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Heaven (and Hell, perhaps)


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I always thought the streotypical image of heaven and its prizes were quite funny as Earth on a good day provides most of those prizes.

Shame so many people are waiting to die to experience them

Edited by WeedIsFree
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No heaven, No hell. When you die and that 0.000000001% weight disappears it goes to join the infinite intelligence which is where ideas come from. The sub-concious decides what part we can play.

Cheers :smokin:

Edited by Hiphip
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I've already got my heaven. It's precisely 1.5m2 and has a 600w bright white light in it...

As for the hell bit, that's my electricity bill... :skin_up:

Edited by Mr Bond
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I've already got my heaven. It's precisely 1.5m2 and has a 600w bright white light in it... :skin_up:

Maybe so but you wouldn't want to stay there for all eternity, though.

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Maybe so but you wouldn't want to stay there for all eternity, though.

According to Mrs B I already do.. lol

Edited by Mr Bond
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According to Mrs B I already do.. lol

Mines actually asked me to spend more time in the grobe and less time on here because "spending your time making shit jokes on 420 doesn't grow you better weed." Never thought I'd see the day.

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Mines actually asked me to spend more time in the grobe and less time on here because "spending your time making shit jokes on 420 doesn't grow you better weed." Never thought I'd see the day.

Haha lol lol lol

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Guest bazzad9

Any idea that morals come from the bible are either misguided or usually just flat out wrong

It is that simple , or to elaberate slightly more , we can get morals from the bible the same way as we can watching neighbours or the simpsons , sure we can get ideas and lessons from all these storys , but they dont directly come from them , we use our own moral compass to accept and reject the things we agree or disagree with

And saying you get your morals from the bible is fine but it has no more merit than saying I get my morals from harry potter books , both are possible but it sounds a bit silly if you said my morals come from the works of jk rowling

As I said moral storys and ideas can be gained from both but for me I would rather admit I formed my morals myself and they seem to fit with everyone elses in general so it seems to me we dont need any books to form morals , they may help of course

This also makes me responsible for my actions if something I deem as moral is frowned upon by the majority I cant say "well this book says its ok " I have to justify it or reject it

Sorry its a bit of topic but the idea that morals come from the bible is as good an argument as morals come from the simpsons or harry potter :smokin:

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I wonder what people think they are going to do all day?

also, what do you think you could or will experience there, that you are missing here?

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I wonder what people think they are going to do all day?

also, what do you think you could or will experience there, that you are missing here?

Maybe heaven is just like earth but with softer shoes?

Maybe there would be a fair benefits system so you only had to work if you wanted to, and if you did you'd be suitably remunerated for doing the exact job you'd like, not just the one you were able to get :unsure: .

We are still talking fantasy, I take it?

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