede it could be one of those ?

Also did this yoga tell you what to expect when you reached this point of knowing death or did you try it and it happened to match what they experienced ?, if you had fore knowledge of what to expect when practising this yoga do you think this could have clouded your judgement

Do A and you will reach state B

You do A and suprise suprise you get what you think is B

One more question if this meditation is the route to this knowledge it must be the same for all right ? ! So how do you confirm you all had the same experience and can you describe the experience ?

If you cant describe it in simple terms how do you all agree this is the same state you have all reached ? :smokin:

bazza please make some attempt to atleast find out what sant mat and kriya is

He must be a zombie lol


you must be the most insufferable little twat on the site, get a life you sad little loser instead of dogging my comments in every thread. if we were down the pub you'd be on your arse you little prick

I got given his biography to read by a friend.

Never read such a pile of made up bunk in all my days!


try his autbiography which is not made up bunk

Edited by JIM79
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If you ask me Paramahansa Yogananda looks a bit shifty. He could probably do with some 'self-realisation' - a mirror would be a start.


e2a: I'm listening to some of his stuff, and one of his talks is called 'Be a Smile Millionaire'.

:rofl: :rofl:

...and he pronounces the word 'villain' so it sounds like 'bell-end'.

:rofl: :rofl:

Edited by Eddiesilence
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Guest bazzad9

"going by the claims made in it and them not reflecting what we observe"

Who's we? You and I obviously observe different things baz me bruv but hey ho.

Animals mating in front of stripey sticks being the cause of stripey animals , claim made

Its not what we observe , and its easy to test

Have you ever seen it ?

Plants being made before the sun , claim made

We observs plants needing the sun to grow , no sun no plants

Dont think we need to go on :smokin:

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Guest bazzad9

Jim just saying look into it is the same as someone saying just read the bible and you will understand

In other words you cant answer my simple questions in a rational way , perfectly reasonable questions

If you cant even answer the simple questions it makes me think either the whole thing is the usual meaningless mumbo jumbo or you simply dont understand it yourself , I then have to ask why are you telling me to look into something you made claims regarding when you dont understand it yourself :hippy:

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ok bazza

im simply saying you would be a lot better off at least trying to find out for yourself what sant mat and kriya are

the topic is so involved I could not put it into simple terms for you, plus you need direct personal experience by being initiated into the methods and it is something which takes years to achieve

but if you dont know even the basics about what they are, its going to be very difficult for you to understand my viewpoint

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Paramahansa Yogananda describes his Kriya Yoga as a science. That's an invitation to scientific examination. Here's some of that science. Jim, can you clarify what he means, scientifically and in a way that someone who isn't familiar with the work of Swami Yogananda can understand?:

"The Kriya Yogi mentally directs his life energy to revolve, upward and downward, around the six spinal centers (medullary, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses) which correspond to the twelve astral signs of the zodiac, the symbolic Cosmic Man. One-half minute of revolution of energy around the sensitive spinal cord of man effects subtle progress in his evolution; that half-minute of Kriya equals one year of natural spiritual unfoldment". Autobiography of a Yogi
Edited by Eddiesilence
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