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Micro Stealth Cab

Evelyn Pickaxe

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Day 28 Flower


4 weeks in now with the Knockout. This really is an exceptional skunk strain by the spanish see compnay Advanced Female Seeds. A lot of the flowering tops are scattered towards the rear of the cab making them difficult to spot in this shot. There is 20 in total with the odd skinny one lurking around desperate for some light.

The last 6400k bulb is coming out tonight and will be replaced with another 2700k.

No mould so far but it wont get that sketchy for another 2 weeks as the buds thicken up. The cab has one massive downside. I cant removed the plant to check it. I have to lift the light rail up, remove bulbs and then turn the container round. Massive design flaw.

I was thinking to myself the other day whether or not it would be possible to purchase one of those 70 watt security lights and make an air cooling modification so it would act like a mini cool tube seeing as they have glasss fronts I could maybe cut out two holes either side and pull air at a high velocity through the whole unit.

Anyone think it could work?

Edited by Evil Pixie
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That's a great wee looking cab that, been thinking about building something similar to have constant autos on the go. your cab is exactly what i was looking for, and by the looks of yer plants it's working really well. Nice work :yinyang:

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Even a 150w hps if funds allow dude, you be alot better off yield bud wise, but still thats a cracking little cab youve got there dude :B):


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I've got black spots . it looks like someone has flicked a fountain pen at the plant. Black freckles on the odd leafe with some of the top fan leaves sufering black tips

I think I've been too stringey with the feed.

Pictures to follow tonight.

Its making sense now, im 4 weeks in and have been running at half strength I upped the feed last night seeing as it was time for a water.

If it all goes tits up I'll tane the bitch

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@ Mr.THC - your probs right its just in previous experiance those smaller hps's get rather hot, probably cos they are contained and surrouned in metal where the cfls have more surface area and only appear cooler.

@ Synth - After looking online it seems I could purchase the gubbins for a 150 hps and potentially build the entire thing, pyrex isnt a bad shout altho I just think the glass is a little thick , mind you Ive seen people cut pasta jars down to make full size cool tubes before tho and they worked.. I just think your going to waste some of the light by passing it through such thick glass.

If I want to just buy something off the shelf this looks bang tidy for the money...


It could well be fine the way it is.

I wont know its too hot until I buy one anyway :D

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dont think your want glass with a uv filter mate not 100% thobut think the plants use the uv light and if you open it up and add some wier you can have the ballast out side your box wich is what makes allot of heat sorry if i dont make any seance just had a fat joint what im trying to say is you can have it so you just have the bulb in your room and atach any reflectoir you want

eta just google how to remote ballast

Edited by Mr THC.
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Yea I reckon that might be a better idea. It also means it loose all that metal surround which would retain the heat like a radiator ..I'd probs still get away with having the fire extinguisher inside too.

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I've been far too tight with feed and as a result...


I gave her a heroic dose of 12.5ml pm bloom in 1 litre to knock her about a bit.

( I was watering plants pissed again so in an idea world I would have just moved up to full strength and not tried to posion her, she didnt deserve that)

edit to add - The smattering of black pepple dashing occured on the MIDDLE and TOP leaves. Lower leaves were not effected.

This is what leads me to belive that I was probably being too tight with the bloom.

Edited by Evil Pixie
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7 Weeks


Getting there. Two weeks to finish. Plant is being rotated on a weekly basis. The home made carbon filter is really showing its worth now. Still zero smells. Humidity is bang on in the 50's. Lights off temps are starting to decline now and I'm getting as low as 17. The heat mat beneath the container has been turned on for the first time to keep the root zone dandy but I'm quite happy with the low canopy temps because this strain has a tendency to purple off in places giving it a nice finish.

Sorry pic is so crap but the flash is bust. :spliff:

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